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Jae Onasi

Latest Posts

Page: 23 of 98
Posted in: simply not fair
 Jae Onasi
09-26-2008, 9:36 AM
We bought a Wii version of the game, and while it may have more features, it also came with a higher price tag. I thought the duel mode looked fun enough that it was worth the extra cost for the Wii version. I'm so going to whup my kids' butts on tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Happened to my Sig?
 Jae Onasi
09-22-2008, 5:54 PM
You may have noticed some changes in your sigs lately. One of the Lucasforums admins changed some templates recently. One of the things that changed as a result was the default font and size used in signatures. If your sig looks a little smaller re...  [Read More]
I guess I'm just wondering why any of us should be persuaded by your opinions moreso than any others. Like those of people that do this for a living, etc.Because it's interesting to talk about these things and hear each other's thoughts on it, and be...  [Read More]
That may be true, however when I ask for specific examples so that I might better understand what you're referring to, you tell me that it's "more of a feeling" that you have. Not saying that it's wrong, but I think we have to agree that it...  [Read More]
Many of them are. Some of them are not. I repeat: "record breaking".Point taken, but still not surprising. McCain also got huge funds? Source please, as I was under the impression that he was taking public campaign financing for the gener...  [Read More]
That's one way of looking at it. Another would be that McCain's doing better. There is more than one possible explanation for why the horse race has tightened. I thought McCain had been doing everything right in the last month--say what you want abou...  [Read More]
OK, this is NOT supposed to be a fan-boy/rah-rah thread for either Obama or McCain. I want to see an analysis of how the campaigns are being handled, and that means looking at all the warts as well as the good stuff. If you want fan-boyism, go to the...  [Read More]
I'm not asking for him to answer those zillion pieces of communication every day, I'm just saying he should know how to use a computer. Why? What advantage is it to him? What's he going to get out of computer use that his staff can't do already? Rese...  [Read More]
Jae I think I mentioned this last night when you brought up this subject in Skype but John McCain isn't some cripple that can't use a computer because he has a disability, he's just an old guy that hasn't bothered to learn how to use a computer.As I...  [Read More]
OK, the stupid ads that have come up recently are driving me crazy. 1. The one claiming Obama wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners. People, there's a whole lot more to sex ed than just the one physical act, and the curriculum planned is intended...  [Read More]
Posted in: September '08: Origins
 Jae Onasi
09-24-2008, 4:02 PM
Congratulations to Inyri, first place. Second place goes to Sabretooth, and third to Writer. Thanks to everyone who commented and voted! So, what's on tap for us next month, Inyri?...  [Read More]
Posted in: September '08: Origins
 Jae Onasi
09-09-2008, 12:44 AM
The writers this month have been working on some terrific stories to share with us 'origins'. Have fun reading, vote for all your favorites, and LEAVE COMMENTS! :) You're Only Young Twice ( by Inyri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Common themes in Islam and Christianity
 Jae Onasi
09-04-2008, 10:31 AM
Well, Abraham is certainly common to both religions. Jesus and Mary are both common to the religions, but their treatment of these two figures are quite different, but I'd love to hear how Muslims feel about Jesus....  [Read More]
Posted in: Common themes in Islam and Christianity
 Jae Onasi
09-03-2008, 1:29 PM
So that would not be a common theme, then, Corinthian. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Common themes in Islam and Christianity
 Jae Onasi
09-03-2008, 1:11 PM
Split from Favorite Bible Verses (, since I think it deserves its own topic. Astro, if you would prefer a different title to this thread, please let me know and I'll be happy to change it....  [Read More]
Posted in: A tough decision...
 Jae Onasi
09-03-2008, 12:32 PM
Thanks for the update....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Icons
 Jae Onasi
09-01-2008, 11:55 PM
I'll get you ice burn 'rehab' jmac. It'll be about a month long, too. :xp:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Handmaiden appearence...
 Jae Onasi
09-01-2008, 3:47 PM
Please don't post duplicate threads. Use the one already open in Holowan--thanks....  [Read More]
 Jae Onasi
09-14-2008, 3:37 PM
...sam is black? And here I thought Sam was a mauvey shade of pinky-russet. Perhaps with aqua polka dots....  [Read More]
 Jae Onasi
08-30-2008, 8:54 AM
FRUIT SALAD  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Revan, second ascension
 Jae Onasi
09-01-2008, 8:57 PM
You did a good job capturing Revan's evil side, and his manipulation of Bastila and the others around him. I thought his turn back to the dark side was a little abrupt, but I might have missed something in the reading. I caught a few spelling errors-...  [Read More]
Posted in: Topic: Origins
 Jae Onasi
09-06-2008, 1:12 AM
Due date: Sunday Sep 7! Get the stories in! Good luck everyone!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Female Gamers
 Jae Onasi
09-05-2008, 1:34 PM
How is your club treating those girls, Arcesious?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Female Gamers
 Jae Onasi
09-04-2008, 11:28 AM
I was just reviewing this thread for a female gamer thread over in gwguru, and thought I'd ask this question. What could a Kotor MMO do to enhance playability and enjoyability for both genders? Are these things going to be different for the genders,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guild Wars: Jumping is way overrated
 Jae Onasi
09-15-2008, 10:05 PM
This isn't a 'rag on SWG' thread, it's a GW thread. ;) I might reinstall GW over the course of the next days, Stoffe. Maybe I can come guild has kicked me anyways :xp: I'll need some time to get back at though. All builds must have chan...  [Read More]
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