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Page: 189 of 214
Posted in: New Forums....
05-17-2001, 3:40 PM
The Jedi Knight II forum is now open for business, following LEC's announcement that the game is indeed real, and due for release on the PC in 2002. I also updated some of the wordings on some of the forums and put the latest announced games into th...  [Read More]
Posted in: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
05-18-2001, 7:29 PM
1. Serve the public interest. 2. Protect the innocent. 3. Uphold the law. Thank you for your cooperation!...  [Read More]
(*consults secret notebook*) Hmm... (*taps headset*) He's onto us! Group 7, move in on target......  [Read More]
rapina, doesn't your PS2 let you do that? Heck, even the Sat had a vcd option. Ah well, I was never interested in watching "porn" on my console anyway. I've proposed that we kill all console gamers and burn all the consoles, but no one ta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Favorite OT Star Wars game
05-21-2001, 11:03 PM
Heh, I guess when you say "Old Trilogy" you're counting the Expanded Universe too, right? Well in that case, my favs would be: 1. Jedi Knight 2. Mysteries of the Sith 3. Star Wars Trilogy Arcade 4. Rebel Assault II 5. Star Wars Arcade A...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone here plan on buying SWG?
05-20-2001, 6:44 PM
Though I might be curious to watch somebody play who owns it, just to see what it looks like/plays, I'm not really attracted to the idea of paying to play a game I already have purchased, especially when it's dependant on the company servers (and the...  [Read More]
Posted in: I got more ram but
05-20-2001, 7:04 PM
I didn't know had a "Black & White" forum, but that's great if they do. Good luck! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: I got more ram but
05-20-2001, 3:49 AM
Do you have the latest drivers for your video card installed, and the latest required version of DirectX? That might make a difference. I don't have the game, but generally doing the above fixes most problems with games. A friend of mine got it to...  [Read More]
Posted in: A rundown of E3 and LucasArts
05-20-2001, 7:03 PM
I don't like to post mere rumors, but IGN seems to have a good source and info, so I've posted that, thanks guys. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: A rundown of E3 and LucasArts
05-19-2001, 4:03 PM
That's what I was wondering. I'm wondering where he learned that StarFighter was coming to PC.. since I hadn't heard a thing about it. ; ) Well? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: A rundown of E3 and LucasArts
05-19-2001, 11:43 AM
For more details and links, see this week's news on <a href="">'s news page</a>. ; ) Just one question I have for you though. You mention StarFighter for PC. I have heard no such report f...  [Read More]
Of course ROTJ SE came out in 1997, Dark Forces came out in 1995. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: For the love of all that is good and holy!!!
05-18-2001, 6:28 PM
I can live without editing. It would be a nice bonus to a good game of course. And would be worth something if people actually took advantage of it and used it to make something worthwhile. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: For the love of all that is good and holy!!!
05-17-2001, 10:05 PM
who cares if it's editable or not, let's hope it's PLAYABLE first. True enough, editing is only a side privilege. I agree with the sentiment. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: For the love of all that is good and holy!!!
05-17-2001, 1:10 PM
I second that motion for a JK2 board. After it's officially announced, that is. And that's exactly what we'll do. No official announcement from LEC, no message board for the game. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight 2
05-19-2001, 11:25 PM
I concur with Tie Guy on that one. ; ) Hey Rhett, what is so scary about the color of my Imperial ring? lol But in all seriousness, I meant pinky (like the Ghost from Pac-man). It refers to my little finger, the one that I wear my Imperial pinky ri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight 2
05-18-2001, 6:26 PM
Told you, I was right. ; ) You may kiss my Imperial pinky ring... (*extends Imperial pinky ring for kissing*) [This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 19, 2001).]...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight 2
05-17-2001, 10:03 PM
All we know is "Spring 2002" and with any luck it won't be delayed more than a month. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight 2
05-17-2001, 1:12 PM
Actually no Garindan, this is new. TFN hadn't said this before. Perhaps you refer to the rumor VoodooExtreme posted some time ago. Same idea, this is just another step on the road to "full discloser/legitimacy" you might say. The final wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Inane Rants, Volume II
05-17-2001, 4:06 PM
Meanwhile, back on the planet Earth......  [Read More]
Posted in: The missing block
05-17-2001, 1:14 PM
I say everyone just hold your horses for another day or two, then we can all party/whine about it. Deal? Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: It isn't fair!!!
05-17-2001, 10:00 PM
That's all well and good to say that paulb (some up-to-date links would be nice of course), but does that really show a causal relationship between the buying of video games and the general debt of consumers? People spend time and money on other lux...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anyone play StarCraft ??
05-18-2001, 11:28 AM
Hey, I hear it's one of the biggest online communities on the 'net, bar none. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question
05-20-2001, 6:53 PM
I've never used a Quake3 editor. I've heard people who have done both Unreal Tourney and Quake3 editing talk about the differences, and most seem to agree that UT is easier. But then I think they are usually talking about CODING and not simply using...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question
05-20-2001, 3:52 AM
If you're just talking JK/MotS editors, JKEdit is a TON easier. Of course it's shareware... As to other game editors, I haven't used very many, but I'd guess many of them are easier than JED. ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
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