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Jae Onasi

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Page: 20 of 98
Posted in: The Obama Show!
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 10:25 PM
what could be so news-worthy as to obtain nearly $6 million worth of television time?Winning the election....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Obama Show!
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 10:16 PM
Yep, and they're delaying the World Series for it, too. That's some serious political pull. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Any initial ideas for client side mods?
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 2:29 AM
Any of those sound like fun, as well as easier-to-use HUDs, but it's really hard to know what can be done until there's more info on the game. With the art being only in the very early stages right now, so much can change between now and release day...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jokes regarding Massively oversized lightsabers
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 2:23 AM
Mama Jae knows teen boys and knows where this thread is going, and that's nowhere on this PG-13 forum....  [Read More]
Posted in: Polls are at 50/50 for Election 2008
 Jae Onasi
10-23-2008, 10:23 PM
As opposed to now, where the candidates only campaign in a few swing states? I’m not advocating getting rid of the Electoral College. I’m for fixing the system so that everyone’s vote matters. Perhaps awarding electors based on th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Polls are at 50/50 for Election 2008
 Jae Onasi
10-22-2008, 11:12 PM
I would love if it was a decisive victory and we didn't have to worry about all the voter fraud allegations that will come out if it's close. When looking at polls, double check all of them and see who they've polled and what party they're affiliate...  [Read More]
Posted in: How should we pay for the game?
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 10:56 PM
As I understand it, no decision has been made on how they're going to price the game. The current models in MMO pricing are: a. free and you pay extra for special content and equipment (about as likely to happen with EA in charge as hell freezing ove...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hello and Welcome All
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 9:23 PM
Welcome True_Avery!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will You Buy the Game? Yes Or No
 Jae Onasi
10-22-2008, 11:53 PM
It's not K3 SP RPG, no, but who cares? It looks like a fun game all on its own merits, and I'm not going to let my disappointment at not getting the K3 I really wanted stop me from playing what looks like will be an entertaining game. I'll be there o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Slogans on Buses
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 8:52 PM
As long as they aren't being derogatory or discriminatory, and they pay the advertising fees, there's no issue for me. I find it less offensive than some of the things I've seen advertised. I was amused at the hedging "There's probably no God&qu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is TOR as good as KOTOR III?
 Jae Onasi
10-22-2008, 12:11 AM
I'm also going to end this here because I'm not really interested in people who want to squander their money on rubbish they don't want. How do you know a. it's rubbish and more importantly, b. something I don't want? I actually do want this game, e...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is TOR as good as KOTOR III?
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 10:29 PM
If I hadn't started playing Guild Wars and got a good MMO experience from that, I'd probably be unhappy about this being an MMO instead of a SP RPG. However, with the MMO experience under my belt, I'm a lot more receptive to the idea of a Kotor MMO,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is TOR as good as KOTOR III?
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 9:30 PM
Is TOR better than Kotor 3? That's like asking 'is the Chateau Lafite 2066 wine better than the Chateau Margaux 2075?'. We can hardly compare without having both. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR or TOR
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 6:02 PM
Well, if there isn't much of a different, why not just called is Knights of the Old Republic: The Old Republic or something. It appears to me that you can play in a faction as a non-Jedi or non-Sith, hence you won't be a Knight with that class. It lo...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR or TOR
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 5:56 PM
KotOR is short for "Knights of the Old Republic", while the MMO is going to be "The Old Republic" and apparently is going to include more than just Jedi Knights. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: News Links about the Old Republic MMO!
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 5:53 PM
From Bioware's own site: and From  [Read More]
Posted in: Proposition 8: Good or Bad?
 Jae Onasi
10-22-2008, 5:24 PM
I think that can be covered in the standard 'hating people is wrong' socialization that happens in school, however. I don't want the school to be getting in the business of discussing morality of different kinds of sex when we can't even do a good jo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Proposition 8: Good or Bad?
 Jae Onasi
10-22-2008, 1:10 AM
Topic is proposition 8. I have deleted several posts entirely unrelated to proposition 8, including, but not limited to, the Kotor MMO, which as far as I know, has absolutely nothing to do with Californians voting on gay marriage. The Kotor MMO forum...  [Read More]
Posted in: I VOTED!
 Jae Onasi
10-20-2008, 9:44 PM
Should try and uh, you know, slip a few extra ballots in there Jae...depending on how the voting in your area works. Your kids are what, 25? 30? Should be able to vote by now. Hey, I'm only multipley 29, you know.... ;P Joking about extra ballots in...  [Read More]
Posted in: I VOTED!
 Jae Onasi
10-20-2008, 9:27 PM
I'm going to wait til Nov. 4th and take my kids to the polls with me--I think it's good for them to see their parents voting and to get familiar with the process in general....  [Read More]
Posted in: Child called racist for wearing McCain t-shirt
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 10:08 AM
No! ( While I will not charge McCain with racism because of what his supporters or GOP workers do, I'm not naive enough to think race and racism is not an issue in this el...  [Read More]
Posted in: Voter Fraud In Swing States
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 3:57 PM
I understand that it's likely to be nothing more than a bunch of people who registered fake people to get paid, but the integrity of the entire process is still in question. If we had a good way to find and remove all the fake registrations, no probl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Voter Fraud In Swing States
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 1:32 PM
Well, hopefully voter fraud/registration fraud will never be an issue where you vote. Unfortunately, I think we will see voter fraud stemming from voter registration fraud. I don't think it will necessarily be confined to one party, by the way....  [Read More]
Posted in: Voter Fraud In Swing States
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 11:50 AM
The voter registration fraud happens because the people ACORN hires to register voters don't want to do any actual work, so they just fill out of a bunch of cards and turn them in to get their wages.  [Read More]
Posted in: Voter Fraud In Swing States
 Jae Onasi
10-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Where have you been? Voter fraud isn't new. It isn't a 12 year old event. It's been a problem since before Kennedy(at least). It has been noticed more as of late, but the problem goes back a long way. Unless of course the dead keep rising from their...  [Read More]
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