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Posted in: Download Gir model BETA
12-02-2002, 7:34 PM
Altimira, no problem, working on your model was fun, i like it. you have a good sense for 3d. if you wish i can mail you a report of what i had to change for bring it into game, its after all your model and you have the right to know it. InsaneSith,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Download Gir model BETA
12-02-2002, 7:19 PM
best for me to import it into 3dsmax would of course be a .max file, but the question is in what editor do you made your model? at the moment inbredjokel and me are both working on the skins for the sebulba model. as soon as that is done you are of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Download Gir model BETA
12-02-2002, 7:08 PM
Originally posted by InsaneSith duncan i know this is off topic but im desperate. would you be able to get my model in game its the helmetless jango its all done just needs to be put on skeleton and weighted that sort of stuff. sure! it shouldnt b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Download Gir model BETA
12-02-2002, 6:49 PM
Originally posted by Altimira Thanks for the feed back on the model, i have (hopfully) the final version. i need to check over with you all on who did what exactly... here is what i have so far Altimira – model/skins Hellfire Jedi – recruiting...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mando model edit
12-06-2002, 9:50 PM
I was offline (or offworld?) the last few days, so i am geting the model from Matt-Liell Arroblade at the moment. i probably will get on the work tomorrow. i had not jet the chance to take a look at it, but i am very curios....  [Read More]
Posted in: Alt.'s Model Gir!
12-01-2002, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Hellfire Jedi Yay duncan can u make it also so in JediMOD and JediPLUS he is scalled down to yoda's size? scaling is not a thing of modeling, it must be done with the Mod itself. but what scale size would be best? Another thi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Alt.'s Model Gir!
11-30-2002, 3:26 PM
I solved the problem with the gmax file. i exported the model as md3 file and so could i imported into 3dsmax, as Psynex suggested. it was quite a work to do, but i finished the gir model as far to bring it into the game. now i sent it back to Hellf...  [Read More]
Posted in: Alt.'s Model Gir!
11-23-2002, 4:15 AM
Hellfire Jedi sent me the Gir model to finish it, that shoudnt be a problem, but i cant import it into 3dsmax cause the file is in .gmax format. i cant find a .gmax importer for 3dsmax anywhere, do i something wrong? Does anybody know of a .gmax fil...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-24-2002, 7:23 AM
Originally posted by nomad Anyway, there's no rule that says you can't voice some of your opinions in your own thread, so don't apologise ;) MTFBWY I wasent sure, perhaps i should have post it into the opinions forum,.... or at least in the apolog...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-23-2002, 4:57 AM
Originally posted by nomad Hey, if I may say so... I would love to see you make an Oppo Rancisis model for JK2. He is a member of the Jedi Council in Episodes I and II. You could probably use much of what you did for the Hutt model, as far as the we...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-23-2002, 4:25 AM
t3rr0r, i fact i was going to sent you that changed version, but then i had an idea about the feet. i can weight the feet partly to the hips, so i can change them more look like they should be, as you alway suggested. so i sent you the original to se...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-12-2002, 6:13 PM
Originally posted by t3rr0r did you take any screenshots? :o Nope, i didnt. but what about you t3rr0r gone test the model by yourself? sent me an email and i will sent you the betaversion, ok? :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-11-2002, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by me Thats a good idea, i will make a try. will see if the animation is still usable and if the movment for the feet is that importent for avoiding clipping faults. I tried it to weight the feet to the legs, but it doesnt look...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-09-2002, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by t3rr0r hmm... how about if the feet weren't weighted to the feet (ie weighted to the bottom of the legs)? would that be a possibility? Thats a good idea, i will make a try. will see if the animation is still usable and if the...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-09-2002, 7:02 AM
First great skin you made, inbredyokel. realy coool! my plan was not to make a two skins, i just tought of making the helmet switch on by a code you enter, like on one Vader model. it is also posible to change the hole skin by this funktion. we shou...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-03-2002, 7:58 PM
Originally posted by Kranckor You said you had no Reference for the feet, but on that page the header has: no, i had more then enough reference for the feet, but i needed to change the sk...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-03-2002, 7:44 PM
Scouttrooper, i suppose you sent me that pic, thanks. i dont think the model need much more bigger arms. Sebulba on reference pics has very tiny arms, the muscles will come with the skin, i think so. legs he walks on arent also that muscular by itsel...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-02-2002, 7:37 PM
Originally posted by Kranckor Oh and like Yoda it resizes right? Yes, its best resized at about 0.6 but we will see when its skinned if it need any resize at all. and the feet.... the only thing i had to design all by on my own, no reference........  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-02-2002, 6:58 PM
Finaly i was able to load up some new pics. its still the unskined model but you can see Sebulba in aktion. and it should answer some questions.  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
11-02-2002, 6:15 AM
inbredyokel, the head looks fantastic, not only for a VERY early shot. :dug: Originally posted by t3rr0r i'm just talking about his arms (his smaller legs)... that joint after his elbow, and before his wrist... just for show. /\/І (little 2 is h...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
10-31-2002, 8:02 PM
inbredyokel, i hope you get that bio exam. good luck! and for the reference pics, all i used were from SW databank that seks03 already mentioned, dug and sebulba. t3rr0r, i dont know what you mean with "fake second joints", i have just con...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
10-30-2002, 4:38 AM
inbredyokel, i hadnt receive an email from you. something musst have gone wrong. i finished the skinmap and fix a lot of things that were mentioned here. Now i got inbredyokels mail and i sent him the model....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
10-24-2002, 7:17 PM
Some of you wrote i should make the head larger, and your were right. it realy looks better. sometimes its difficult to make a step back from the own work to see it clearly. so thank for your feed back and keep it on. i know i should post more pics f...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
10-22-2002, 11:25 AM
Deetox sent me the sound files and they are absoultly perfect! so the sound is done, if there isnt a intergalactical genius how tops that, what i realy dont believe. An other question i have is about the bot support. does somebodey know a dug person...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Sebulba model
10-21-2002, 9:29 AM
I hoped you would do the sounds, Deetox. i already wrote you an email, i hope you received it....  [Read More]
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