Originally posted by Kurgan
Amidala, I'd LOVE to use multiple gametypes in a rotation but I can never get it right. The game always ends up putting up the wrong gametype on a map or not cycling to the right one. Somehow it never works, so I have always stayed within a gametype with a map cycle.
set m101 "map mp/ffa1;set g_motd "^2/seta cg_dismember 2 ^3in console to see heads chopped^7";set sv_maxrate 6000;set nextmap vstr m102"
set m102 "map mp/ffa2;set g_motd "^3If I didn't want guns or Force, I'd disable them^7";set nextmap vstr m103"
set m103 "map mp/ffa3;set g_motd "^3Killtrackers off! ^2!ktoff ^3or ^2!silent^7";set nextmap vstr m104"
set m104 "map mp/ffa4;set g_motd "^3Anyone who says lamer = n00b"^7;set nextmap vstr m105"
set m105 "map mp/ffa5;set g_motd "^3Set Team Heal or Energize to level 3^7";set g_gametype 8;set nextmap vstr m106"
set m106 "map mp/ctf2;set g_motd "^3All kills are allowed, but whining isn't^7";set g_gametype 0;set nextmap vstr m111"
set m111 "map mp/ffa1;set g_motd "^2/seta cg_dismember 2 ^3in console to see heads chopped^7";set sv_maxrate 6000;set nextmap vstr m112"
set m112 "map mp/ffa2;set g_motd "^3If I didn't want guns or Force, I'd disable them^7";set g_gametype 6;set nextmap vstr m113"
set m113 "map mp/ffa3;set fraglimit 200;set g_motd "^3Killtrackers off! ^2!ktoff ^3or ^2!silent^7";set g_gametype 0;set nextmap vstr m114"
set m114 "map mp/ffa4;set fraglimit 100;set g_motd "^3Anyone who says lamer = n00b"^7;set nextmap vstr m115"
set m115 "map mp/ffa5;set g_motd "^3All kills are allowed, but whining isn't^7";set g_gametype 7;set nextmap vstr m116"
set m116 "map mp/siege_hoth;set g_motd "^3This is a battleground, not a chatroom^7";set sv_maxrate 15000;set nextmap vstr m117"
set m117 "map mp/siege_hoth;set sv_maxrate 6000;set g_gametype 0;wait;vstr m121"
set m121 "map mp/ffa1;set g_motd "^2/seta cg_dismember 2 ^3in console to see heads chopped^7";set sv_maxrate 6000;set nextmap vstr m122"
set m122 "map mp/ffa2;set g_motd "^3If I didn't want guns or Force, I'd disable them^7";set nextmap vstr m123"
set m123 "map mp/ffa3;set g_motd "^3Killtrackers off! ^2!ktoff ^3or ^2!silent^7";set nextmap vstr m124"
set m124 "map mp/ffa4;set g_motd "^3Anyone who says lamer = n00b"^7;set nextmap vstr m125"
set m125 "map mp/ffa5;set g_motd "^3Set Team Heal or Energize to level 3^7";set g_gametype 8;set nextmap vstr m126"
set m126 "map mp/ctf4;set g_motd "^3All kills are allowed, but whining isn't^7";set g_gametype 0;set nextmap vstr m131"
set m131 "map mp/ffa1;set g_motd "^2/seta cg_dismember 2 ^3in console to see heads chopped^7";set sv_maxrate 6000;set nextmap vstr m132"
set m132 "map mp/ffa2;set g_motd "^3If I didn't want guns or Force, I'd disable them^7";set g_gametype 6;set nextmap vstr m133"
set m133 "map mp/ffa3;set fraglimit 200;set g_motd "^3Killtrackers off! ^2!ktoff ^3or ^2!silent^7";set g_gametype 0;set nextmap vstr m134"
set m134 "map mp/ffa4;set fraglimit 100;set g_motd "^3Anyone who says lamer = n00b"^7;set nextmap vstr m135"
set m135 "map mp/ffa5;set g_motd "^3This is a battleground, not a chatroom^7";set nextmap vstr m136"
set m136 "map mp/siege_korriban;set g_motd "^3All kills are allowed, but whining isn't^7";set sv_maxrate 15000;set nextmap vstr m137"
set m137 "map mp/siege_korriban;set sv_maxrate 6000;set g_gametype 0;wait;vstr m101"
vstr m101
You can see the rotation is made up of subunits. It's easy to make rotations when you use this modular approach. One type of subunit has 5 FFA + 1 CTF map. The other is 2 FFA + 1 TFFA + 2 FFA + 1 Siege (the two-line Siege listing is necessary to change from Siege to a different gametype). You can copy and paste the subunits to add more blocks as long as you change the "set mxxx" and "set nextmap vstr mxxy" listings. You can also change the different MOTDs, and change the CTF and Siege maps.