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Diego Varen

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Page: 67 of 123
Posted in: Once Friends, Now Enemies
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 2:44 PM
Here is a very short Fic, I might include if I ever do another Fic, starring both Revan and the Exile. This isn't the greatest I've ever wrote, but I needed to write it so I can let everyone know I'm still here and once this is in the Jedi Archives,...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:42 PM
Good Chapter JediMaster. Sorry to be a pain and ask yet another question, but is Kirabaros J.C.? I also think Jolee's humour is good. Anyway, I'm looking foward to more Chapters....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Heart of Deception
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:17 PM
Three good Chapters JediMaster12. Is this a Sequel to the Heart of the Guardian Trilogy? Sorry if that question sounds stupid. Anyway, I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fanfics
 Diego Varen
08-28-2006, 9:46 AM
Which do you prefer to see your masterpiece Fanfics in? The Coruscant Entertainment Centre or The Jedi Archives? I prefer the Jedi Archives, because it looks a lot neater and you can always read them easier, without having to read comments, etc. T...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Four Faces of Tysy Dvukh
 Diego Varen
08-27-2006, 9:44 AM
My vote is bias, because I've only seen the Ya-Yevo Tysy. Better overall. Also, why do I get some strange feeling that this Thread will be closed?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Trooper
 Diego Varen
08-27-2006, 9:08 AM
Like Mr_BFA, I have to agree that this has promise. Welcome to the Forums too....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Shortie Fic] Memories Do Help
 Diego Varen
08-25-2006, 7:08 AM
I agree. Well done JediMaster12....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 2:01 PM
Good Chapter igyman. HK's humour is good too....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:14 PM
Two good Chapters igyman. Also, if you need advice on Fics, Jae is the best to ask. I make no claims to brilliance writing fiction. I've still got a lot to learn. :) I encourage everyone to give advice/comments. Thanks for thinking of me, though! --...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-28-2006, 9:12 AM
Good Chapter igyman. I wonder what Ralik plans to do. I'm looking foward to more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-27-2006, 9:52 AM
He is, I said he'd have a major role in this part of the fic. Oh yeah and I forgot to say one thing I usually say. "I'm looking foward to more."...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-27-2006, 9:07 AM
Yay! The apperance of HK. I hope he's in it more....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The True Teachings III: Slumbering Army
 Diego Varen
08-26-2006, 7:20 AM
Another good Chapter igyman....  [Read More]
"Well okay then," Jaden told T3 sighing, "We'll be arriving at the Dark Planet, in the Unknown Regions."...  [Read More]
Jaden turned to see T3-M4 staring at him Master. We are coming up on our location... Which is exactly? ---- Rasthor's message once again echoed both Alora and Sions mind "What are you waiting for? I want BOTH of you here right now. It concerns...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lone Free Mercenary
 Diego Varen
08-26-2006, 9:27 AM
Here's Chapter II. Sorry if it is disappointing, but I haven't been online recently. I'd also like to thank starmark2k, for letting me mention his RP Character, K'Nala in the beginning of this Chapter. -----------------------------------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mercenary Crew III: Separatist Scum
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:31 PM
"2:30 in the morning eh?" Trando asked, "That is early, but it's up to you."...  [Read More]
I'll wake you when I get back then. :stick: @ Pottsie: Doctor Death has been awfully inactive lately ... I haven't been online for personal reasons (Looking after my cousin's dog). I won't be on my computer at home often, but when I'm on, I'll try...  [Read More]
Good Chapter. It's been a while....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] In His Service, or "Ya--Yevo'"
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:09 PM
Sorry I've been away. Three great Chapters Tysy. Like Jason said, your best....  [Read More]
Short, but good. Atris has finally proven herself to the light side by sacrificing herself. Well done, though I hope the next Chapters are longer....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Elliot's Story
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:26 PM
Lucky for me, because I don't start School again, until the 6th September. I'll start my second year in High School. Anyway, down to business. Good Chapter and one of your longest. @ Jae Onasi: I believe I saw somewhere that there is such a thing as...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] The Second Coming Of Evil
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:19 PM
Another good Chapter Mr_BFA....  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] Star Wars AOJS: Philosophy of The Force
 Diego Varen
08-31-2006, 1:22 PM
Good Chapter John, it's been a while. John is one of the most original Characters ever made in a Fic. Well done....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Critic's 2 cents
 Diego Varen
08-26-2006, 7:49 AM
Thanks for the two Reviews mach, although I think I deleted The Redemption of Dustil Onasi. I think those are my best Reviews so far. Thanks again....  [Read More]
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