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Jae Onasi

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Page: 15 of 98
Posted in: Star Wars RPG
 Jae Onasi
01-15-2009, 11:14 PM
Probably because LA and Bioware looked at the success of WoW, LotRO, DDO, and Guild Wars (among others) and thought they could make a lot more money doing an MMO than a SP RPG....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 3:03 PM
This is a tough call because this topic is also going to touch on abortion because of the nature of the OP article. If the topic is strictly abortion, then it should go in the abortion thread. If it's related directly to the autistic topic here, then...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 11:38 AM
As does Down's Syndrome and I believe we permit abortions for that. While I don't necessarily agree with Dr. Baron-Cohen equating Autism with Down's Syndrome I'm a little confused since you don't agree with equating autism and Down's and then in a la...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 12:26 AM
This is a very controversial topic, and we have a good number of people in the community who have autism or are close to someone autistic. The reason we've had so many reports on this is because it really touches a raw nerve for some folks. I'll re-o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-12-2009, 7:00 PM
The article actually brings up several ethics questions--can you abort based on autism screening, and if you can, should you because autism has a wide spectrum of functioning, and can you force someone to have testing/treatment to theoretically prote...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-12-2009, 5:33 PM
There's no way anyone can predict how bad the autism is going to be, just like there's no way to predict how bad Down's will be in any given child. There are plenty of people out in the world functioning at a normal or near normal level even with aut...  [Read More]
Posted in: Absolute Fact / Universal Truth
 Jae Onasi
01-06-2009, 8:40 PM
We have received no less than 8 reports on this thread in the last 48 hours. Time for a break while jonathan7 and I deal with all this crap....  [Read More]
Posted in: Absolute Fact / Universal Truth
 Jae Onasi
01-06-2009, 1:16 AM
Student: How do I know I exist? Professor: And whom shall I say is asking? Saying 'all things are subjective' is an absolute.... We may work within a set human construct, but it's based on what we as most humans can normally experience, see, feel,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 12:00 AM
IDF is about as pro-Israeli as Hamas can get pro-Palestinian. Neither are unbiased. I would not put IDF above shading the truth on reporting--they aren't letting anyone in to report on Gaza at this point (or very few if they started recently), which...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-19-2009, 11:52 PM
If you have issues with moderation, see an admin--don't discuss it here as that's off-topic. If you are publicly musing why someone is allowed to post here, it's off topic. Commentary about what the mods are doing with a particular member is off-topi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-19-2009, 11:28 PM
It. Doesn't. Matter. Both of them are equally at fault, nobody's arguing that. But it doesn't make Israel's actions any less horrible, animalistic, and vile. Period. I won't argue with the fact that it's vile, horrible, and any other adjective of ne...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-19-2009, 9:13 PM
D: I'm shocked that anyone actually supports Israel in this situation. Defending yourself is one thing, but doing so with excessive, EXCESSIVE use of force is an entirely different bag of worms, not to mention how they were bombing everything into ru...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-14-2009, 1:48 AM
Funny how we talk about two-state solutions, fly their leaders here to broker peace, etc yet we only send money and weapons to Israel. Can't imagine that has anything to do with how Americans are viewed in the Arab world. It'd be kind of nice if we d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
01-07-2009, 10:09 PM
at least it wasn't white phosphorous?Or Sarin, or mustard gas, or a biological containing Ebola, or assorted other equally nasty things.... What an unfortunate choice of words. I suspect it wasn't accidental, however. Schedule 3 hour daily truce fa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Israeli/Palestinian Conflict MEGATHREAD
 Jae Onasi
12-31-2008, 12:39 PM
Fixed.True that. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Media:Is there bias, perceived or actual?
 Jae Onasi
01-19-2009, 12:03 AM
Ayers discussion belongs in the Ayers thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Media:Is there bias, perceived or actual?
 Jae Onasi
01-15-2009, 4:14 PM
Adavardes, below are links to different news agencies about the discovery of the chemical weapons cache by the NGIC. All the news sources I looked up acknowledged that the Senators called them 'weapons of mass destruction' except the NY Times, which...  [Read More]
but I know you well enough to know that there isn't much to be gained in chasing you down on this point. And I know you well enough that any further discussion of religion with you in this thread will result generally in more sarcastic comments like...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 3:09 PM
So, what issues do you all think Obama will tackle first? Iraq war? Health care? Education? Economy? Something else? Which programs do you think will be successfully completed first?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
01-10-2009, 8:17 PM
I wonder what a Bill Richardson card will be worth.... Yes, I agree both options are equally nauseating. It cheapens something that deserves some gravity and respect. @Achilles below: :lol:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
01-10-2009, 7:07 PM
OK, so I was getting some stuff in Walgreens today, and on the way out of the store I saw a display of Obama trading cards, inauguration edition ( Now, I'm as excited as a lo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
12-31-2008, 9:55 PM
Someone wrote a book entitled Wardrobe Malfunction: She'd Risk it All to Show Her Boob? Wow. _EW_ It's from a site that parodies bodice-ripper novel covers....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
12-31-2008, 12:37 PM
You seem to be awfully familiar with this particular... um, genre, Jae. :p Google is your friend. :xp:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
12-31-2008, 11:58 AM
Nobody with any taste in literature, or common sense, for that matter, would eat that cheesefest, and it's a gaff on the Washington Post's part for printing it.I totally agree. I thought the Post had better taste than that, or at least an editorial b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Beyonce wants to be called what...?
 Jae Onasi
01-14-2009, 1:54 AM
It's like when Prince changes his name to this weird glyph, but people called him 'the musician formerly known as Prince' or worse, 'Glyph', so he decided to just change it back to Prince again....  [Read More]
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