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Page: 52 of 76
Posted in: Mystery of the MYTH (Will there be a KOTOR 3 ?)
08-09-2005, 1:26 PM
ACK! I've been "called out".. hehehe purely IMO, I think the KotOR Franchise is just way too popular to not go with a 3rd version. I'd like to see a 3rd, if just for some 'closure' to the story (as mentioned in another post of mine). To m...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mystery of the MYTH (Will there be a KOTOR 3 ?)
08-09-2005, 12:25 PM
i think they will, eventually... i also think they need to make a stand alone pazaak game (kinda' like solitaire on windows), now that would be really cool... umm.. look about 3 posts up ;) or here:  [Read More]
Posted in: Awwww crap...
08-07-2005, 6:53 PM
Do you have a previous save before the one you're trying to load? or are all of them acting gimpy now? Also, when you added the new dialogue, was there anything else you added as well such as a new model or anything?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Awwww crap...
08-07-2005, 6:39 PM
Have you tried deleting the "003EBO" node from your dialogue (the one you added), then reloading?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
08-07-2005, 1:40 PM
Agreed, I don't know what is sooo great about an old coot in a pit of gianormous trees... :rolleyes: And ChainZ, even if it IS blasphemey I still don't like Jolee :P no "kewl points" for you or the other non-believers then :xp: ... hehehe....  [Read More]
Posted in: More Kotor III Rumour News!
08-09-2005, 4:11 PM
'm all for discussion. I'm just tired of seeing people jumping the gun on any and every small piece of rumor they find. I hear ya' man. I couldn't agree more :D One of the main reasons I had asked for a source.. I know of several sites (though one i...  [Read More]
Posted in: More Kotor III Rumour News!
08-09-2005, 11:12 AM
I hope Obsidian doesnt do this to my beloved NWN... You and me both... I will really be uber-miffed if they mess up my NWN......  [Read More]
Posted in: More Kotor III Rumour News!
08-09-2005, 6:11 AM
Well, being rumor or no, you have to give the thread a little "credit".. it started out a good discussion of what we'd all like to see in the next geneneration of the game :bluidea: Look at all the other threads in the KotOR III section, t...  [Read More]
Posted in: More Kotor III Rumour News!
08-08-2005, 9:56 AM
Hehe Astro, Bioware is not making nwn2: it's Obsidian ;) As for the announcement made in an informal manner by this alleged "leading representative of BioWare Corp" on various forums, including the swamp, it definitely doesn't originate fr...  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasForums relaunch featuring vb3
08-10-2005, 8:31 PM
I sorta liked having my buddy list in my user CP and through that being able to tell when they were online... other than that being missing, the changes are great! Same here at first, but now that I've played with the "Buddy List" in the Qu...  [Read More]
Ah, so it comes with the mod. Thanks. :) ??? Sorry man, I'm confused.. Do you mean the "silver" Sith Troops? If so, then no.. my bad, that's probably just an uber-alpha'd skin for the Troopers... If that's not it, please let me know.. I'd...  [Read More]
Consular, Jedi Master, Sith Lord, Sith Assassin and Jedi Watchman are all listed as having fast power progression, which would indicate they get the same number of force powers on levelup, which can't be correct. yah, you're probably right. I copied...  [Read More]
Updated Pages... and if I see another chart in my lifespan, it'll be too soon ;) w00t! Classes: Skills: Jedi Feats:  [Read More]
Okie peepz, while you're over at checking out the latest Weekly Mod Report ( posted by Darth333... check out the new Lightsaber Forms section! There's more I want to add to it, but for now this wil...  [Read More]
Looks good. I have a few small suggestions though: It would be even more useful if the tables said exactly how many skillpoints the classes got at levelup (before INT modifiers) rather than just Slow, Average, Fast etc... The same thing for feat an...  [Read More] Update! Finished up some changes on the Classes Page... Now it's time to start adding some Saber Forms! :D As always, comments, suggestions, wishlist? I'd love to hear them! -----...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-11-2005, 12:26 PM
Hak Pad - Darth333's Wherami Armband Fix Download: Attenion All! OK peepz, I goofed on the Darth333's wherami band cheat node. DOH! :headbump I accidentally called to the dial...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-07-2005, 10:25 PM
I have a question :p Don't wanna rush you or anything, but is there a Booster Pack 3 in your mind? :D Can't wait to see what else you could add to it ;) Quite possibly :) There's a few more functions I'd like to add, so I have a feeling this will be...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-07-2005, 8:57 PM
Thanks for the heads-up. I'd like to have a way of identifying "problem" disguises, but it's hard. ChAiNz.2da, once we have a definitive list of "good" disguises I can regenerate the .dlg. Andargor Doh! I completely missed this...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-07-2005, 5:45 PM
ChAiNz how about the "add-on" feature of being able to set your party roster's influence level??? ;) It would be really handy for those "aah crap didn't talk enough to Mira to train her kinda thing fixes." :D Even though you can...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-07-2005, 11:36 AM
sorry chainz, i must have missed it somewhere... oh well :giveup: i'll go have my eyes examined i guess... :D No need to be sorry my friend, like I said, I really appreciate the debugging. It's helping me immensely getting all of these disguises sort...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-07-2005, 10:23 AM
Here's a heads up for those who might not know, when you use the cloak works desguises part of the hak-pad you my need to remove all armor/robes off the pc/npc you are using it on, it might lock up the game, did for me... also there are a few desguis...  [Read More]
Posted in:  [REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!
08-06-2005, 10:16 AM
DONE! You can download the Fix here: Contains Fixes for either Booster Pack version. :D Thanks for catching the mistake yohan :thumbsup: ** NOTE: If you have ALREADY "sel...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSLPatcher v1.2.10b1 (mod installer)
08-06-2005, 10:15 PM
1) Added a toggle to the Settings screen that allows for changing of the log window style from Normal to Plaintext, that was added in TSLPatcher 1.1.6 ( This can be used for those who have problems wit...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Planet ORD Mandell Released (New Areas)
08-11-2005, 3:36 AM
Hmm... strange... I just looked for them and I see I don't have them anymore... :eek: somewhere along the lines they have dissappeared, probably when I transferred my files to my new PC... drat!Hey RedHawke! I have the previous version of Ord Mandell...  [Read More]
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