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Page: 205 of 214
Posted in: music
07-05-2000, 6:45 PM
And (if you're really into it) you can order a full soundtrack CD from them. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Permission
07-03-2000, 11:52 PM
HTML is turned off in this forum. <small> is an html tag, not a UBB code. UBB uses brackets [ ] for its code. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rbots released!
07-08-2000, 7:51 PM
It could eventually be ported over. But yeah. Hey, the voice files are just icing on the cake. The real thing people are looking forward to is getting the chance to play with bots in JK. Something that we could do in Doom, Half-Life, Quake2, Unreal,...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rbots released!
07-07-2000, 9:40 AM
I'm not so concerned with voice files or other extras. I'd rather they can use the Force and saber, and actually fight well. In other words, I think that you guys should focus on getting the bots to behave like humans first, before you go adding ici...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rbots released!
07-06-2000, 6:05 AM
A new version of Rbots (the bot mod project for JK) has been released! Download it here: (1.35 mb) Rbots website (Raynar's Workshop) Try it out a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight Tournament
07-05-2000, 7:37 PM
If you're serious, you should send this to's news and get it posted.. that would generate publicity. Good luck! Wish I could participate.. : ( Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Level Editor Pleeze!
07-06-2000, 6:09 AM
Hey, just try out this site: ( JKEdit is a great editor you can use for free, and it's very easy to learn. The site has many tutorials and examples to help you. Give it a shot, good luck! If not, try...  [Read More]
Posted in: Maul's changing death
07-03-2000, 8:00 PM
Again, please calm down... it's just a message board, about a game, about a movie... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favourite Cheats?
07-03-2000, 8:59 PM
Boys, boys.. let's play nice now. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fireworks
07-05-2000, 6:43 PM
Same here, kinda sucks. Well I usually go to see them, but this year it was raining alot and I was traveling, so no. : ( Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: news from beyond.
07-03-2000, 8:05 PM
Just discovered tabloid news rag websites eh, lightbulb? Oh course all of those photos are real and unedited.. ; ) Remember kids: if you see it on the internet, it must be true! PS: Anybody notice Alex Chiu's "Eternal Life Device" websi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yet another religious discussion (well sorta)
06-30-2000, 9:24 PM
Here we go again.... I'm not saying we should fight and kill one another over ideas... But shouldn't we try to figure out what's real, what's true, and what's not? Isn't that what the human experience is about? Let's live the best way we can. In p...  [Read More]
Posted in: TCs these days...
07-03-2000, 11:55 PM
I agree it does seem a bit absurd. Many folks think that just because they have (in their mind at least) a great idea, that people will beat down their door to help and make the TC and get it released. Most of those types fail, because of lack of su...  [Read More]
Posted in: TCs these days...
06-30-2000, 8:22 PM
Hey, if people want to start them and work on them.. why stop them? That's what I say. Sure alot won't get finished, but if even a few do, that's good news. Might as well let us try. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-08-2000, 6:02 AM
Okay, millions of woman are against abortion, as well as men. Many Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists are also against abortion. Worldwide, your conservative, Christian, RICH, men are in the minority. Even in this country they are the minority....  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-05-2000, 8:07 PM
Yeah, I'd say neither Gore, nor Bush really deserves to be president of the United States... we've got enough corrupt idiots running around grabbing money and power from us already. ; P I'm against the death penalty. I feel we need to research bette...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-05-2000, 4:27 AM
Hey guys, just got back! Sadly I have to go back to class soon too. Oh well... Yeah, what he said. ; ) Yeah, like I said, I think flag burning is ugly, but I'm not about to prosecute those who do it. I also think the KKK is hateful and wrong, but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-04-2000, 12:48 AM
A good lesson to be learned Vagabond, however, we urge you not to forget to heed your own advice. ; ) When it comes to items merely of economic or political difference, or cultural or ethnic debate, or even religious discussion, sure, it's all well...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
06-30-2000, 9:20 PM
Vagabond, all the US polls I have seen show abortion is an issue American's are sharply divided on. Please show me the statistical evidence that "MOST" the "MAJORITY" or even "ALL" of "anti-choice" (those who...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
06-29-2000, 9:08 PM
Oh, and Vaggy, I think you missed the point of this debate. "Religious people" are not the only ones against abortion. Maybe you have stereotypes of the anti-abortionists. Are these from TV shows or what you saw on CNN? Somewhere along th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
06-29-2000, 9:00 PM
Vagabond, I don't object to your opinion, (though I disagree with it of course). I merely object to your misuse of certain terms. "Living" applies to all plants, animals, protists, fungi, and all manner of bacteria, etc. It doesn't disting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very intresting homepage and I mean it.
07-06-2000, 6:18 PM
When I was out of town, I printed out some of that page and showed it to me dad. He laughed his @$$ off (especially at the testimonials part). ; ) Mr. Chiu's site was down for a bit, then came back up. He has advertising and spam all over. Apparentl...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-08-2000, 8:41 PM
Well don't knock it till you try it. I figure people like me prefer Gobs to hundreds of loose files. But nobody has to get it if they don't want to. I just think it's nice. -Just one file to deal with -Some errors fixed (some sound files weren't w...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-08-2000, 1:19 AM
Check it out, I just posted it. This is the definitive BFP collection thus far. BFP2, BFP2.1, all in one, compact, organized, easy-to-use Gob file! Kurgan "BFP2X: The BFP2 to End all BFP2's!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where is Sierra?
07-06-2000, 6:29 PM
Sierradane? Nobody's seen her in awhile. I think she must be playing EverQuest and ignoring everyone else.. not sure. Email 'er and see. Kurgan...  [Read More]
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