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Page: 56 of 214
Posted in: ALL information about SWBFII
09-24-2005, 2:21 AM
Anakin just helped him get the job done. ;) I'm waiting for the EU story where actually after Mace tumbled out of view, he landed safely on top of this floating platform. He gets up, shakes himself off.. "A-a miracle, I survived, thank the For...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-27-2005, 2:47 AM
from a standpoint of someone who actually gets paid to make games (yes me) I can say the look of the new star wars game is bad, the graphics are not up to par. I also love the star wars universe and most games in that universe. One thing that really...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-25-2005, 11:56 AM
Do I also get to say "teh win" at least once? Oh well. Good to get that out of the way! So to get the PS2 demo you'll have to buy a magazine. To get the Xbox demo you'll have to buy a DVD. No news about a PC demo. And the only way to play...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-24-2005, 7:08 PM
Well he was a long time poster on SWBF, this is SWBF2. If he hates the new game, why post? Are you accusing him of trolling? Because there's a big difference between disagreeing with the mainstream thought and being a troll (out to "piss everyon...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-24-2005, 6:58 PM
Well the thing is MachineCult there is some merit to what he's saying. This is going to be a very similar game to SWBF1, it's more building off of the original game, and giving us "the game they meant to give us in the first place" not a co...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-24-2005, 2:07 AM
Since we're discussing things we don't like about the game, here are a set of things about the user interface that just drove me crazy in Star Wars Battlefront 1 - I hope these things get fixed in SWBF2: 1. When a map has finished, there is NO WAY t...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-22-2005, 4:34 PM
Well then the developers of BF2 are superior to the developers of SWBF. End of story!...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-22-2005, 3:54 PM
I don't see what the fuss is about. The specifications for Battlefield 2. The specifications for Half-life 2. Half-life 2 looks almost as nice, if not as nice, as Battlefield 2 when set to the maximum settings. The difference between Valve games...  [Read More]
Posted in: omg, the graphic =[
09-22-2005, 10:18 AM
I dont see why everyone has to point every fault of the game instead of the good things. I dont care what it looks like as long as its a good game in the long run. What's wrong with pointing out the shortcomings or discussing problems with the previ...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Pledge "Unconstitutional"
09-27-2005, 2:13 AM
'Cause it's money, dope. :p Though I do find it very interesting that the groups who attack the pledge never mention the bills and coins. I guess man is just too greedy for money to care what's on it. As for the pledge itself, though I would sorely...  [Read More]
Posted in: Red clone shocktrooper
09-25-2005, 5:50 PM
So, who is going to buy 1.2 million of them to be "accurate" to the movies? And to all you people out there wanting to say nobody would be nerdy enough to do this, don't kid yourselves. You KNOW you'd do it if you have the money and they...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does the saber damage cvar affect Saber Throw damage?
09-22-2005, 8:26 AM
Ah, but you don't have to "ping it constantly to see if it's there, or try it every few minutes to see if it has suddenly become available," you just could click that link I provided. One click access 24/7. And you just got through saying...  [Read More]
well the point of granting em as a bonus should be then a skill question not a "if u get the 2 first kills u will be God over a period of time" thing... dunno how about u but i would like a bonus that i can make my team stronger with helpin...  [Read More]
well if u see the heroes as a powerup/bonus (like they are) it would be useless to make em stronger than the normal gunner, since Vehicles are not the bonus or powerup u have to earn like a hero for a period of time, if the gunner is underpowered, he...  [Read More]
U ever played JK (doesnt matter which one)? Jedi Battles are exactly what u said, 2 Peeps with a saber hacking each other until 1 dies (is the same like leaving the battlefield), No way. I have played JK1 (played it for 3 years, along with MotS!). T...  [Read More]
Wait, did somebody mention "jedi duels"? Are those even POSSIBLE in this game? I thought you either were limited to one Jedi per map (so one side doesn't get them?)... and even if that isn't true, how about the actual combat. In SWBF1's p...  [Read More]
do they? they've had Windu alive in the temple attack, they have Jango on the battle for Kashyyk, they call the galactic marines "clone commander", and the actual commander, commander Baacara, "Heavy Trooper" >_> they gave L...  [Read More]
Posted in: XP Media Center
09-27-2005, 1:28 AM
If there is a PC demo that is......  [Read More]
Posted in: SWBF2 Server Management Tools
09-24-2005, 7:13 PM
Well hopefully they're learning from their mistakes this time, and that's always a good thing......  [Read More]
Posted in: A new Jabba for ROTJ Special Edition?
09-27-2005, 12:08 AM
Well, that and it seems such a blatant attempt to tease Fett fanboys (like the other insertions of pointless shots of Fett into the classic trilogy). Had it not focused directly on him and for so long it might not have been so objectionable. You can...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your favorite Gun/ Attachment
09-27-2005, 1:29 AM
I much prefer the Trandoshan weapons to the Trooper weapons myself, though the pretty blue "lasers" of the Blaster attachment do have a certain appeal... ;) I can't decide between the heavy repeater, concussion rifle or Ray's gun! The Ant...  [Read More]
Qui-Gon says so, that's why. Says what, and where? Surely you're not referring to this part of the TPM script: QUI-GON : Sit still, Annie. Let me clean this cut. ANAKIN : There are so many! Do they all have a system of planets? QUI-GON : Most of...  [Read More]
As to Clone Officers, well they used Clones as officers in the Prequel Trilogy, then all of a sudden in the Classic Trilogy they're not. Then again for all we know the officers are also Clones, and we just haven't seen any Troopers with their helmets...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
09-27-2005, 2:57 AM
You guys actually buy things? *puts out empty pockets* Or maybe this is also a wish-list... ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: screenshots
09-25-2005, 5:55 PM
Taking shots in JK1, MotS, JK2, and JA is no problem. But if you're talking about the original Dark Forces then try this... You can alt+printscreen and then paste into a paint program (such as Photoshop or Paintshop Pro) after alt+tabbing or control...  [Read More]
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