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06-08-2004, 9:53 PM
i haven't been here in awhile, nice to see all the new faces, and the progress with the model files, but this might get windy, so i'm going to get right to the point:

i was messing around with creating an animalistic type of character for kotor, meaning one who doesn't use weapons, and who has some other special abilities. the main ability i was going to give him was the ability to heal at an astounding rate, both in and out of combat (normal characters, as you know, do not heal at all). now, i've given items the regeneration feat, and it doesn't seem to go much higher than 5, which isn't the healing magnitude i was looking for, plus i wanted this to be an always-on aspect of a specific character, not something that could be un-equiped, or given to another character.

so i opened up the regeneration.2da, and changed the values until i got a number i liked (9.0 makes you pretty unkillable by minions, but bosses can still whoop on you), but obviously, this changes the values for every character, which again, isn't what i wanted.

so my question is: is there a way to have a certain character call upon a specific .2da for his regeneration abilities? a way that doesn't include scripting would be best, i'm hoping it's locked somewhere in a .gff file, i can edit those easily. well, thanks for the comments.
06-09-2004, 12:44 PM
Have you thought about making a custom item with a feat use limitation of Force Sensitive? You can also add additonal regen to items by adding more than one entry in the item property list. I hope that this helps.
06-09-2004, 8:31 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
Have you thought about making a custom item with a feat use limitation of Force Sensitive? You can also add additonal regen to items by adding more than one entry in the item property list. I hope that this helps.

yes, i considered that option, although i wouldn't use force-sensitive, since this npc is not a force user. there are a few custom feats that can't be used by pc's, so i would likely use one of those if i went this route.

i also know about adding the additional regen to items, but it doesn't seem to work per my in-game tests. you can try it yourself, but in a +20 regen, and it seems like the max you can get to is +5 with items, but if you change the regeneration.2da, you can get wolverine-type healing abilities (which is what i'm going for).

i suppose what i was trying to do (get a specific character to call upon a specific regeneration.2da) is not possible, at least with what we know now, i know for sure that i can't find it in any .gff files at least.

does anyone know anything about attaching "hide" items? an example would be canderous' implant, or hk47's "repairs", which basically just add an invisible stat-boosting item to their permanent inventory.
06-10-2004, 3:09 AM
Assuming KotOR uses the same slot-naming system as NWN, the Hide slot should be called INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR.

This is NWScript and not KotOR script. I know the two are similar but I doubt they're identical, so you may have to modify it a bit.

void main()
object oCreature = GetObjectByTag("TagOfCreature");

object oHide = CreateItemOnObject("resref", oCreature, 1);

AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionEquipItem(oHide, INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR));
}Well, that's how I'd do in in NWN, anyway. I haven't looked at KotOR's scripts in any great detail yet, though.
06-10-2004, 5:22 AM
Why u write +20 in the costvalue?

that will not work, because all tables have "multiplikator" mostly 1,2,3,4,5 and than special numbers like random or in % whatever.
The Value is the row number in a table not directly the effective number.

not tried that with +20 as sum, but with +10 in two

node 01

propname 35
subtype 0
costtable 1
costvalue 5

node 02

propname 35
subtype 0
costtable 1
costvalue 5

it works, the item heals extremly.
The only annoying is that u see double numbers floating about your PC up from the healing effect.

But i not like those overpowered stuff anyway ;)
with only this +10 regen and normal game armor/charakter without boosts/cheats the NPCs in the sith base weren't able to kill my PC...boring.

Other Test i gave Juhani the ability with +4 regen health/force in the NPC table she had 180hitpoints base 17str 17con 10wsh/int/cha (in her euipment 20str 20con ~200HP) and lvl9 when u encounter her on dantoonie..with normal droped euipment and no item mods u not able to kill her...even as lvl20 soldier ^^ but i survived 7 mins ...
06-10-2004, 5:29 AM
Not exactly u looking for but some special Abilities u mentioned are in the feat.2da and spells.2da

Example.: Juhani's guard stance is feat 54

in the spells.2da u find a combat regeneration ability.

The downside is, sometimes the game crashes when u attach those things to "other" NPCs.

maybe u find something helpful in those files :)
06-15-2004, 1:02 AM
5 regeneration is so amazingly overpowered that it is all you should really need. Thats like a free force cure every other round.

Methinks you should consider balance before technical aspects.
06-15-2004, 1:29 AM
I suggest you takea look at HK-47 script. It's simply fired from a conversation:

#include "k_inc_debug"

void main()
object oNewHide = CreateItemOnObject("g_i_crhide012",OBJECT_SELF);

if (GetIsObjectValid (oOldHide))



This means you can just extract the "g_i_crhide012.uti " and make a new item with the properties you want to add and attach a script to an existing convo (or a custom one) :)

Teh script for Canderous is attached to the utc file (UserDefinedScript). He uses k_hen_canduser.nss (source available)

You'll also find this in nwscript.nss:

// 164: Create a Regenerate effect.
// - nAmount: amount of damage to be regenerated per time interval
// - fIntervalSeconds: length of interval in seconds
effect EffectRegenerate(int nAmount, float fIntervalSeconds);
06-15-2004, 2:18 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
Have you thought about making a custom item with a feat use limitation of Force Sensitive? You can also add additonal regen to items by adding more than one entry in the item property list. I hope that this helps.

Whats the fun in doing an item, when you can ruin the game :D :D :D
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