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Standard Robe Pack for use with svцsh's Robe Collar Fix

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06-04-2005, 10:00 AM
Standard Robe Pack for use with svцsh's Robe Collar Fix

Download Now at PCGM:

Author: Ryan Sprinkle "Commas"

This mode makes all of the games standard padawan style robes compatible with svцsh's robe collar fix. included are textures for both male and female.

***IMPORTANT*** For these textures to work you MUST have svцsh's robe collar fix for the padawan robes in your override. this means the files PMBIM.mdl, PMBIM.mdx, PFBIM.mdl and PFBIM.mdx. this mod does not fix the master style robes.

svцsh's robe collar fix can be found at his website:

First of all thanks to svцsh for making the new model for the jedi robes. Its an absolutley brilliant piece of work.

And thanks to Achilles who made the padawan photoshop templates that were used in the creation of this mod.

Thanks to Fred Tetra for kotortool, without it there would be no mods, period.

For Screenshots see the gallery at PCGM

06-04-2005, 10:53 AM
I made some comments over at PCGM, but I might as well here as well :D

Awesome Work you've done! :thumbsup:

I know alot of people were hesitating on releasing new robe skins because of how the model might affect the visuals of other "common" robes in the game... you my friend have just solved that problem (for the Padawan and Knight robes at least.. hehe)..

I'll go ahead and be one of the many to say THANK YOU for taking the time to do this... again, fantastic job! (and the Exile robes are quite sweet as well ;) )
06-04-2005, 1:35 PM

Those look pretty good! I like how you took the time to make collars for all the robe styles.

If I might make a suggestion. You may want to consider "fixing" the padawan robe style so that the outer layer more accuarately lays over the collar. I'd show screens, but I lost them when PCGM accidentally wiped out all the comments.

Feel free to use my robe template (also on PCGM) as a point of reference (if you're so inclined).

Nice work, once again :D
06-04-2005, 3:50 PM
You have been busy, Great work man. :)
06-04-2005, 11:24 PM
Agreed! You have been busy!

Very, very cool ILC! :thumbsup:


Edit: To everyone who wishes to ressurect this thread yet again, please read the PCGM FAQ (, your posts asking for a link will simply be deleted, and if you do it anough you will get warnings. No more people. -RH
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