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Bot Saber challenges

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04-05-2004, 3:06 AM
Is there any way to make the bots in MP accept saber challenges? I like dueling bots, but I hate doing it on the 'duel' maps. I've heard that having your saber down when you press the challenge button will do it, but it won't work for me.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
04-05-2004, 3:54 AM
JA+ Mod versions 1.4 and later can enable bots to accept duels

- Cvar bot_honorableduelacceptance (cheat protection removed): permits to duel with bot

If you want to duel against the machine, most people prefer to duel against NPCs (non-player characters). They are the same opponents in the single-player game. They are generally more capable than bots, and they don't just run the predetermined bot routes. Bots are better for (true) FFA, NPCs are better for dueling.

You must enable cheats, or again, JA+ Mod and other mods allow you to spawn NPCs without cheats. Just start your game, and when you get to the main menu, open the console (shift and ~) and enter /devmap <mapname> (for instance, /devmap mp/duel1).

To spawn a NPC, open the console and enter
/npc spawn <NPCname>, such as

/npc spawn alora
/npc spawn tavion_new

They will attack you immediately, so you might want to enter /notarget before spawning the NPC so they won't see you, then move some distance away and enter /notarget again so they will see you and start fighting.

Or, if there are a few favorite NPCs that you like to duel, bind some keys to spawn your favorite dueling partners:

/bind <key1> npc spawn <NPC1>
/bind <key2> npc spawn <NPC2>

If you enter

/bind KP_HOME npc spawn alora

everytime you press the keypad Home key you will spawn an Alora without having to open your console.
04-05-2004, 4:08 PM
It can be done without mods AND without cheats.

Here's how:

Set your shortcut that points to JAMPDed.exe (for your dedicated server executable, or I suppose your jamp.exe if you're running non-dedicated) and add -set bot_honorableduelacceptance 1 to the command line.

Just to be sure, edit your jamp.cfg file (and server.cfg file) and add the line:

set bot_honorableduelacceptance 1

Fire up the game and type:


to check and see if it's on.

"Cheat protected" only means you have to use the command line or cfg method to bypass it, not that you have to enable cheats (although that should work too). It CAN be done without cheats.

The way to get bots then to duel is that first Saber Challenges have to be enabled in the server (FFA only) and then they have to have their saber out.

You have to turn your saber OFF (or turn off one blade if you have staff or duals) and then they will eventually turn off their blades and stand still in front of you after you get close for a few seconds (unless you keep attacking them).

While they are standing there you can issue the challenge and they will accept! Bingo.

Now if they don't have their saber out, sometimes you have to "encourage them" by using Pull to yank away all their weapons, then do the thing with the saber off as above.

Note: it is possible to "cheap" the bots over and over if you have Duals or Saberstaff since you can whack away at the "saber off" bot until they die with impunity. Anyway, the point was to duel the bots, so this is how you do it.

They also won't duel each other, this is soley for human players wishing to duel with bots on a FFA server.

I haven't tried dueling NPC's on a cheat server much, the times I did they mostly just stood in place while trying to fight. Custom bots I've dueled with on my non-cheat server actually are quite good and of course a saber duel is not-dependant on bot-routes so that's not really an issue.
04-05-2004, 5:33 PM
If I want to duel AI controlled enemies, I find spawning them in SP much more fun...
04-06-2004, 2:05 AM
hey, thanks.

i'll try both methods, the mod way seems easier so i think i'll go with that. thanks again.
04-06-2004, 2:42 AM
sorry, i should've added this in my last post.

kurgan - what do you mean by the file that points to your jamp.exe file? i have no idea what you mean, could you please clarify?
04-06-2004, 7:31 PM
I mean that you have a SHORTCUT to your executable.

Right click on the icon for JAmpded.exe.

"Create Shortcut" and place the shortcut on your desktop.

Now right click on the shortcut icon and click "properties" to edit.

Then change the "target" (I believe it is) field and you can add commands after the exe file.

That help?

I just generally hate admin mods (due to their being so easily abused), so I figured I'd spread the gospel of using in-game features without the need for them. ; )
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