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Page: 187 of 214
Posted in: Dark Forces running on Win98SE (finally!)
06-25-2001, 8:49 PM
Heh. I'd like to check out the Mac version sometime. I hear you can set a can use multiple resolutions. (crowd: oooooh! aaaahhh!) Now if only Mattias Welander would come back from the dead and release Cybercraft Dark3D. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Forces running on Win98SE (finally!)
06-25-2001, 8:28 PM
After wasting $10 on a copy of the Win95/98 edition of Dark Forces (yes, I finally found it, sitting on a self at Hastings), I finally got it running, perfectly, under Win98SE (a problem I'd been struggling with for it seems like forever). All I nee...  [Read More]
Posted in: Summer Movies
06-24-2001, 6:34 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention Spider-Man. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1024x768
06-24-2001, 7:33 PM
Well it all depends on the size of your monitor. ; ) 1024x768 is as high as I'm willing to go on my 19". Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: What graphics programs do you all use?
06-24-2001, 8:14 PM
Let me re-iterate again here, that there is to be no trading of warez on our public forums. If you want to discuss that, do it someplace else, and you take your chances on your own. Thanks. Being an art student, we can get a lot of that stuff at dis...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-24-2001, 7:53 PM
A forum by any other name... Well I guess anything that doesn't have "cantina" in it (it's good, but overused) is fine by me. We could call it "The Carbon Freeze" you know, like the Tastee Freeze (Ice cream) joint. Nah..... Jus...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let Me See your War Face
06-23-2001, 5:07 PM
You don't need a script to reduce pic size. That doesn't help anyway, it would just make it look smaller (but would take the same amount of time to load). Just use a paint program like Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, to reduce the image size. It's very...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why are we doing this???
06-24-2001, 7:43 PM
It was pretty good, it only rained three days out of the fourteen we were out there. My father and I backpacked 150 miles of the AT (Appalachian Trail) in North Carolina and Tennessee (heading north). When it did rain, it was solid, horizontal rai...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why are we doing this???
06-24-2001, 7:10 PM
I think we're all just so excited about JK2, and about this new "openness" with the developer of a major Star Wars FPS game (one we've been waiting over three years to get) that this is entirely called for. Hey, if they deliver like we al...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cutscenes
06-24-2001, 7:28 PM
Let the confusion begin! MotS and JK both made use of pre-rendered and in-game cutscenes. The "in-game" or more properly "game engine" cutscenes were like the scripted events and camera pans you saw that you couldn't control. In...  [Read More]
Posted in: MP Customizing
06-24-2001, 7:20 PM
I would LOVE to see custom-type lightsabers (ie: an alternative to having everyone have the same exact size and style saber). As to the color, I'm sure we'll get to pick our colors again as in the past. I would like to see two sets of RGB sliders in...  [Read More]
I agree, about the monthly fee thing. Having a single player portion would be a big help to me, because I tend to pick up a game for awhile, play it non-stop, then take a break and not play it for awhile (days, weeks, months, it depends) and I'd lik...  [Read More]
Posted in: hmm,q3 engine
06-24-2001, 6:15 PM
Well you (if that's you in the picture that is) look like you're about to flick off the camera, and is that a pair of underwear on your head? Just kidding. ; ) Nah, I think perhaps the objection is just that your picture pops up in EVERY post, but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sabers Debate: Team based or what?
06-23-2001, 5:27 PM
Coop (Serious Sam) and objective-based Multiplayer (UT's Assault) would be excellent in JK2, I agree. ; ) But I don't think we should forget tried and true fun modes like CTF and Arena types. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zone sux ... better idea for MP ...
06-23-2001, 4:59 PM
Think of it this way: A dedicated server is up, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (well it might go down occasionally for a few minutes if something happens on the server end, but you get the idea). In that time, hundreds or perhaps thousands of player...  [Read More]
Hey Aragorn. I've been out backpacking, and visiting with family a bit. I see things have been flying along since I've been gone. Kind of sad that I didn't have a chance to see the opening of the new site, etc with the rest of you, but I'll live. ;...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lets Discuss A Cool Saber Mod
06-23-2001, 4:45 PM
I disagree. Yes, CTF is old, but it's FUN. I think that not enough people gave CTF in JK a chance (JK CTF was awesome) and consequently we didn't see many custom CTF maps made (until recently). I blame most of this on the network model. Getting a big...  [Read More]
Posted in: A few questions for you to ponder...
06-23-2001, 5:34 PM
Hmm.. so if true, that might be one thing ME has going for it over 98SE. Then again, what do you really need 512mb ram for these days? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer !*?
06-23-2001, 4:24 PM
Want to see how Saber throw works? Fire up MotS and choose the power and join a game. ; ) Saber throw works fine, it's not unfair at all. It looks like both Obi-Wan and JK2 will have saber throw (just watch the videos) and frankly I think that's a g...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to make a better JK2.
06-24-2001, 7:59 PM
A good point there. I think the best thing about JK was the variety involved, that allowed you to customize your playing style (even more so in MotS). Also the vastness of the game and complexity made it take time to master, but you could still go ab...  [Read More]
Posted in: How to make a better JK2.
06-23-2001, 2:53 AM
You can also just type "red5" at the very beginning and use the saber (as well as force) alone through the whole game. ; ) I know in MotS there were some parts where you had to use a gun, but I don't remember any like that in JK (correct m...  [Read More]
Posted in: What happened to Ratings???
06-24-2001, 6:16 PM
It's good to be back! Back to you digl......  [Read More]
Posted in: What happened to Ratings???
06-23-2001, 4:32 PM
No arguments here, I disabled mine when I signed on. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
You can go back and Edit or Delete your own posts.. (click the icon in your post) you know. I suggest you clean up the mess you made (hey, it happens to a lot of us, at least once in awhile). If you ev...  [Read More]
Posted in: Weapons Debate: Heavy Weapons
06-23-2001, 3:05 AM
Incidentally, fists DID have a legitimate use in JK, other than to fool around: To beat somebody to death who was using protection (does direct damage, unlike a saber, which takes several hits to wear down protection before it hurts them). Other th...  [Read More]
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