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Jae Onasi

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Page: 14 of 98
Posted in: Exercise on "There Was A Child" by Walt Whitman
 Jae Onasi
02-21-2009, 12:17 PM
Here's the version I created: After Whitman's “There Was A Child” There was a child went forth every day; and the first object she looked upon, that object she became; And that object became part of her for the day, or a certain part o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Exercise on "There Was A Child" by Walt Whitman
 Jae Onasi
02-21-2009, 12:15 PM
Now, here's your exercise. Write down anything you can remember from when you were a young child, say around 5 or 6, or some time when you have good memories. Remember how your surroundings looked--the sights, the sounds, the things you did, the peop...  [Read More]
Posted in: Exercise on "There Was A Child" by Walt Whitman
 Jae Onasi
02-21-2009, 12:05 PM
I thought this was a very interesting exercise in class, and thought you all might enjoy it as well. While I prefer fiction to poetry, I rather enjoyed this assignment. I'd love to see what you come up with as well. Here is Whitman's poem that you'...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dragonfighters
 Jae Onasi
02-22-2009, 2:03 AM
Chapter 2 Ta'lith'ra circled the carnage searching for enemies with the rest of the wing of dragons, her fully spread white wings nearly transparent against the sky. She dove suddenly, shrieking. Jailyn knew she was flying to her rider, and ran towa...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dragonfighters
 Jae Onasi
02-19-2009, 9:41 PM
I have a rough outline for the rest of the story, so hopefully I can get something done on another chapter this weekend. Thanks for the critiques, folks. This is actually getting submitted in my creative writing course and will be a major part of my...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dragonfighters
 Jae Onasi
02-17-2009, 1:19 AM
I'm hoping to have some kind of title for this soon. I have to write a novella for my creative writing class, so I thought I'd share the chapters here, too, as I get them done. I had to write a scene for this week's class, and so here it is. ------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Badges! (Was: awards!)
 Jae Onasi
02-09-2009, 10:19 AM
another great feature! notice the new awards people have! pretty awesome! youre onto it, mods! keep it up! this is even better than the loading messages. whats more is the awards have snazzy icons. where did they come from? discuss! The reasons...  [Read More]
Posted in: Feb 09: Essence of the Dark Side.
 Jae Onasi
02-18-2009, 10:40 AM
It has to have some kind of connection to Star Wars. It doesn't have to be a major connection, but it has to be related somehow....  [Read More]
Posted in: Feb 09: Essence of the Dark Side.
 Jae Onasi
02-09-2009, 5:36 PM
I would have to say a revision of a story would not be allowed, but if it's a previously unpublished chapter in a continuing story, that would be fine....  [Read More]
Posted in: Free trade?
 Jae Onasi
02-19-2009, 9:34 PM
Jae: It is far easier for corruption to flourish in closed rather than open markets. It's far harder for a beurocrat to demand a bribe to let goods into the country when the law say all gods are alowed to enter. Sure, it'll still exist, but it is har...  [Read More]
Posted in: Free trade?
 Jae Onasi
02-18-2009, 6:11 PM
I like the idea of free trade in principle. In Real Life, however, it's so tied up with bureacracy, nepotism, backroom deals between politicians, and outright fraud (IP theft, for instance), that there are going to be problems as a result. I'm not en...  [Read More]
Posted in: Playing non-jedi
 Jae Onasi
02-07-2009, 9:15 AM
Of course I have to play at least on Jedi, it's one one of the reasons I love Star Wars, after all. However, I'll probably end up playing one of every class/profession that they have, just to try them all out and have a nice variety of toons to play...  [Read More]
Posted in: Staff Picks: Best of 2008!
 Jae Onasi
02-06-2009, 9:11 PM
Jae as far as I know, they have yet to have the vote for the best. These are just my pcks for the year. Besides, I wouldn't be able to vote for myself, right? Ah--I meant the staff pick here. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Staff Picks: Best of 2008!
 Jae Onasi
01-30-2009, 9:51 PM
Thank you for the kind words and one of the 'best of '08' for my fic! I am very honored. Congrats to all the other writers for their great stories, too!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-21-2009, 10:37 PM
Hmm.... I didn't know that. Asperger's and autism used to be considered a separate disease with its own diagnosis code and name ( Your history trivia for the day. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-21-2009, 2:59 PM
So my attempt at clarification is that the second comment was made in a completely different context than the first. Of course, there may be some finer point that I'm glossing over which may make my comments inconsistent, however if there is, I'm not...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ethickz - Autism screening
 Jae Onasi
01-20-2009, 11:29 PM
Yeah because it's treated as a disease which it isn't. I disagree. It is considered a disorder. ( Even the Autism Society of America calls it a disorder. (  [Read More]
So your opinion is that he seems to be, but we can't be sure? (Just for clarification's sake :) ) _EW_ We can't achieve the omniscience required to decide if God is omniscient or not. We can look at the entire universe and decide if that level of i...  [Read More]
Assumptions--God exists, God created and maintains the universe (and thus has the knowledge to do so). Given the order found in the laws of science and nature, I think we can ascribe some level of understanding to God that He has organized the univer...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
02-08-2009, 5:11 PM
Bernie Mac ( was an incredibly talented comedien who sadly died of complications from pneumonia and sarcoidosis last August. I doubt he had a lot to say in September when the banking meltdown happened....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
02-05-2009, 3:56 PM
I'm a doctor. I'm never going to be a filthy rich plastic surgeon and make 900 zillion bucks a year. Fine. I work where I do because I like what I do, even though I could make 3 times more working in a number of places far away from family. My choice...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
02-03-2009, 1:39 AM
Socialised economy? Government regulation? Universal/Socialised medicine? Yeah, pretty sure socialist policy pokes holes in every argument you provided. Besides, you're giving rare cases to justify an argument that applies to most 250k+ earners who...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
01-31-2009, 11:59 PM
It's not a matter of telling someone what they need or don't need. It's not tyranny, or anything like that. It's an indisputable fact: no one needs $250 000 a year - especially now, when there are hard working, every day people forced into unemployme...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Official Obama debate thread.
 Jae Onasi
01-28-2009, 10:20 AM
Ender, Web Rider, Adavardes, jmac: Jedi_Man is what, in 9th grade or so? Cut him some slack for not having the same level of life experience and education as you all, and instead of attacking him, share some of what you know and what you've experienc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (spoilers ahead)
 Jae Onasi
01-21-2009, 1:30 PM
Welcome to Clan Malkav! We have cookies and voices in our heads! We have no cookie cutters, but a sharp knife should suffice if you wish to get the voices out of there. They are easier to understand sometimes once you let them out. Shelly, is that...  [Read More]
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