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Page: 36 of 214
Posted in: Can't Hear Audio Taunts/Commands
11-12-2005, 11:29 AM
And all my volume levels are cranked... I see the text (I need backup! etc) but no voice. And I'm not talking about Heroes here.. I know that the Heroes have muted taunts/commands... but even the normal troopers are silent! In the beta I could hear...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you switch without suicide
11-12-2005, 12:56 PM
That is nice that they added the ability to switch classes without dying near a command point!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chat Transcript - 11/11/05
11-12-2005, 11:54 AM
Well at least we got these questions out of the way for any future chats, right? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chat Transcript - 11/11/05
11-11-2005, 4:16 PM
Hopefully they surprise us with a Linux Dedicated Server and editing tools. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nooooooo! (JA fubar?)
11-12-2005, 12:28 PM
Not! meh... sorry, I can't read apparently. ;) With Registry Mechanic shareware you CAN run it again and fix more errors, and run it again and fix more, etc. But it takes a long long time if you've got a lot of errors (like you seem to have). I fi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Nooooooo! (JA fubar?)
11-12-2005, 12:01 PM
It's too late now, but I guess for the future... backup stuff on cd/dvd when you've got a lot of stuff/something you wish to save so this doesn't happen again! A reg cleaner SHOULD fix the problem of leftover files after uninstalling. I use Registry...  [Read More]
I think it's due to the sabers automatically bouncing instantanously into an attack after a blade-on-blade impact. That's why the CPU seems to randomly suddenly just chop into you after a block and kills you. You're talking about the single player s...  [Read More]
Personally, I despise the whole baseJKA saber combat system. There is an absurd number of illogicities and imbalances throughout the entire system. .... Personally, I'll stick with movie battles for my saber combat fix. Base JKA is only fun in sin...  [Read More]
Let's not resort to flaming here guys. I split off this thread so you can discuss this subject... and do so in a civilized fashion. Thanks!...  [Read More]
Posted in: We need MORE Server Options!
11-12-2005, 11:45 AM
Anything you can do in the server launchers you can do in a batch file, just FYI. It's just a matter of finding the right command. I've covered everything listed on the DSmanager program in my text file (and many more it doesn't let you change). I ha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hate it or Love it? Celebrity DeathMatch
11-12-2005, 12:12 AM
Oh well, turn down the music volume and crank winamp... I guess....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hate it or Love it? Celebrity DeathMatch
11-11-2005, 11:37 AM
Hate at, at least so far. It's team based, but it doesn't really seem to encourage team play (then again it could be that most players are simply immune to teamwork). The Jedi dueling is extremely limited, random and boring. Many of the classes aren'...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Flaws Did You Find In BF II?
11-11-2005, 11:56 AM
So far I've found many of the same disappointments/annoyances from the previous game. 1) Lack of demo recording ability 2) Lack of a true console 3) Inability to view the score table while you're dead and waiting to respawn. 4) Inability to chat...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rancor Battle
11-10-2005, 1:00 PM
I believe it was either or Anyway there's out there. ;) The pic you'll probably find is one that has Mark Hamill handing onto the grating....  [Read More]
Posted in: Can someone? (show me a Jedi vs. Jedi battle)
11-10-2005, 7:47 PM
Okay, sure you could set both teams to have Hero ability "simultaneously", make it the player with the lowest score, and make it unlocked in 0 (or maybe 1) kills. We know how to do that with commands (haven't tried it but it should work)....  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you take Screenshots in Full Version... (?)
11-12-2005, 11:23 AM
Yeah, there's several such free image hosting places if you don't have a webspace of your own, like imageshack. Only we admins can post attachments (and even those have limits!). Put your file someplace and then post it with the [/img] tags....  [Read More]
Posted in: How do you take Screenshots in Full Version... (?)
11-10-2005, 2:05 PM
Okay, when people say "guide" these days I picture like those Prima Strategy Guide books they often shill the first day a game comes out....  [Read More]
Posted in: MP Skills Question
11-12-2005, 12:15 PM
I wonder why I don't hear "headshot" anymore, despite the fact that I and others CLEARLY are getting headshots... Why couldn't they have released an actual bug fix patch? Sigh.....  [Read More]
Posted in: MP Skills Question
11-11-2005, 11:32 AM
I can get a lot of snipes in DM, assume the map has some good spots. A lot of people just run around, they forget about sniping, so they become easy prey. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: JK1 Crashing
11-12-2005, 12:34 PM
There is an auto save retrieval program that was released a LONG time ago (shortly after JK1 came out). IIRC it was called JK autosave converter, or something along those lines. It takes your auto save from the beginning of each level and lets you...  [Read More]
Posted in: JA+ Mod 2.4Beta1 And JA+ Plugin1.4Beta1
11-10-2005, 8:58 PM
I split off the debate about the Staff/Single sabers, which has trailed off from the original subject. Find it here ( ;)...  [Read More]
To anyone still wondering, check out my text file (and yes it covers the space maps you're asking about):  [Read More]
Posted in: Darth Vader's Force skills, gosh!
11-10-2005, 2:02 PM
How about this... Vader has removable hands. He pops off his robot hand and shoots lightning out of his stump! *Forwards the idea to Lucas* :lol:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-12-2005, 1:45 PM
Okay I just tried it, and the graphics look fine (great, actually) now that I've got the proper ATST pilot installed, no noticable missing things. However, I add one bot (bot_minplayers 2) and the announcer says "3... 2... 1..." and then th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Endor Siege
11-12-2005, 1:11 PM
I plan to give them another shot tonight or tomorrow. ;) As for the objectives thing, you could at least have the bots run into each of the areas that would be "activated" by their presence. Bots also (IIRC) automatically are hitting "...  [Read More]
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