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Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-25-2009, 5:48 AM
Download (;100230) Description: You will send Visas and Mandalore to Ravager while Exile still fights on Citadel Station. Of course, Exile will join them later as he still have to kill...  [Read More]
Posted in: Korriban Hidden Tomb Fix
02-25-2009, 9:04 AM
You may keep this bug in game by simply not installing a_jedi_jrnl_fin.ncs file :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Korriban Hidden Tomb Fix
02-25-2009, 5:48 AM
DOWNLOAD ( Well, it just fix two issues in Tomb on Korriban: 1. During vision when Party Members attacks Kreia, all party members will spawn in tomb. In normal game, only few of them appeared in module. 2. Inf...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Class Names
02-12-2009, 8:44 AM
You need to add proper line to dialog.tlk ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-21-2009, 3:07 PM
TJM doesn't change launcher. Just open game and after clicking on "new game" you'll see a mod :) Oh, and I didn't say it before, but I completely agree on getting real people to record VOs. Computer generated voices just sound like crap.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-12-2009, 4:29 PM
I'm getting little problem... after playing as green Jawa that turned into Rancor!, it loaded another module and I see just black screen. Tried reloading but it didn't help. EDIT: nvm I restarted game and it helped. Would anyone find it too weird if...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-10-2009, 12:51 PM
Just some things on Etii IV: Child in "Enclave sublevel" (you know what I mean) starts his convo always after reloading save or reentering module. Why does Engiiners use head of Sith Assasin? Lots of people everywhere don't have even on li...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-09-2009, 4:23 PM
Okay I went to Etii IV (sp?) and... uh... no offence or anything but... what the...? (possible spoilers!) It was easter egg? Sorry to say, but it wasn't funny IMO....  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-09-2009, 9:34 AM
I just played the mod. It was cool! Well, I didn't finish Dxun yet, but... (possible spoilers) i must say, I didn't like beginning movie. No offence it just didn't look good (oh well, I don't think I could make it better ;)). Things on Republic star...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters
02-09-2009, 5:52 AM
Oh my... finally! Yes! Finally! Can't wait playing. Downloading as we speak....  [Read More]
Glad to see project is alive again :thmbup1: Just one thing, your site. You should change text color, it's almost impossible to read red text with black background... And it kinda hurts my eyes....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-07-2009, 10:18 AM
Then you'd need to remove her from the party or the AI would take over and have her join the battle after the dialog. You could use the same trick that is used to remove the partymembers when fighting the Jedi masters (DS). I think there's also a way...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-06-2009, 2:56 PM
It wouldn't really work as her sabers are off just after conversation, but later I attack Nihilus and she switch sabers on so there would be no place to put this script. Anyway, I used ActionUnequipItem() to unequpi her sabers and it works fine now :...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-06-2009, 2:41 PM
My workaround sucks. I forgot I can't use DestroyObject if object is dead. Anyway, I was trying to use different anim... I found a way! AssignCommand(oVisas, ActionPlayAnimation(10083, 1.0, (-1.0))); Using this in very last node of conversation works...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-06-2009, 2:02 PM
Tried but it didn't work. EDIT: I found a workaround. I wrote a script to kill Visas for good SetMinOneHP(oVisas,FALSE); AssignCommand(oVisas,SetIsDestroyable(FALSE,FALSE, FALSE)); ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,EffectDe ath(),oVisas)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-06-2009, 1:26 PM
It shouldn't affect to this as I'm not making her dead, just using animation so she looks like this for players....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dead animation problem
02-06-2009, 11:38 AM
I'm getting a problem with dead animation... AssignCommand(oVisas, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_LOOPING_DEAD, 1.0, -1.0)); It works fine, problem is that in next node Visas stands up again. That was easy to fix though, I used "1412_scanning&quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Make a NPC attack the player
02-05-2009, 1:29 PM
GetObjectByTag("cantina_droid") put it in your script instead of OBJECT_SELF :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
03-01-2009, 1:54 PM
Just if somebody didn't notice, this mod is out ( ;) Cool zbyl2. Then I will close this thread as it is redundant, everyone please post feedback and questions in the mod release thread. -RH...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-22-2009, 3:27 AM
It's simple. As I'm dev of both, and therefore have acces to all files, I could make a patch. I know TSLCR isn't done yet, but what's the point of releasing patch later?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-21-2009, 1:27 PM
Yup I included TSLCR compatibility patch too :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-21-2009, 10:03 AM
Little announcement: mod is now finished, all bugs are fixed. Only thing to do now is making USM compatibility patch, as I know there's lot of people that really love USM. So... mod should be released within next two days :D EDIT: submitted to filef...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-03-2009, 1:28 PM
Stoney - exactly. It's only way to get Visas and Mandalore on Ravager alone. As I said before, Mandalorians are always calling you "Mandalore", so playing as Mandalore makes much more sense. Also, all Visas-Mandalore dialogs doesn't make mu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ravager Rewrite
02-03-2009, 10:35 AM
They doesn't just disappear. There's little conversation on Citadel Station, you send Visas to Ravager and Mandalore offer his help. Visas and Mandalore are going to Ravager, place all proton cores in posisions, and then Exile comes to fight Nihilus....  [Read More]
Posted in: Sion's Arrival to Peragus Fix
03-21-2009, 5:13 PM
Updated version with fixed bugs is up: Download ( If you're using v 1.0, you really should download this update :)...  [Read More]
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