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Posted in: Teamkillers
11-13-2005, 11:39 AM
actually anyone can destroy neutral objects. This is also why you SHOULD DESTROY YOUR OWN DROIDS IN SPACE BATTLES!! Stops enemy commandos from using them. Yes, you can deliberately put a friendly verhicle in the spawn spot and sit in it to stop ano...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you switch without suicide
11-12-2005, 12:49 PM
Well, get yourself killed if you don't want to go suicide... best way is to charge into a bunch od stormtroopers and plant a big bomb. Well, if you change class and NOT change spawn CP you will respawn w/o lowering the reserve counter. Remember tho...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hardest Map?
11-13-2005, 11:50 AM
well, Hoth is a fun level in IA, but in story mode its really hard. Starting from the "take over that secondary hanger with one million rebels constantly lurking" it all goes downhill... If you can get that, try planting that fluxing bomb...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Heroes!
11-13-2005, 11:28 AM
LS: Secura - Hot <3 Cute, and useful. Mace - Wompa Stomp is great! DS: Darth Maul - Combat nightmare! General Hunchback - Its like a tank in Assault!! Non-Jedi: Han - Like to see him gun-slinging in their prime. (too bad no Karl, as said)...  [Read More]
Posted in: star destroyer shields
11-13-2005, 10:45 AM
thats why in MP you destroy all ammo droids inside your ship!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Campain, Space Mustafar
11-12-2005, 1:02 PM
Well, if I remember right. )You kill a bunch of droids. )you go shoot some flyers. )you go trash some stuff. )you go steal/trash stuff in enemy mothership. )you go jack an enemy car and take them home GTA style....  [Read More]
Posted in: Campaign mission question…
11-12-2005, 1:31 PM
I have difficulty on space missions, but ground battles are easy, even on elite(except Hoth) Well, I just stay inside the viaduct and keep sniping/shooting, poking my head out for the Heath-Bot. You don't need to keep the CP blue, just to make sure...  [Read More]
Posted in: Campaign mission question…
11-10-2005, 3:59 AM
Also, stay flip-side when attacking ships... there is less auto-turrets and sheet on the belly. (makes you wonder why a giant ship that never ever lands would have a belly side.) Also, if you slow down once you start bombing, you might sometimes get...  [Read More]
Posted in: Left Out Missions?
11-10-2005, 4:11 AM
Well if you enjoy shooting ewoks go play the HUNT mode on Endor... its Scouts vs Ewoks!!! You can play as Ewoks too, its fun... and spears are deadly. Actually HUNT mode have tons of fun things: Ewoks vs Scouts(Fun, as said) Jawas vs Tuskens(BOOYA...  [Read More]
Posted in: Incinerator, to powerfull?
11-10-2005, 3:55 AM
Well, I play with friendly fire off(I hate games with ff on) but I have no problem with the dogface. Sure they are nasty clsoe range, but they are also low in health. Just spray your guns before you move in and its all good. Remember, they blink out...  [Read More]
Posted in: driving missiles
11-10-2005, 4:31 AM
Use the force, and close your eyes when using them... or NOT. Just use regular bombers adn bomb along... its easier....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hate it or Love it? Celebrity DeathMatch
11-10-2005, 2:09 PM
Yeah, Mace Windu is cool, especially with that ground smash attack, but I like ole' conehead better, without a doubt my favorite guy on the "heroes" side. But Mace is a close second. Ever noticed moves of Mace is almost exactly the same as...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Flaws Did You Find In BF II?
11-10-2005, 2:00 PM
Well, car jacking is best done on Polis Massa, as a CIS engineer. All you can jack w/o fear of annoying Clones!!! (Clones/Imp/Rebels take constant damage outside the station) I found BF2 rushed, and unfinished in many places: 1) Many 1st person view...  [Read More]
Posted in: Campaign at Kamino
11-10-2005, 4:25 AM
Yeah, its easy. Just stick to an ammo droid as a shocktrooper(stand on it if you like!) and spam missiles... it won't take long before the two are destroyed... easier if one of them take flight... bigger target, and I think there is a sweetspot at it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Permanent Bonuses
11-10-2005, 4:21 AM
Can you turn of some of your Perm bonus?? Also, the Pistol bonus is not too good... sure you are more powerful, but now you get an ammo count, kinda annoying if you want to camp forever and snipe with it. Also, if you start off with your basic weapo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why not millenium falcon in swbfII?
11-13-2005, 11:17 AM
Here it goes again, people want things like the MF, SlaveI/II, Y-Wings, Imperial Gunships, Aura Sing, Ebon Hawk, rideable Rancor, Karl Katarn, that pair of robots, Cathar Femme, Jabba... Well, some of those things shouldn't exist in a game, except f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Conquest
11-10-2005, 4:15 AM
The planets are connected in such a way that it requires only 2 fleets to blockage almost any planet. A third fleet costs 3000. Thats hard to make unless you don't buy any units (meaning you will only be a stormtrooper or space pilot) You don't ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Galactic Conquest
11-10-2005, 4:04 AM
Actually, like BF1, the best Bonus is the Becta Tank. Its inexpensive at 400 a pop, ABUSE IT PLEASE!!! Now you get regenerating health for those idleing computer AI. Also if you play engineer and go solo, you get like loads and loads of health(regen...  [Read More]
Posted in: BIG FAT PC Bugs
11-05-2005, 6:03 PM
I just want the Switch Sides bug fixed! I click on the Imp symbol at the top and it changes to a rebel symbol, but I can still only spawn at Imp command posts and as Imp units I don't have that problem. Though I noticed sometimes(not always) you can...  [Read More]
Posted in: BIG FAT PC Bugs
11-04-2005, 10:23 PM
OK, I found a few really annoying PC bugs, and would love if anyone can help me with it. 1) WTF is wrong with the simple "QUIT" function??? 80% of the time it does not work simply. It basically just restarts the level most of the time. I a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheats for the little Cheaters! (console only?)
11-04-2005, 10:13 PM
Well, I don't support game cheats except those that are funny, or helps the game to function better. Examples would be those "cheats" for saber colors and flying bodyparts and such. These two sounds nice: Low-Res Soldiers: Down(3), Up(2),...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask Your SWBF2 Questions Here!
11-04-2005, 10:27 PM
Well, there is that suicide droid the commander have... though not nearly as powerful....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi temple
11-12-2005, 1:18 PM
I am thinking, those info in the bookshelfs are more about information on friends of Jedis and their contacts than info on the Force... those would most probably be in holocons hidden somewhere else....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hoth Impossible
11-04-2005, 10:16 PM
How do you know your REAL remaining reenforcement in campaign mode? It seems to be changing thruout the mission?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homing missiles
10-25-2005, 5:27 PM
Can't do locks either... sucks. Oh Machinecult, how come the SM is headless in your sig?? Nonetheless I like the "droppod rain" picture....  [Read More]
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