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Diego Varen

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Page: 68 of 123
Posted in: [Shortie][AU] There is no emotion...
 Diego Varen
08-25-2006, 6:46 AM
Good, although I think loads of people have written this sort of thing before. I liked the duel between Palpatine, Mace and Kit. I'm looking foward to seeing more Short Fics from you (If any)....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-25-2006, 6:51 AM
Good start. Sorry I wasn't on earlier. Slumbering Army is an interesting title and I wouldn't have thought of it. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
"Yeah," Carth said, smiling himself, "Have fun."...  [Read More]
"I have no idea where Bastila is Revan," Carth told Revan, "Perhaps she is in the Temple."...  [Read More]
On Coruscant, the Republic Admiral, Carth Onasi noticed the Ebon Hawk approaching. Next to Carth, was his son, Dustil Onasi. "Dustil, my son, Revan is returning from the Unknown Regions," He told Dustil, "I can tell."...  [Read More]
Aboard the ship, Jaden was asleep. "How does the power of the dark side feel Revan?" Sion asked. "Terrible," Revan told him, "It is like a black hole has struck at my heart." "You once took this power and used it...  [Read More]
((whats the name of the ship and what type? If it's a any bigger than a fighter than:)) (Off-Topic: I'm thinking of a name for Jaden's ship. It isn't much of a fighter, but it can defend itself and it has two bunks)....  [Read More]
(Off-Topic: Jason, Jaden didn't take the Ebon Hawk. He took another Ship. Sorry, I should've said that before. The Ebon Hawk is with the Jedi Council)....  [Read More]
"What do you have to tell me?" asked Brianna "I'll be leaving Coruscant," Jaden told her, several small tears pouring from his eyes, "I'll be helping Revan in the Unknown Regions stop the new Sith Lord, Lord Rasthor."...  [Read More]
(Off-Topic: Kreia can be Alora's guide if you want, Jaden will have a familiar Jedi guide. Also I doubt Jaden and Brianna will finish their conversation, so we might have to wait until Revanscool is online). Revan and Sion had been fighting for seve...  [Read More]
(Off-Topic: I know. Those. Without the mask. Also is Kreia the Force Ghost? I was planning to use her as well). Sion soon found Revan and withdrew his Lightsaber. A red blade lit up the room. "Well who are you?" Revan asked. "I'm Si...  [Read More]
(Hey Pottsie, are those simple black robes or Revan's cool robes?) (Off-Topic: Revan's cool robes?) Darth Sion noticed Revan as well and he stood next to Alora. "No," He whispered, "Let me handle this. I've been waiting to do this a...  [Read More]
Outside a large tower on the Dark Planet, Revan was dressed in a robe, that hid himself from everyone. It was black, which was the colour that Sith usually wore. Revan was next to a large door and without ease, he opened it. The door broke off its hi...  [Read More]
When Atton left, Bao-Dur talked to HK. "We'll see," Bao-Dur told HK, laughing at his own comment, "For now, I don't think the General will need anything blasted."...  [Read More]
Jaden didn't seem to hear Atton. "Atton, can't you see the General is talking?" Bao-Dur asked, "When he has finished with Brianna, then perhaps he will talk to you."...  [Read More]
"The General is back?" Bao-Dur asked, "I must see how he is." Bao-Dur stood up and followed Atton. Neither Visas Marr or Bastila Shan stood up. They were busy discussing "other matters"....  [Read More]
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic III – The Forgotten Empire Three days have passed since the exile, JADEN LENNON was reunited with his former leader, REVAN in a mining facility, STATION V beyond the border of the Unknown Regions. Meanwhile,...  [Read More]
Since nobody has listened to the Rule (Including me), about doing Off-Topic Posts in the RP, ask me all Off-Topic questions here. In answer to steven's question in the RP, T3 can fit in Jaden's new Ship, called the Raven's Tooth. A maximum of four p...  [Read More]
Nice Character Jason. I forgot about Zor Krel. I never imagined him having a sister. Keep her though, it will make the story a lot more interesting. I hope nobody minds if I play Sion as well. Name: Darth Sion Species: Human Eye Colour: One Red Eye...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] In His Service, or "Ya--Yevo'"
 Diego Varen
08-25-2006, 6:53 AM
What do you think of this idea? I COULD have Tysy get exile + 2 years at hard labor for striking down Jayla Maene in a rather "fatal" sort of way. Then, I could have her get transferred as a mining-chain-gang laundress, with the rest of he...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Entertainment Centre Awards 2006!
 Diego Varen
08-23-2006, 3:33 AM
hey,pottsie just out of curisity ah when does this end EDIT: ah.... hey pottsie can we add a section the best stopped fic? if so i vote pottsie's recturiction of Darth Malus The Ressurection of Darth Malus was stopped. It wasn't even planned to be...  [Read More]
The bolded part is corrected, Dooku chopped off Anakin's right forerarm, not hand. ;) Same thing, thanks for the correction....  [Read More]
Banned? That's a little over-reacting. Anyways, yeah, good chapter, i liked it altough try to make limb-losing a little more rare, okey? If yes, answer with dokey. :xp: We can't argue with the Mods. Besides, I find them a lot more fair and more ente...  [Read More]
(I've noticed some fanfic's closing and they're author's banned. Is this going to happen to me?) No, it won't (It won't happen to me either, hopefully). It's because the Writers are idiots and aren't writing decent Chapters. connor's so-called broth...  [Read More]
Posted in: STAR WARS The War of the Dead
 Diego Varen
08-25-2006, 6:55 AM
Yavin XIII? I didn't think there would be such a Planet. Good Chapter, though it still needs improving. Did you read Mach's reviews of The Sith Order/The Jedi Order?...  [Read More]
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