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Diego Varen

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Page: 66 of 123
Posted in: Revan's Second, Redeemed
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:11 AM
Short but sweet. I suppose Revan's second is the Exile. I'm looking foward to it. Keep it up....  [Read More]
Posted in: My Next Project
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:06 AM
It's up to you. Since most people have played TSL, I suppose they'd rather see the Sequel of Ya-Yevo. Besides, Mach is doing one at the moment, so it might be best not to do one yet. For now, I go with Ya-Yevo Sequel, but like Jae said, do both. Just...  [Read More]
Posted in: my poem...
 Diego Varen
09-03-2006, 1:27 PM
It was good, but like The Doctor said, was there any need to create two Threads on it (Unless if it is supposed to go in the Jedi Archives)....  [Read More]
Posted in: Not exactly sure where....
 Diego Varen
09-03-2006, 2:16 PM
The only problem is that, I don't think you can see every Post you've made......  [Read More]
Posted in: Which Malus?
 Diego Varen
09-01-2006, 8:28 AM
As long as there's positive discussion on why you've picked a choice and it doesn't turn into some kind of popularity contest, I'm fine with it--other mods may disagree, however, because there's a range of opinions on this kind of thread. I didn't m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which Malus?
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 3:08 PM
Which Darth Malus do you prefer? For those who have read either Fics, this Poll should be easy for you. For me, it is Revanscool's Malus, because it isn't mine. Though he could have several more parts in the Fic. Sorry if this breaking any rules....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIN] Once Friends, Now Enemies
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 2:47 PM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Friends, Now Enemies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to leave...  [Read More]
Posted in: Once Friends, Now Enemies
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 2:54 PM
@ ED: Thanks for letting me know. I just fancied having an ROTS line in. @ igyman: Yeah, I've seen a lot of that, but I decided to change it slightly....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:28 AM
Yeah there's the 'rand' from Atton's name and the Jaq I took from other pieces I have read that claim that Atton's name before he was Atton was Jaq, so it's like a haunting from the past so to speak. Jaqrand isn't actually his real name but he knows...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
09-03-2006, 1:25 PM
Another good Chapter. The Festival was interesting and HK's lines were still great. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
09-01-2006, 8:05 AM
I'm looking foward to it. Thanks for answering my questions....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
09-03-2006, 9:11 AM
Another good Chapter igyman. HK's lines are priceless and I like Obi-Wan being there too....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
09-02-2006, 9:08 AM
Another good Chapter igyman. I liked the mention of the Star Forge there. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
09-01-2006, 8:50 AM
Luke's personality is captured perfectly. Good Chapter, looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
09-01-2006, 7:57 AM
Ralik is some evil piece of work. Good Chapter as always....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] In His Service, or "Ya--Yevo'"
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:19 AM
Strange, but here this Fic finished on the 5th September 2006. Must be a different time wherever you are. Anyway, I just have several things to say. Sweet. Your best Chapter of the Fic. I liked seeing Tysy join the Dark Side. Will she be the Empero...  [Read More]
Good Chapter, but still quite short. What happened to your old Avatar? Is this new one another Led Zepelin one?...  [Read More]
Posted in: STAR WARS The War of the Dead
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:22 AM
also pottsie yavin 13 was around in ROTJ. Really when? If there is a link, please show me. Anyway, good Chapter and Star Destroyer must have Capitals and also press Enter twice, when a new person is starting to speak....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Sith Lord
 Diego Varen
09-03-2006, 9:03 AM
Thanks Jae, that really helps. Although, like you said, people should explain why the said the things they said. I know it isn't a Star Wars site, but it did say Non-Pokйmon Fics, so anything goes. I haven't really bothered with any Admins, because...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Sith Lord
 Diego Varen
09-02-2006, 11:55 AM
Nah, you're absolutely right, read the edit I put in my previous post. I have. Thanks for the support, igyman....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Sith Lord
 Diego Varen
09-02-2006, 11:46 AM
Could be, but as you said yourself, it isn't a Star Wars forum, so maybe the people that visit it simply aren't into Star Wars. Oh I agree, it's just that if they didn't like Star Wars, then they shouldn't read it....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Sith Lord
 Diego Varen
09-02-2006, 11:16 AM
Sorry if I'm resurrecting my old Thread. Today, I posted The Sith Lord in another Forum, known as Serebii.Net Forums (Which is a Pokйmon Forum, though I don't like it as much as Star Wars). I've posted it there and nobody likes it (Deja Vu with Sabr...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Dark Apprentice [Fan-Fiction]
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 3:21 PM
Cool idea MacLeod, i can't wait for it. Very original. I'm looking foward to it too. Also, did you delete some of the original Chapters?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Star Wars AOJS: Philosophy of The Force
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 2:51 PM
Also thanks Pottsie i always like praise as good as that! The chapter will be up soon. Also nice avvie! I love only fools and horses! Thanks. I'm looking foward to the next Chapter....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Return of the Exile
 Diego Varen
09-02-2006, 11:09 AM
Sorry about resurrecting an old, long dead Thread. I fancied reading a Fic from the year of 2005 (Which was before I joined) and since Jedi_Knight_707 was a favourite Writer of mine, I decided to read his first ever Fic. It is very good and I like th...  [Read More]
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