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Lemon Head

Latest Posts

Page: 8 of 21
Posted in: Charlie And the Sheet
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:46 PM
There should also be that one-armed unicycle-riding LA operative...  [Read More]
Posted in: VIP pass
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:43 PM
Ask the seebee's about the union and they tell you how expensive Charlies fake union cards are - i think you can get a vip card of charlie after that...  [Read More]
Posted in: No VIP Pass
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:40 PM
You're supposed to ask the seebee's about the union/charlie and they mention how expensive he is or something - then you should be able to ask charlie for a vip pass...  [Read More]
Posted in: some fan-art
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:29 PM
Hehe, that's superb mumpizz, i hope to see more of your stuff here real soon :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ok you people NEW STUFF
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 4:51 AM
ooh ooh ooh! do they have wheels?...  [Read More]
you disgust me, you fiend from hell - (psssst, i used a hint thingy too erk!)...  [Read More]
The vortex!! *shakes violently* thhhhe Vorrrtexxx!!!! *spasms violently* voooooooooortteeeechhhghh *loses consciousness violently*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lupe??!!
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:05 PM
WARNING - The follow content of the above link is not suitable for: 1) Those under 6 years of age 2) Those over 6 years of age 3) Those of 6 years of age 4) Small dogs 5) Pregnant mothers 6) Pregnant fathers 7) Tapeworms 8) Mammels...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lupe??!!
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 6:47 PM
Looks like a gimp if you ask me...  [Read More]
That logo didn't load for me dammit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hopefully this will work...
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:49 PM
Smooth work, hombre...  [Read More]
Left in the final version to add background colour:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Schindlers List
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 8:06 PM
i think the girl in red is suppose to be someone schindler notices especially throughout the film so you can kind of relate to how he feels when you see her on the fire....  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm going away for a week.
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 8:10 PM
lol, i think that's probably the nicest thing anyone's said to me on these forums. it isn't easy being an admin, gotta oversee eeeeeeeeeeverything to make sure it's all ship-shape and bristle fasion :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm going away for a week.
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:57 PM
you'll have a helluva lot of posts to go through after a week - poor guy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lucas on Biography.
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:17 PM
I had the cut version, even the breats were blurred out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lucas on Biography.
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 4:47 AM
*Throws Juztyn on to the Jerry Springer set* aha! a fate worse than death, you **** ******* ****ing ***** with ******** *** ******* * and a small herring...  [Read More]
Posted in: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Windows 2000
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:56 PM
I run win 2000 with all the updates and FoA runs A-OK...  [Read More]
Posted in: I'm Back
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 6:52 PM
Order, please fellas. We all know about Mek's antics but he's been re-accepted into society and been given a second chance, if you want him to continue acceptable behaviour i suggest no antagonism. Thanks people :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Indigo Island
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:06 PM
Tell it to the judge, sunshine - you're nicked...  [Read More]
Posted in: Casual or Hardcore?
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:22 PM
I'm a CS-aholic, i managed to give it up for a while but i just got torn back again so why fight it? Oh how i love the warm fuzzy feeling i get from shooting people in the face *sigh* - uh oh, i hope no-one from Arkansas read that...  [Read More]
Posted in: ... and it's Indy
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:54 PM
but it was even more than that Cookie, that entire section of the game was completely different for each option. For some options you would see sections that you wouldn't in others...  [Read More]
Posted in: "It's... pink."
 Lemon Head
01-27-2002, 7:49 PM
i was thinking a little more illegal actually...  [Read More]
Posted in: MSN or AIM
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:16 PM
Yes - something so mid-bogglingly twisted and perverse that you would vomit out your pancreas were you to hear it while alive. (N.B. - hearing it while dead would at least cause a severe migrain)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Evil Isaac Fan Comic of Oldentimes
 Lemon Head
01-28-2002, 3:28 PM
really? i'm impressed...  [Read More]
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