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My Next Project

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09-05-2006, 1:55 AM
Now that I finished Ya--Yevo', I'm looking for a new project.
 Jae Onasi
09-05-2006, 2:05 AM
Do both. Just not at the same time. :D
09-05-2006, 2:11 AM
Thanks, Jae. *HUG* You rock!
 Diego Varen
09-05-2006, 8:06 AM
It's up to you. Since most people have played TSL, I suppose they'd rather see the Sequel of Ya-Yevo. Besides, Mach is doing one at the moment, so it might be best not to do one yet. For now, I go with Ya-Yevo Sequel, but like Jae said, do both. Just not at the same time.
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