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Page: 204 of 214
Posted in: Looks like these 2 games' forums got merged
07-15-2000, 3:45 PM
Rather than adding a brand new forum, I figured combining them would thus combine the topics. I figure there aren't that many folks wanting to talk about the two games individually to justify making two seperate forums. Enjoy! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Super Bombad Racing
07-11-2000, 11:12 PM
If you want a forum for it, we can set one up. Honestly I don't see why there shouldn't be one for this game, yet forums for all the others. You want one? I can add it if you say please. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with 3D!!
07-14-2000, 11:03 PM
You could try the 1.01 patch available from LEC's website. You could try uncheck (or checking if that doesn't work) the box that is labelled "backbuffer in system memory" in the display menu. If you then check the 3D Accelerated box and y...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need Skins
07-13-2000, 12:19 AM
GlowBlades (SithSabers Edition) is the best doublebladed saber/darth maul mod I've seen. It has the famous glow effect, both blades work (you can turn on one or both), plus it uses a new model so the handle looks just like the movie (not just the te...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight FMV problem
07-11-2000, 11:30 PM
The cutscenes are not DVD quality, obviously, but if you are experiencing major display problems, you can try the following: 1) Update to the latest set of drivers for your video card. 2) Update to the latest version of DirectX. If that doesn't wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Code Found!!!
07-10-2000, 8:48 PM
In other words, he desperately wants people to send him email, 'cause he wants us to think he has a secret! shhhhhh! Pretty sneaky huh.. ? ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rbots released!
07-09-2000, 2:44 AM
Actually all MOTS requires is a one time check for the JK CD #2, when you install it. That's it. So in theory, you could borrow a friend's cd #2 and never have JK. However, if you like MOTS, you might as well JK, it's the same type of game, and it'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Wanna Know A Secret?
07-14-2000, 9:56 AM
Now now, there's no reason at all for anyone to threaten this site or its members. If you guys could just keep your little petty flame-wars off of these forums and maybe confine them to your own chats or email conversations, that would do us all a b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can't We All Just Get Along?
07-12-2000, 12:34 AM
LoL, I ought to fix that. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-14-2000, 11:44 PM
Hey I think other animals are great, really, but as a species we have to stick together. At least we aren't afraid of vaccuum cleaners! Nor do we eat our own feces (well, not unless we get lots of green paper first). ; P And that's just some of us...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-13-2000, 1:34 AM
Well it's too bad Vag's leaving (thanks for contributing while you could!). He's left me hanging.. basically we're left with: Assumption #1: Woman's rights are violated if she cannot choose to terminate her pregnancy at any time. Assumption #2: Fe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-10-2000, 10:05 PM
I think this whole issue actually boils down to this important question: When and where is it permissable to kill another human being? The whole "woman's freedom" thing, I feel, is a smokescreen. It is designed to change it into an emotio...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-10-2000, 9:59 PM
Now now, nobody said you had to be in this debate (that goes for any of you guys who might be getting a little hot and bothered). Obviously somebody must not think it's a waste of time if they're still here... In one case you have a woman who feels...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-09-2000, 8:41 PM
As to the woman's sacrifice, yes, a woman sacrifices in a pregnancy. It is a risk. As adults, we realize that most of the things we do in life are a compromise or a sacrifice of some kind. Those who believe we should never sacrifice or compromise, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-09-2000, 8:15 PM
Sorry, I thought you had used rich in there. My point was, you have not shown that your stereotypical group is representative of all or the vast majority of anti-abortionists, only a few. I can certainly sympathize with any person in any case, if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Abortion Debate:
07-09-2000, 4:06 AM
Please bear with me, this is long. But it's an important and complex issue. Please hear me out on this... Let me make one thing absolutely clear before I respond. I am not talking about a "woman's right to choose." Whether or not it is re...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gauntlet Legends Rocks!
07-14-2000, 11:10 PM
Okay, not directly SW related, but I have been spooging over this game for some time. It's got to be one of the best classic sequals/adaptations ever done for an arcade game. I only played it casually in the arcade until I had a chance to play the...  [Read More]
Posted in: need help with mysteries of the sith
07-14-2000, 11:00 PM
What's stopping you.. those statues? Try using your force powers (hint, hint). Check your objectives to be sure. If it says something about getting past the watchers in the swamp, then that's what you do. You need to use a certain force power to g...  [Read More]
You guys remember Unreal right? Yeah, I thought it was pretty cool too, once it was patched up. Apparently though they had planned a final patch sometime after UT was released, which fixed some issues people were still waiting for. That's right, the...  [Read More]
Posted in: I just noticed something.
07-15-2000, 3:45 PM
Check it out <a href=" ">here</a>. Kurgan [This message has been edi...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-14-2000, 12:30 PM
Hey, has anyone seen Al MacDonald? I tried emailing him twice this week, but no response. I am awaiting his permission to release two large skinpacks I put together with his skins. If anybody sees him, have him email me please or send me an ICQ mes...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-11-2000, 11:49 PM
Actually, now that I have examined the BFP2.1 models.dat file, I see that whoever set it up actually made it so every skin could be selected with every class (all 168 of them). So I feel justified in making this, for the following reasons: 1) the o...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-09-2000, 2:34 AM
Well 9mb is the same size as if you downloaded BFP2 and then BFP2.1. You can use getright if you have trouble getting big files. In my opinion it's much better. After this, you can just delete the old ones, as they are no longer needed. ***Update*...  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-08-2000, 11:18 PM
Oh, and Vagabond, to answer your question: BFP2X works just like GobBFP2 did. GooBFP2 for MOTS is similar to the way in which BFP2X for MOTS will work. The ungobbed/ungooed versions were a total mess, and I seek to avoid that with these releases....  [Read More]
Posted in: BFP2X (get it now!):
07-08-2000, 11:16 PM
Sorry Vagabond, but BFP2X is just for JK right now. If I get time I'll convert it over to MOTS. That would probably only take about an extra hour of my time, but I spent forever trying to figure out why GobBFP2 was messed up. It turns out some of th...  [Read More]
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