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Posted in: WIP: Homer Simpson
01-06-2003, 2:30 PM
Maybe if you have the time; you could make a 'Darth Homer' and surf off the helmet, since I think I remember a episode where he was Darth Homer.. Maybe a Jedi Bart Skywalker would be good for a Bart Model. :) Anyway; sounds like a good idea, there'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mara Jade Released...
12-24-2002, 2:56 PM
#32 I can see gaps in the elbows too ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with Icons
12-18-2002, 8:10 AM
Originally posted by Squater Yeah thats right Hekx, I were thinking a bit strange, since I have all the files extracted from the assets0.pk3 I asumed everyone else had too, silly me :p so Hekx is right, Im wrong :D I only found out yesterday how to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with Icons
12-18-2002, 6:29 AM
In the assets0.pk3 file they're located in the following directory: base\textures\nar_hideout\basic1_red.jpg (icon_default) base\textures\impdetention\mp_b_symbol.jpg (icon_blue) base\textures\impdetention\mp_r_symbol.jpg (icon_red) The CTF colour...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zam Wesell Project being started
12-19-2002, 9:47 PM
Is that your first try at modelling Mars? They're very damn good :D Keep up with the good work ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zam Wesell Project being started
12-18-2002, 10:36 PM
Is Milkshape 3D any good? I think I've downloaded it in the past; but I always give up on trying to model :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Zam Wesell Project being started
12-16-2002, 3:54 PM
I'd be glad to help you out. I might try my hand at modelling if I can get the right software. I can help test the model for bugs and stuff :) Good news Mars, bet the model turns out great :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lightsabre Or Lightsaber?
12-12-2002, 12:14 AM
I'm spelling it Saber because of the SW Universe language of 'basic' and callling any fancy fencing swords sabres :p Jawa's probably Jawre in English. :confused: :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP : Orc (LOTR)
12-21-2002, 11:57 PM
Maybe you should try and model Legolas' bow. Hopefully someone will make a bow-and-arrow modification for the bryar pistol since there's already shurikans and stuff :D I think Sauron would be a much better model to be released; but the choice is up...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP : Orc (LOTR)
12-19-2002, 6:51 PM
The foot looks a little too small. Maybe make it a little larger in length. Maybe if you want to add some toes; the only picture I can find as a reference shot looks like a collecter's model (  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP : Orc (LOTR)
12-19-2002, 6:30 PM
Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi Uhmm....... Its good i think ;) but couple things There are certain parts that clip into the body like the loincloth. Also how do i use the helmet version? I think i typed one wrong i got kyle's body and the orc he...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP : Orc (LOTR)
12-19-2002, 5:55 PM
The hips / butt area look a little too chubby and the feet seem too small. Good falling sound too :thumbsup: If you need a mirror download; try here ( - Edit - To help show you what I mean about the model:...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Yarael Poof
12-20-2002, 4:13 PM
#174 It must be released. have the Yarael Poof model :) I'm downloading it now ;)...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Arco there yer go... reborn and desann replacements. Arco:deathii: -: jingle jingle jingle :- Is there any news of Arco's SP Obi-wan mod being released...  [Read More]
Originally posted by MasterKoon237 sorry to pester you theallianz, but the link don't work! Rick-click and select 'Save Target As' ;)...  [Read More]
I don't see any bugs; everything looks great to me :) I'm also pleased because Arco and Mars' wonderful skinning work is included with this model ;) By far, the bestest JK2 model available :)...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Toonces Release is imminent. Should be within the hour (it's 4pm here now) Good news Toonces :) I just have a few questions: Is Mars' skins of the Obi model going to be included like his work on the Kit Fisto model? Is Arco's...  [Read More]
Maybe if you contact the modeller who made the Aayla model; and see if they can do some alterations to make a Male Twi'lek. Then hopefully someone can do a reskin of the model to make good old Bib Fortuna :D No word from Toonces for a while. :( Goo...  [Read More]
Very nice clothing textures ;) Good work Arco :) I might even start playing SP again when this modifcation skin pack is released :D...  [Read More]
Re-live my precious thread! :D What news is there of skins being included? I hope Mars' excellent work is also included. :) Is there any update pictures of Mars' work you have uploaded? There hasn't been a few pictures of the progress for a while o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
12-23-2002, 9:14 PM
Lovely mod :) The dodging does make it more like the movies since Luke does some dodging laser blasts in ROTJ on Jabbas Sail Barge and during the duel with Vader in ROTJ, there's some ducks and dodges there :) Maybe if you implemented some of the f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
12-20-2002, 4:56 PM
Here ('s some sounds I found and shoved together. Problem is; I have no idea if it's the sounds of the creature due to never playing Halo :D I found 9 sounds; and had to use some of them twice :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
12-20-2002, 4:23 PM
Submit the file to :) It might take a while to attach the file to an email though :D I can help with a mirror download site if you need one ;) I haven't played the game; but is there sounds from Halo from this creature? Either that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
12-19-2002, 9:46 PM
I can help with Legolas' sounds. ;) Look foward to the finished Covelite released :) Is it going to include sounds?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will JK2 run on a Voodoo 5?
12-14-2002, 8:39 PM
WickedGL v4.99 OpenGL Driver (, WickedGL v3.02 OpenGL Driver (1.6M .RAR Self Extracting Archive: File 1) ( & WickedGL v3.02...  [Read More]
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