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Page: 199 of 214
Posted in: 3D Studio Max
08-25-2000, 12:18 PM
Umm, wouldn't that be illegal? Just go find it yourself, and don't bother us here. Kurgan [This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited August 25, 2000).]...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has Dave Maul been banned?
08-25-2000, 12:16 PM
My thoughts on the subject: [Censored]...  [Read More]
Posted in: Debate: When Does The Week Start?
08-28-2000, 3:19 PM
Well all the religions that consider Sunday the "seventh Day" (Christianity, Judaism, etc) would agree that it begins with Monday. Businesses too seem to agree with Monday. Calendars seem to Sunday as the "first day" here in the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lucas Hates Binks!?
08-27-2000, 5:24 PM
We appreciate your generous offer, however, we don't have a need currently for any more moderators. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lucas Hates Binks!?
08-26-2000, 6:06 AM
Ha ha! That'd make my day. ; ) Kurgan [This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited August 27, 2000).]...  [Read More]
Posted in: Highlander: End Game
08-28-2000, 4:14 PM
[CONTINUED...] So Methos, Amanda, Duncan, etc. would all have to have been killed. Why didn't we ever see them? Because it's a different universe. The movies (especially the first one) focus on "The Prize" and "The Gathering. The seri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Highlander: End Game
08-28-2000, 4:13 PM
Well, if you want to get technical: Highlander the series cannot happen if the first HL movie happens. Why? Well the rules of immortality are different. In the movies, the immies don't die, they just heal rapidly. They can even breath under water....  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 5:09 PM
In a war, the only people that are supposed to die are those who are fighting against you (the enemy). You aren't supposed to kill people that aren't involved, and you aren't supposed to kill your own people (friendly fire). Yes, in war, it seems ki...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 5:03 PM
Incidental you say? Tell that to the families and loved ones of those killed as they tried to flee the country or tried to get some peace in a hospital. I suppose I could mention that in WWII we bombed civilian populations in Japan. Our aim of course...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 4:55 PM
Those aren't the figures I read, so I'll have to do some research and post my findings for you. You are confidant that our peace mission was a success, I am not. My point was that if evil dictator A kills X people, but we, the good guys, kill 2X peo...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 4:39 PM
The Crusades had a good idea behind them too, does that make them right? If you think you disagree with what Buchanan says in a book or speech, I suggest you actually read that book or speech in its entirety. If you just want anti-Buchanan rhetoric,...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 4:38 PM
Is that clicking? We did more HARM than good. They would have been better off had we done nothing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. What if I told you that Hitler only wanted to instill national pride, and build Germany back up after...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 4:35 PM
Vagabond. The idea behind Kosovo (for example) was that this big bad dictator was killing people, and we better do something about it, fast, or we're all a bunch of heartless slobs. So we go over there, and guess what? We don't find the mass graves...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-28-2000, 4:30 PM
Vaggy, if I truly want to get my point across, I have to be long-winded. That's how politics work. I simply can't break it up into bite size sound bites (doh) for you to chew up and swallow easily. That's now how I do things. Read all I write, and t...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 7:21 PM
More than you can possibly imagine. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:41 AM
Okay, finally got that posted. I apologize for the great length of those posts. That was accumulated over a few days, as I had trouble posting and had to break it up into chunks. I addressed alot of stuff, so please be patient and read through it al...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:40 AM
[CONTINUED...] Keep in mind that just because Ross Perot founded the Reform Party doesn't mean he's running it. In fact, he isn't. Neither is Buchanan. All candidates have a CHANCE of winning. It would be more correct to say that Gore or Bush has MO...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:40 AM
[CONTINUED...] Okay, I agree with the Green Party on its environmental stance, I agree with the Libertarians on their self government stance, but the party I agree most strongly with (and the candidate) is the Reform Party and their candidate Patrick...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:39 AM
[CONTINUED...] So in short, Buchanan will get a sizable number of votes, even if he doesn't win. And all that says is that people are disatisfied with the two "major" parties and the candidates they have chosen recently, and they are exerci...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:38 AM
[CONTINUED...] I don't think we should waste our soldier's lives and our resources (which could be better spent improving living conditions for our poor, or helping starving people), on foreign wars that don't directly involve us. Just because some b...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:35 AM
[CONTINUED...] This strategy doesn't work because: 1) Most of the time, the dictator of enemy nation X just holds up in his palace and has whatever he wants, meanwhile the poor defensless peasants outside starve. Good job USA! 2) Their governments...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:34 AM
[CONTINUED...] Now, back to the Isolationist thingy. Buchanan is NOT a true isolationist. Yes he opposes involvement in foreign wars where we don't have Amercian interests at stake. Now let me expain the other half of it: We have a trade embargo a...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:33 AM
[CONTINUED...] However, it's a moral quandry for me, because of this: People are starving and dying and suffering in the entire world. So who do we help? Are the lives of people in other nations worth less than the ones in our own country? No. So I...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:31 AM
[CONTINUED...] Vagabond, in your mind a candidate is only good if they are fiscally conservative, and socially liberal, so I can see your bias. That's okay. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But, as you once said, if you want your opinion...  [Read More]
Posted in: (Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican
08-25-2000, 5:29 AM
[CONTINUED...] So who does mass immigration help? Big corporations who hire cheap labor from the immigrant pool. We can give small groups of people political assylum without moving millions of them permanently into the middle of the country (if that'...  [Read More]
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