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pls help item desc. and language version of game

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06-04-2004, 12:28 PM
The damn item description gets me ill ;)


I tried with the gff editor and did like in some threads mentioned.
set strref -1 than language 0 and enter...

but i get always blank field in the game, no white box or so.
It simple says "no item description aviable" and where the name normal is , are just blank spaces.

I also DL'd now foreign item mods with decription and same happened.

Anyone an idea, i have an german version of the game btw. and my ideas at the end with this problem.

I viewed many many item .uti's from my orignal game and all point to strref into the tlk file.
The crazy thing in the .tlk file are many english texts too (and german sure ;) ).

oh one thing more, when i load with gff editor a foreign .uti file and do nothing to it, just save it with the gff editor into the ovverride folder i get always an unuseable granade without description, name.

When i edit the dialog.tlk file it works....hmm the structure looks too weired of this file was thinking as last help to figure out a little programm wich can update the tlk file with the new data automatically or so...

This item description thing annoys me and kills my fun on makeing something to it at the moment.
06-04-2004, 12:47 PM
I suggest you read this document concerning the gff format. It seems that the Language ID for German is 2 and not 0.

Hope this helps:)
06-05-2004, 3:39 AM
@waterhammer i used the searchfunction bevore i asked , but this thread not helped :)

thx this document helped, also when its a bit annoying to change first all from 0 to 2 than other way back. The GFF Editor is very buggy and need always the renter all text in the "desc." entries.
I want to see how they texts fit ingame (look and feel y know..)
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