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Page: 60 of 214
Posted in: Need someone with jk2!
08-19-2005, 6:16 PM
A) You'll have to either find your original CD or buy it again (don't worry, it's cheap, like $9 new last time I checked). B) You can use an inexpensive CD/DVD cleaning kit to fix most scratched discs. After fixing, making a "cloned" disc...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Server for No Limits Gaming
08-20-2005, 4:19 AM
Awesome! Btw, would you consider using OJP Basic ( We really could use more servers. This is a non-honorz mod which doesn't ruin gameplay plus many fixes, like an unofficial patch. Just ask me or RazorAce and we can hook you up...  [Read More]
Posted in: need some help with installing mp mods
08-17-2005, 8:43 PM
Code mods go into their own sub directory under GameData (where the game is installed). Then you run them from the in-game mod menu or a batch file. Example, a mod named Promod3 could go into: \GameData\ProMod\ NOT in base. The above are code mod...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dynamic glow, off?
08-20-2005, 7:01 PM
OJP Basic adds the menu option in MP I believe......  [Read More]
dont collapse and die like that korean fellow :) Right, watch your caffiene intake, drink plenty of water, get up and stretch every so often and don't take any drugs while playing (that includes caffiene pills or other stimulants). In the cases of...  [Read More]
Without cheats? Possibly. I know people have beaten the game in insanely short periods of time on medium difficulty. Doing so in Jedi Master would be rather difficult but probably not impossible. Even easier if your 24 hour period is not all continuo...  [Read More]
Posted in: How can I use double lightsabers?
08-16-2005, 11:45 AM
In Multiplayer of course you just go into your character profile mid-game and change it. Respawn and you'll have your new weapon ready to go! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: (where)can I get the musics files?
08-16-2005, 4:27 PM
Just open up the pk3 files with pakscape or winzip and extract the mp3's. Then you can listen to them whenever you want or create an audio cd from them using some third party program. If you mean the mp3's are somehow "missing" from the as...  [Read More]
Posted in: Announcing Red Slushie 1.3 (again)
08-20-2005, 3:57 AM
Beat me to it, I'm happy to say. ;) Btw, can you explain how "freeze/thaw" works again?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Announcing Red Slushie 1.3 (again)
08-19-2005, 4:27 PM
So those abusive commands were removed? Bravo sir! The competative gamers of the world will thank you. :) Though that "God" command doesn't sound too good. Making the admin invincible I assume? That could be used to cheat, right...? :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Announcing Red Slushie 1.3 (again)
08-16-2005, 5:20 PM
Just a warning here, let's express our opinions without flammage. I'm not saying anyone is guilty of that here (yet) but considering the controversialness of the topic, just watch yourselves. Obviously I'm in favor of de-abusing all mods, including...  [Read More]
Posted in: Announcing Red Slushie 1.3 (again)
08-15-2005, 2:52 AM
How about the general antipathy towards abusive admin commands among serious/competative (ie: non-h0n0rz n00b) gamers? Obviously the JA+ users are mad they lost their abusive commands, as are the JA Reloaded users. Hex thought the abusive commands...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is SWRC worth making a mod for?
08-16-2005, 12:37 PM
Well at least there's some maps to try out... long wait for downloads. ;p...  [Read More]
So did Greedo really shoot first? I thought both he and Han shoot at the same time now? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Back in the game!
08-16-2005, 5:25 PM
Oh. OJP mod has improved a lot too. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: I still haven't gotten to play the game!!!
08-17-2005, 7:54 PM
Perhaps the game crashed on a previous installation attempt. Try cleaning up your registry with a program like registry mechanic then start over?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
08-20-2005, 7:27 PM
Well I mean not every game has them (or do they), so it might be possible for a psychological shift. The other possibility is that they don't allow code editing (no SDK release). And the final possibility is that they make some legal clause in the co...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Jedi Knight Game Rumors
08-20-2005, 5:31 AM
WARNING: Nitpicking ahead! I am completely shocked that no one has discovered the pattern to the Jedi Knight Series. ALL OF THEM USE A QUAKE ENGINE!!!!!!!!!!! DF1 used modified Doom engine DF2:JK used Modified Quake 1 or Quake 2 engine I beleive....  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer (anyone still play JK2?)
08-20-2005, 12:04 PM
i still play, mostly on ".................C" becaue that's one of the few gun servers i can actually find that dont care what you do. the only bad thing is that it has no friggin map rotation, so it's always stuck on Bespin Streets. Why do...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi powers & abilities in Battlefront II
08-19-2005, 4:07 AM
You won't have to worry about everyone being a jedi, there making it so that there can only be one, or at the most two jedi per team on each map, and you can't just spawn as them anytime you want, you have to earn the ability to play as a jedi first...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blur for PC
08-17-2005, 7:57 PM
I don't think so. This blur is a general "softening" effect that covers everything. It's very subtle. You'll notice less "jaggies" (visible pixels on edges) with blur turned on and a slight dip in performance. Obviously not every...  [Read More]
Now that we're done with Spoilers, I think we can safely unsticky this... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Info (PC Version) -updated
08-16-2005, 5:15 PM
Well it looks as if we're not getting anything more for this game. No sequel or expansion, no more patches. No more editing tools (no sdk), no linux binaries or server utilities. We got a map editor and 1 new map both included in the patch. The mod...  [Read More]
Now that we're done with Spoilers, I think we can safely unsticky this... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Getting Dismemberment to work!
08-20-2005, 6:16 AM
Merging this with the sticky......  [Read More]
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