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Page: 197 of 214
Posted in: Jedi Power Battles Forum: Help!
09-12-2000, 1:53 AM
I need somebody to update the threads in the forum. Of course the need isn't so urgent now, because I solved the problem (which was that people were having trouble getting in). All I did was delete a few threads that were blank, and it apparently...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Power Battles Forum: Help!
09-09-2000, 7:15 PM
Okay, any other admins out there, hear my cry. People have been complaining that they "can't get in" etc on this forum. Could somebody do me a favor and update the threads in the JPB forum? I am unable to do so, as it simply crashes when I...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK coop multiplayer?
09-04-2000, 6:30 PM
It could be done yes.. and it would probably take a lot of work. Someone could, in theory, convert some SP levels from JK into MP coop maps. Heck, many of the levels have been converted, but the AI, respawns, etc have not been modified for multipla...  [Read More]
Posted in: ALRIGHT!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!
09-22-2000, 1:34 PM
First things first.. they need to add backpack functionality back in. Plus there's no scoring yet, that needs to be added. Force powers aren't finished yet either, but at least that's forthcoming. The saber support is a big step forward. ; ) I noti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite characters...
09-22-2000, 3:47 PM
I see what you mean, I wondered that myself. However Thrawn I believe is supposed to be a different race. Granted they look a bit similar, but Veamon is described as "silver" in the scripting, and in fact he's a grey color. Thrawn is pale...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite characters...
09-20-2000, 1:08 PM
I've seen the Rancor get "out" into the open.. it seems only to happen in games with lots of folks. Lag can play tricks on you in that one as the AI isn't synched properly (multiple rancors appear in MP games). I enjoyed playing that level...  [Read More]
Posted in: Qtracker & JediBoard (please read)
09-19-2000, 10:23 PM
I just wanted to say that I have finished updating the various JediBoard pages with the new homepage for Qtracker. It was previously at, no longer. The new Qtracker homepage is located at: The main JediKnight....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight vs. Mysteries of the Sith
09-19-2000, 6:46 PM
It's just easier to run (just one file instead of thousands), and it corrects a few glitches (some of the sound files aren't correct in the orininal and also the saber tips are more square in the ungobbed version). It's just nicer and more organized...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight vs. Mysteries of the Sith
09-17-2000, 1:49 AM
Jedi Knight for single player, MotS for multiplayer.. both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Am I having deja vu? Btw, Garindan you can download two compilation of all of Al's Skins (one Star Wars, one non-Star Wars) in Gob format from the f...  [Read More]
Posted in: MMP's (Most Memorable Players).. my picks..
09-16-2000, 7:22 AM
Sorry, I forgot to mention Obi-Wan in many ways, a guy after my own heart. ; ) There was also a guy named Joker who was pretty good and pretty friendly. I can't remember if it was him or somebody else who was the "boxing champion." I'll a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Problems with GeForce
09-08-2000, 4:24 PM
Couple of things you could try: In the display setup for JK/MOTS there is a checkbox for "backbuffer in system memory." Try unchecking it, and see if that makes a difference. If you normally uncheck it, try checking it. With some cards it...  [Read More]
Posted in: JediKnight on WinNT
09-06-2000, 3:39 PM
I remember the "JK NT Patch" which at one time I even posted on my site. I was never able to try it out. Actually, somebody told me that all it did was disable Direct-X in JK's install program. So in other words, you could play JK in soft...  [Read More]
Posted in: Static game
09-05-2000, 5:56 PM
[continued...] I like it when the designers give at least SOME SEMBLANCE of a story into their games, but unless it's an RPG or an adventure game, the story is far less important than the gameplay. I think it was cool that they attempted a plot in Un...  [Read More]
Posted in: Static game
09-05-2000, 5:56 PM
As to comparing Starcraft to Half Life or SC to JK, I think that's silly. They're different types of games. Sure you could say a fighting game like Mortal Kombat has a silly plot compared to an RPG like Baldur's Gate, but the purpose of the first g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Static game
09-05-2000, 5:55 PM
So they made walking quiet (no sound) and running loud (pad pad pad..). In JK, the concept of running is more like real life. Yes you have to hold a key to run (unless you enable it always on), because in real life you have to put forth more effort...  [Read More]
Posted in: Static game
09-05-2000, 5:54 PM
Good point about bots on the zone.. I've been saying that for years. Why don't they add 'em?? Now about runnning/walking in JK/MOTS. Yes I know the strategic element in other more recent FPS's is that: Walking= useless (hold a key) Running= always...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight on the Zone
09-05-2000, 6:03 PM
The file missing or already in use error occurs only when you are on the Zone? I thought it would occur all the time (in which case you should reinstall JK). Gamespy rocks, more people need to start using it for JK/MOTS. The zone sucks... ; ) Kurg...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Zanzibar) Work Experience
09-10-2000, 6:02 PM
Yeah, that rule was strictly enforced, but they let the Olson Twins (both 17) and that brit "Tomb Raider" impersonator (16) in. Riiiiiiiight. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: My web page
09-12-2000, 1:57 AM
Then that's that little thing called a FAQ that noone ever reads... Sorry, just had to say it. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: (off topic)Who is Harry Manback?
09-08-2000, 2:21 PM
I'm no "King of Comedy" but I try. Actually, "Harry Manback" sounds like a pun, y'know (reminds me of something Lightbulba would come up with): Man with Hairy Back = Man Hairyback, Hairyman Back, Harryman Back, HARRY MANBACK! I...  [Read More]
Posted in: (off topic)Who is Harry Manback?
09-07-2000, 11:38 AM
You tryin' to freak us out? There's no such person as Kaiser Soze! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Highlander: End Game
09-04-2000, 11:43 PM
I'll post more of my thoughts later. I will be posting my review on soon. Basically, I was a bit suprised by the movie, because much of the Trailers were misleading and even outright wrong. Many of those scenes never appeared in the actual...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
09-04-2000, 7:22 PM
Everybody get out and protest vote (as Vagabond says). Send Mister Republican and Mister Democrat a message. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
09-04-2000, 7:08 PM
[contd]  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
09-04-2000, 7:08 PM
Here are some relevant links:  [Read More]
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