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Posted in: Creature Mod beta 0.5
06-15-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere clothes have no AC U sure "clothes" have no AC bonus which in modelb ? :D Well i not want uberitems...i want hard long fights but also not impossible fights. But i have clothes with AC which unique upgrade...  [Read More]
Posted in: regeneration?
06-10-2004, 5:29 AM
Not exactly u looking for but some special Abilities u mentioned are in the feat.2da and spells.2da Example.: Juhani's guard stance is feat 54 in the spells.2da u find a combat regeneration ability. The downside is, sometimes the game crashes when...  [Read More]
Posted in: regeneration?
06-10-2004, 5:22 AM
Why u write +20 in the costvalue? that will not work, because all tables have "multiplikator" mostly 1,2,3,4,5 and than special numbers like random or in % whatever. The Value is the row number in a table not directly the effective number....  [Read More]
Posted in: Some retextures
06-11-2004, 4:43 AM
Originally posted by MattColejk ....T3-M4, i know he's a majorly unpopular character MattCole..... Who is T3-M4 *shrug* . . . . ah the annoying beep boop beep thincan *g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some retextures
06-09-2004, 3:36 PM
Originally posted by Ziegfried Wow really like the mission skin, very kool, if only she was evil in the game. Also thought about an evil Mission but hmm i decided to make Juhani more evil also fits (know mostly only the german translation voice of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Canther2Human mod
06-10-2004, 4:49 AM
Like i posted yesterday i also changed juhani few days ago to a human. Partyscreen ( Ingame(right NPC) ( Mission is now missing, still working on her that she meets m...  [Read More]
Posted in: simple model imported
06-08-2004, 6:39 AM
This sounds great :) The downside is, now i must learn how GMAX is used too damn :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: nwscript.nss question
06-08-2004, 5:51 AM
Had needed this for two things, gender specific items and upgradeable items like masks. Both things i get to work in a broken way over the 2da files but i come to the point that i would need to enahnce some genreic subroutines :( Well i cancel this...  [Read More]
Posted in: nwscript.nss question
06-07-2004, 5:58 AM
I wonder in the nwscript file where the subroutines are. As i remember (6years ago that i needed c++) somehing like this void functionname( list of variables given to the function); is only the header of a function but where is the rest(where u see...  [Read More]
Posted in: Achilles' Lightsaber walkthrough
06-06-2004, 2:23 PM
Good FAQ i had need this some days ago where i figured that out myself damn :) (my bad connection to this forum here hurts often to search for help ...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: switching models?
06-07-2004, 2:33 AM
My english is bad, and im head ache is killing me but i will try to tell you when i undestand your question correct ;) Example ? U want that Mission looks like female scout with a Twilek Head? All u need is Kotor Tool With Kotor Tool u extract the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Can you add the Jedi classes to the start-up menu?
06-06-2004, 1:57 PM
btw. is there an 2da editor around which can add "easy" columns" to the 2da files (Kt can't) ?...  [Read More]
Posted in: pls help item desc. and language version of game
06-05-2004, 3:39 AM
@waterhammer i used the searchfunction bevore i asked , but this thread not helped :) @darth333 thx this document helped, also when its a bit annoying to change first all from 0 to 2 than other way back. The GFF Editor is very buggy and need always...  [Read More]
Posted in: pls help item desc. and language version of game
06-04-2004, 12:28 PM
The damn item description gets me ill ;) Why? I tried with the gff editor and did like in some threads mentioned. set strref -1 than language 0 and enter... but i get always blank field in the game, no white box or so. It simple says "no item...  [Read More]
Posted in: the LS colour question
06-03-2004, 7:47 AM
Light brown for LS u sure ? Well never thought that light brown one would say but its ok. Release? :wid: When i feel its done and finished to release it, not only want to throw out some skins and say use the cheatcommand to get the stuff...but...  [Read More]
Posted in: the LS colour question
06-03-2004, 6:07 AM
Well which colours u think fit for lightside? I made a preview with my second heroine, which is still under "shaping" and finally should be a new NPC for party but long way still to it ,scripting i need to learn first better and find the f...  [Read More]
Posted in: armor restrictions of force powers
06-03-2004, 5:53 AM
yes there is. spells.2da armorrestriction colum is a hex number something like this &h00020 or so make the 20 into 00 (dobule zero) and the restriction is away. or download kittys spells.2da the link is one of T7's stickys ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Customized Darkside Transitions(pics) Need input.
06-02-2004, 2:42 PM
Damn i had a real worse one for u Reload2k today. So aweful that i deleted the final .tga file under seconds...i made it by an accident (give me folders in override folder and an anti chaos tool there), but it was looking so horrible . I mean it not...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Sith Armada ---> DownLoad here
06-02-2004, 2:56 PM
Invisible NPC(PC) problem i know with missing .txi file when the modeltexture uses alpha channel. So i get always invisible weapons, items, armors or PC/NPC....  [Read More]
Posted in:  Sith Armada ---> DownLoad here
06-02-2004, 3:22 AM
Originally posted by maverick187 Oh how I dream of the ability to put folders in my Override folder, curren tly I have over 400 files in there ..... LOL:p :p This problem i understand (know) very good either now, have ~20% rdy of my personal targe...  [Read More]
Posted in: How do i change the starting movie or ship?
06-08-2004, 6:24 AM
Every tried to use a decompiler of a c++ development kit (borland,microsoft or so) ?...  [Read More]
Answer other questions. its not juhannis model its soldier body and common PC female head. Armor is class9001 basemodel. (was "funny" to get the metal outbands in a line over front,legs and back ...) Items have normal stats, but for me wa...  [Read More]
Originally posted by maverick187 Very nice stuff I suppose it's funner to reskin for the darkside, it's kinda hard to reskin for the lightside, no tatoos and such, good job I go generally light side mostly and i like also in real life (my girlfrie...  [Read More]
Posted in: Extra Levels?
06-10-2004, 5:03 AM
Why so complicated, u can have much easier your overpowered charakter with instant death on hit ability for items ;) propname 32 subtype 10 p.s.: i prefer tough long battles, where i need more tactics like using the force healing, boost and so st...  [Read More]
Posted in:  GOOD / EVIL Bastila skins by svцsh
06-07-2004, 2:06 AM
the evil bastila has a "scale-like" layer as my scalearmor released ~week ago. :)...  [Read More]