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Lucas Forums server?

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09-18-2003, 11:30 AM
Hey mods/adims you think it would be possible to get a LF server for JA......possibly for every game type?

come on Jkfiles has thier own server(Saber down= peace server:mad: )

LF wants to be cool too right?
09-18-2003, 11:44 AM
Yeah, that would be a good idea, but there would need to be multiple servers to fit the 1000+ members we have in here.
09-18-2003, 11:53 AM
LOL there is a bit more than 1000+ here.

but if they have two servers per game type and up the player limit to 32 traffic wont be bad at all.
 Master William
09-18-2003, 12:06 PM
You just made me a bit angry. Why?


Well guess what, not all JK2 and JA players are desperate to gain scores and go around and kill people who are not at the computer, or people who have their sabers down.

I met alot of these annoying twerps, and when you own them, they try to votekick you. Which didn't succeed, since I was so liked in that specific server.

Not saying you are an annoying twerp, I'm just hoping you're not like that, because it's really sad with these people.

You duel, they don't bow, just attack you directly, therefore winning unfair (while you are bowing, you get slashed to a low remain of 20 or so :( )

Anyway about the server, they can easily do it probably, I could do it for this forum if I had money, offer good cheap servers.
09-18-2003, 1:15 PM
I'd love to see a Lucasforums server. It would do a lot to build up the community around here.
09-18-2003, 1:50 PM
You duel, they don't bow, just attack you directly, therefore winning unfair (while you are bowing, you get slashed to a low remain of 20 or so )

Since when you -had- to bow? If you choose to bow, be vary of the dangers it poses, leaving yourself undefended before your opponent.

As for saber down, if the guy stands and does nothing, maybe he is afk. Which is too, not really encouraged, as he's taking up a slot on a server. If he walks around / fools around and acts like a general idiot, he's fair play. He chooses not to defend himself, he will pay for it.
09-18-2003, 2:06 PM
Then the server could create a clan... [LFM]= LucasForums Members. Only for those who have an account here in the forums.

As for the saber down= peace thing... If I'm saber down running around the map and someone attacks me, I just fight back and keep admins out of it. Most of the time lamers are n00bs who don't understand the server rules. So when someone lames me I see it as a declaration of: "I'm an easy kill! Come kill me!"
09-18-2003, 2:13 PM
Originally posted by TK8252MJL
Then the server could create a clan... [LFM]= LucasForums Members. Only for those who have an account here in the forums.

As for the saber down= peace thing... If I'm saber down running around the map and someone attacks me, I just fight back and keep admins out of it. Most of the time lamers are n00bs who don't understand the server rules. So when someone lames me I see it as a declaration of: "I'm an easy kill! Come kill me!"

hmm I dont like the idea of a tag for this

im already in a clan.
09-18-2003, 2:15 PM
Just an idea. :)
09-18-2003, 3:58 PM
Being AFK in a duel is, on the face of it, rather rude, don't you think?

A person waits in line all this time to fight and then the guy he's supposed to face takes a coffee break?

You're holding up the line, pal!

So I don't think he should be surprised at all if he comes back to find his character dead, unless he's on a private server and he's the only other player on it.

People aren't "desperate for scores" they're desperate to play a game.

What fun is a game of chess or monopoly if people keep telling you "oh, that move was too good, you can't use it, that strategy is too powerful, don't do it, oh and btw, I'm just going to interrupt the game while I go do something else and not tell you when I'm coming back."

You can't call "time outs" in FPS games, and there's a reason for that, because it ruins the flow of action (and hence the fun) for the majority of players.

If people are patient and can wait for them, that's cool, but most people will not, they may not have time to just wait around for the guy.
 The Count
09-18-2003, 4:54 PM
 Rad Blackrose
09-18-2003, 4:59 PM
Originally posted by The Count

Probably the closest thing I have ever seen to a bow in the movies was the fencer salute Dooku did to all he fought. But to think that they would drop their lightsaber to the side and drop to their knees... ROFL.
 Master William
09-18-2003, 5:18 PM
I don't care about the AFK people...

And bows are a part of the game, as I saw that LucasArts put it in Setup as a thing you can set for a key.

It's not a bow, but more like a sort of chinese bow.
So that means, it is intended for you to bow. Right?

And, what if I enter a server, and I am standing next to my pal, and we are talking. Then we decide to start a duel, but before we could challenge each other, some lame ignorant idiot comes and starts killing us all, while our sabers are off, and it is obvious we were gonna duel.

That stuff happens ALL the time. But I often manage to kill them.

Oh and, never stand next to a pitch black hole, people will instantly take the chance to grip you down or push you down.

Patethic, but true... I guess SWG is a good choice mostly for this - mostly decent people buy it and afford the monthly payment.

From my friend, I heard no body in SWG is mean and lame.
Everyone are friendly, and would heal you anytime (Medics.)

I am not saying you are all a bunch of idiots or something, I am talking about those other people. Those who actually don't know how to think.

 Master William
09-18-2003, 5:18 PM
I don't care about the AFK people...

And bows are a part of the game, as I saw that LucasArts put it in Setup as a thing you can set for a key.

It's not a bow, but more like a sort of chinese bow.
So that means, it is intended for you to bow. Right?

And, what if I enter a server, and I am standing next to my pal, and we are talking. Then we decide to start a duel, but before we could challenge each other, some lame ignorant idiot comes and starts killing us all, while our sabers are off, and it is obvious we were gonna duel.

That stuff happens ALL the time. But I often manage to kill them.

Oh and, never stand next to a pitch black hole, people will instantly take the chance to grip you down or push you down.

Patethic, but true... I guess SWG is a good choice mostly for this - mostly decent people buy it and afford the monthly payment.

From my friend, I heard no body in SWG is mean and lame.
Everyone are friendly, and would heal you anytime (Medics.)

I am not saying you are all a bunch of idiots or something, I am talking about those other people. Those who actually don't know how to think.

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