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Jae Onasi

Latest Posts

Page: 19 of 98
Posted in: Tom Brokaw: Asking the Right Questions About Obama
 Jae Onasi
11-03-2008, 8:25 PM
There is just no way to talk about Obama and this election without mentioning McCain somewhere--in fact, mentioning the differences between the two men (e.g. their stances on the Iraqi War) can help explain why someone prefers Obama over McCain. Al...  [Read More]
Posted in: [K1]DarkSide Ending Crash(spoilers)
 Jae Onasi
11-02-2008, 5:59 PM
This is likely not a hardware problem, so moving to Holowan....  [Read More]
Posted in: At what point are things taken too far
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 10:08 AM
I'm aware that the home owner has identified it as Palin - i'm just saying that it's pretty hard for it to be clearly identified as Palin unless told so by the person who created it. With the suit and the style of the glasses and other political ite...  [Read More]
Posted in: At what point are things taken too far
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 10:00 AM
It's a mannequin, with no facial features whatsoever. It could easily be identified as anyone - in fact, over here for Guy Fawke's night we regularly burn effigies of popular figures for fun, and that's all this seems to be - fun. The home owner sai...  [Read More]
Posted in: Obama Assassination Plot
 Jae Onasi
10-27-2008, 11:19 PM
Sadly, I expect to see assassination attempts on any of the Presidents nowadays, regardless of color. However, I think there's a heightened concern (rightfully so, given what's been uncovered) because there are some who are after Obama purely because...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Obama A Socialist?
 Jae Onasi
10-30-2008, 6:10 PM
The key to remember though is that Federal Taxes are on Gross income or the gross amount of money that the business takes in. The net is after all of the expenses are figured in. I know mimartin already noted it's wrong, but I'm chiming in and agree...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Obama A Socialist?
 Jae Onasi
10-30-2008, 2:13 PM
OK, Garfield, we've established that the 'redistribution of wealth' comment that Obama made to Joe is viewed by conservatives at least as a socialist tenant. We've not only beaten that dead horse, we've squashed the poor thing into little bits and th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Obama A Socialist?
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 10:10 PM
There is a fair amount of snarkiness going on in this thread and I've deleted some of the more egregious posts. Keep it civil in accordance with the amended Kavar's rules, please. Discussion of Joe the Plumber needs to relate back to the topic, othe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Obama A Socialist?
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 5:29 PM
This "redistribution of wealth" is a form of taxation that the Founding Fathers would have been extremely appalled by Are you a founding father? If not, how can you be so sure? Federal income tax wasn't enacted until the Civil War. (http:/...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is Obama A Socialist?
 Jae Onasi
10-27-2008, 10:42 PM
France is probably not one of the better examples of socialism with its huge unemployment problems. Venezuela is likewise a poor example of failing socialism, since Chavez has turned out to be nothing more than a petty would-be dictator....  [Read More]
Posted in: Joe Biden Warns About Obama Becoming President
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 10:06 AM
I'd actually go for he can't be trusted to keep his word, because he took a pledge to use public funds and broke it. That's how Senator Obama broke his word without any negotiations with Senator McCain on taking public financing. The contract was wi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Joe Biden Warns About Obama Becoming President
 Jae Onasi
10-27-2008, 12:41 AM
Does preventing pretty much all media from doing anything more than taking Sarah Palin's picture not count as banishing them from interviews? It doesn't matter if Obama banishes a station (and he did an interview on O'Reilly's show, so I can't count...  [Read More]
I think it's a distraction from real issues. The copy of my birth certificate is not an exact replica of the one filed in 19-mumbly. When I had to get a passport in '83, I had to get a copy of my birth certificate, and the state sent me a notarized,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Suggestion for SW:TOR
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 11:15 PM
There is Dragon Speak Naturally for voice-typing already on the market. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Obama Show!
 Jae Onasi
10-30-2008, 1:46 PM
Do you believe in second chances ( Warning this is not a remake of the Sonny and Cher Show. I figured it'd be out there sooner or later--thanks mimartin and ET Warrior!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Obama Show!
 Jae Onasi
10-29-2008, 10:21 PM
I was disappointed in the show. I was expecting dancing. We had school conferences for both my kids tonight, so I missed it. :( I liked the snippets I did see, but I'm a bit biased in that regard. @Litofsky--Obama is a terrific speaker. Bush is be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Crafting
 Jae Onasi
10-24-2008, 12:15 AM
I'd like enough crafting to maximize customization without it being required for advancement--i.e. it can drop as loot, you can buy it, or you can make it if you want, but I'd hate to have to craft something to get to another level. That being said,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dutch court convicts teens of virtual theft
 Jae Onasi
10-24-2008, 1:01 AM
So, the cops couldn't bring up charges on assault and battery, but could for stealing pixels?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Polls are at 50/50 for Election 2008
 Jae Onasi
10-27-2008, 12:14 AM
OK, I don't have a ton of time right now to look through this thread, so I'm closing it temporarily until j7 and I can get a handle on it--Please read the amended rules, folks, they're in force as of their posting....  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Slogans on Buses
 Jae Onasi
10-30-2008, 8:00 PM
Were those people murdered due to atheism? If you're using the same criteria to judge the Crusades and other 'religious wars' as those regime, then yes....  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Slogans on Buses
 Jae Onasi
10-30-2008, 1:43 PM
Compared to the Crusades, the hundreds of other wars perperated in the name of God/A God/ Gods, and modern day extremism, I think it's fair to say religion has a higher body-count than those opposed to it. That is completely incorrect. More people h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is TOR as good as KOTOR III?
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 11:04 PM
That would be incorrect. TSL established the climax and Obsidian wasn't given the TOR project, it was Bioware. So in reality, Bioware killed the Sith Lords' climax with their abomination. Did someone give you an advance copy of the TOR script? I'd l...  [Read More]
Posted in: More fan art in CEC
 Jae Onasi
10-24-2008, 11:47 PM
What kinds of things have you seen on other sites that attract more artwork/artists? Could we incorporate some of these things to enhance CEC?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Political humor (and contest)
 Jae Onasi
11-03-2008, 9:27 PM
OK, someone tell me why we have a computer blog for the Amish (, who don't even use electricity much less computers.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Voter Fraud In Swing States
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 10:32 PM
Oh, even better--hundreds of ballots that were supposed to have been mailed to voters in Racine, WI did not make it to those voters. No one knows where those ballots are--if they've been stolen, if they're still sitting on someone's desk somewhere, o...  [Read More]
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