I’m sure this thread posting has sparked quite an interest in a lot of you so to start off I just want to say. Yes, yes this is what you think it is. SithRevan, my twin brother started the KotOR Restoration Project about 2 years ago and unfortunately due to circumstances that no one had foreseen he was unable to complete it rendering the project all but dead in the water. I want to say this before I continue any further though. This is not my brother’s modification merely a revival of it meaning that we are a new team with a slightly modified mission. With that being said let me go into more detail…
Hi everyone, I’m LadyRevan, like I said before up there I’m the late SithRevan’s twin. Ever since I was contacted by glovemaster, one of K1RP’s biggest contributors, I’ve been setting my sights on resurrecting K1RP. So may I be the first to announce our presence as Team-Krayt for K1RP-R. This modification is a slightly altered version of K1RP in that our team, with lots of luck and hard work, will be THE largest modification team ever assembled to modify KotOR. We also are different in the way we plan to do things. Since Sleheyron is already being done by SRP (The Sleheyron Restoration Project) we’re not going to be doing that rather we’re gonna be focusing our efforts more on fixing larger issues within the game like…
Tatooine Rakata Temple
The Cut Vulkar Base Modules
The Cut Shadowland Area’s on Kashyyk
We’ll also be focusing on new things like adding in features that previously had been thought about when they were creating the game but just had never been implemented like Influence and Darkside transitions for all of the characters.
Our mission is to get all of this done within a healthy time span and to put out a good public build of the bigger issues within the modification first leaving the smaller issues to be dealt with after those have been taken care of.
With that all being said I officially declare this modification to be open for recruiting.
If you would like to find out more about the modification or it’s status you may visit the home of our modification at…
Also we are now in the process of looking for modder's to fill the demands of this project. If you are interested please contact me at khk[dot]warchild[at]gmail[dot]com or PM me through the forum's private messaging system.
Thanks for your support everyone, let the new age of KotOR begin with us... :D