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Almost a reality

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08-23-2004, 7:43 PM
I've been reading PrtyLizardJedi's tutorial on texturing and it is awesome. If you haven't read it, do so now ( It is towards the bottom of the page.

In my continuing quest to get JO and JA modders to convert (or allow us permissoin to convert) their models for KotOR, I've emailed HapSlash (who is very busy at the moment) and posted the request on his messgae boards. He allows pepole to use his models freely if they include a block of text with credits in his readme's. This seems to be a special situation so I've explained it to him and asked permission before I did anything. I've also contacted the author of the following Clone trooper models and (who I believe is also the author of) the DC-15 rifle. The plan (which may now become downloadable if we hear back from them) now is to make the whole thing a package with ToMeR's clonetrooper armor (with his permission, of course.) I made some new icons for the helmets, the armors, and the rifle. I made the new clonetrooper armor icons because the helmets' icons looked a little weird without them. If it get's released (which depends on all permissions) it will include both my new and ToMeR's recolored armor icons. I recolered (although you really can't tell) them to match the exact color of the Clone trooper helmet colors and added a green icon. The helmets now have the "shine" thanks to the tutorial above. Since it was easier to recolor ToMeR's armor textures instead of all the helmets, the armors now match the helmets' dirty off-white color, shine, and color scheme (added new green and fixed yellow) a little better thanks to the new texture files and .txi files (you rock Lizard!). Some people like armors and helmets to just have a "cosmetic" use and don't like stats. The weapons, helmets, and armors will come with no stats excluding the base ion rifle damage on the (update: belongs to AJL) DC-15. It is up to you whether you like the names for the armors and helmets. You have two choices: ToMeR's original "color" naming or the original author's "rank" naming. And without further ado......

Helmet Icons:
New Armor Icons:
ToMeR's Armor Icons:
Icons Together in Menu:
All 3 in Menu:

Clone troopers:

Basic Clone (white):
Captain Clone (red):[/url)
Major Clone (yellow):
Lieutenant Clone (blue):
Sergeant Clone (green):

Clone trooper Helmets by: Mars "NeoMarz1" Marshall

Clone trooper Rifle by: AJL (LucasForums Member)

Clone trooper Armor by: Darth ToMeR (Holowan's Very Own)
08-23-2004, 8:10 PM
Excellent job making this package up (crosses fingures for persmission)

hehe, good luck!
08-23-2004, 8:10 PM
Wow.. those look pretty sweet. I don't know if its the angle or reality, but the helmets seem to size better than Orsan's Boba Fett helmet.
08-23-2004, 8:40 PM
woa.... its like im dreaming..... someone pinch me!

that is the best thing i have ever seen in my life

the most beautiful mod ive seen

i just

i cant find any words for it!

its absolutly...... im speechless!
08-23-2004, 8:50 PM
omg awsome
08-23-2004, 9:24 PM
I would suggest turning the rifle on a 45 degree angle so it fits in to the Inventory and "On Person" spots better.

Also id put stats on the items the same as the current Sith trooper armours.

And use Tomers icons , they fit better with the other ones in the game.

Good luck getting permission.
08-23-2004, 9:46 PM
I'm including both icons. I like the idea of the same stats as the sith trooper armor. I'll do that. What about the helmet's, what stats do you guys want to see on those. The DC-15 should also be a good powered rifle. Any ideas on those stats? I'm thinking at least in the 10-13 minimum power area. And what about the naming for the helmets and armor? "Rank" or "Color"? For example, "Clone trooper Major(Sgt, Lt, Cpt, etc.) Helmet" or "Yellow Clone trooper helmet"? And by the way, I've seen three spellings of this. "Clonetrooper", "Clone trooper", or "Clone Trooper"?

Jackel, What do you mean by "On Person spots better"
08-23-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by bneezy
I'm including both icons. I like the idea of the same stats as the sith trooper armor. I'll do that. What about the helmet's, what stats do you guys want to see on those. The DC-15 should also be a good powered rifle. Any ideas on those stats? I'm thinking at least in the 10-13 minimum power area. And what about the naming for the helmets and armor? "Rank" or "Color"? For example, "Clone trooper Major(Sgt, Lt, Cpt, etc.) Helmet" or "Yellow Clone trooper helmet"? And by the way, I've seen three spellings of this. "Clonetrooper", "Clone trooper", or "Clone Trooper"?

The official star wars dtatabank says Clone trooper, I would suggest going the same way as the Sith troopers are done. Off hand cant remember if thats troopers or Troopers though.

For thenaming : Clone tropper helmet, Major/Captain/etc.

Helmet stats should be better per rank , ie the basic trooper could have power blast , next one higher , power blast and heavy weapon prof. then power blast 1 and 2 , heavy weapon prof etc etc.

The rifle maybe 8 - 16 28metre range - upgradeable I would try :
enery cell : +6 energy
hair trigger: +1 attack
beam splitter; +1 atack, 1d6 energy damage
scope: + 2 attack
that would give it 14 - 28 damage at a +4 atack bonus

Originally posted by bneezy
Jackel, What do you mean by "On Person spots better"
By on person i mean that nine square block where you can select weapons , armour, implants etc.
08-23-2004, 10:32 PM
Is the armor itself just a reskin of one of the armor types already in game? It sure looks like it to me.
08-23-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
For thenaming : Clone tropper helmet, Major/Captain/etc.

Helmet stats should be better per rank , ie the basic trooper could have power blast , next one higher , power blast and heavy weapon prof. then power blast 1 and 2 , heavy weapon prof etc etc.

The rifle maybe 8 - 16 28metre range - upgradeable I would try :
enery cell : +6 energy
hair trigger: +1 attack
beam splitter; +1 atack, 1d6 energy damage
scope: + 2 attack
that would give it 14 - 28 damage at a +4 atack bonus[/B]

That's pretty nice, I like them both. Do you mind if I use those?

Clone trooper Armor by: Darth ToMeR (Holowan's Very Own)
It is. It's a reskin of the Class 9 armor.

Here is a new pic with ToMeR's icon and the new rifle icon turned at 45 degrees (thanks Jackel).
08-23-2004, 10:53 PM
No worries go ahead and use them.

Slight change suggestion though :

Make the beam splitter: +1 atack, 1d8 ion damage

This will help beat down personal shields and do more damage to droids.
08-23-2004, 11:03 PM
Awesome looking stuff man.
08-23-2004, 11:05 PM
I didn't know the Ebon Hawk Basement was yours, shosey. I love that mod.

Here is your chance to reduce the file size of this thing. I was wondering how to make one model, and use the different texture files as variations like ToMeR does with the armor. I see how he did it, but the model already exsisted in the game. Question: How would I do that with the Clone trooper helmets. Right now I have different models for them all. Would I have to somehow include all the textures in the model before exporting it? I have no idea.
08-23-2004, 11:21 PM
yep, it was my first actually. and thank you!
08-23-2004, 11:31 PM
Originally posted by bneezy
I didn't know the Ebon Hawk Basement was yours, shosey. I love that mod.

Here is your chance to reduce the file size of this thing. I was wondering how to make one model, and use the different texture files as variations like ToMeR does with the armor. I see how he did it, but the model already exsisted in the game. Question: How would I do that with the Clone trooper helmets. Right now I have different models for them all. Would I have to somehow include all the textures in the model before exporting it? I have now idea.
Itams like swords , axes , masks , guns etc all have their textures referenced in the mdl file , so you would need a mdl file for each helmet. Same for when Svosh made a couple of new masks based ont he vacuum mask , he had to include new mdl files for them to pointed to the new skins.
08-24-2004, 2:18 AM
bneezy you should make it so that these replace the sith armor that would be sweet
08-24-2004, 2:31 AM
I hope that all works out bneezy, those would be very cool to have in the game! :D
08-24-2004, 3:44 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
bneezy : to make all the sith troopers (including in cut scenes) in to Darth Tomers + Clone Helmet do this : extract the class 9 armour model (and mdx files) rename to the same as sith trooper armour drop in to your override folder , take the armour you want from DT's clone trooper skins , rename to the same as sith trooper skins , and drop in to your override folder. Load up the game , go to a new area and see your handy work. They will still be easy to kill they will just look like the clone trooper.
But how would I make it so the helmets showed up?

Everyone is welcome to suggest ideas. Jackel's ideas are great but some of you may have a better one or something to add to his. Next question, should anything have restrictions? Feat, level, class, power, or otherwise?
08-24-2004, 4:30 PM
Limit it to Soldier class? I dont know but that would make sense to me as i dont see a Scoundrel or Scout walking around in them.
08-24-2004, 4:43 PM
i leave for 4 days, and look what happens (stupid college life...).

anyway, i agree with cerasumat on limiting it to soldiers, but also, limit keep in mind that limiting the helmet to the same armor class(heavy proficiency feat) will keep things in balance. imagine wearing the helmet with the echani fiber armor...

just way too weird...

btw, bneezy, you've been churnin out some seriously nice work. keep it up!!!
08-24-2004, 6:05 PM
Forgive me if this question or it's answer has been posted before. I have been searching for 45min. now and can't find where I can download this stormtrooper gear?

P.S. - If it's part of a .mod file what software do I need to extract it?

Thanks, JediGabe
08-24-2004, 6:10 PM
don't think bneezy has released it yet.
08-24-2004, 6:19 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
don't think bneezy has released it yet.

DARN! bneezy if you read this please release it soon! Grovel-Grovel, Beg-Beg:D

- Thanks, JediGabe:)
08-24-2004, 6:23 PM
Originally posted by JediGabe
P.S. - If it's part of a .mod file what software do I need to extract it?

just so you know, bneezy replaced the sith troopers armor with tomer's clonetrooper armor and gave him a stormtrooper helmet. we can't edit models due to animations. search for Cchargin's thread about his mdlops plugin for more info.
08-24-2004, 6:32 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
just so you know, bneezy replaced the sith troopers armor with tomer's clonetrooper armor and gave him a stormtrooper helmet. we can't edit models due to animations. search for Cchargin's thread about his mdlops plugin for more info.

It's funny that you would mention the helmet. Because that is the item that I am most interested in! If i could get my greedy little hands on it? I would be happy with that!!:) :)

- Thanks, JediGabe
08-24-2004, 9:26 PM
That specific one I can't release until HapSlash gives the OK. He allows people to do it as long as they include this little block of text in his readme that has credits. This is kind of a special situation, so I posted that on his message boards and emailed him. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
08-24-2004, 10:14 PM
These are along the same lines as what I'm working on with the Clone troopers. These probably can't get released since the author of the Jango Fett texture (Aryyn) used the helmet for Boba Fett from the game. Although, I've seen some original textures and models out there. I'm working on contacting those people to "convert" or die by agonizing Force Lightning. The following pics have Orsan's Jango and Boba reskins. The new helmets have the "shine" (hail Lizard!) new icons, and are resized to match the first caucasian male head. Jango's helmet "shine" matches that of Orsan's Jango reskin. Boba's isn't as shiny since his is all beat up and Jango probably got a spanking new set of armor from the cloners on Kamino.

A little tip for fitting perfect helmets:

Get a mask, the head you want to use, and the helmet you want. Import the mask and then the head. Select everything but the main head part and the mask and then delete it all. Don't move the mask at ALL! Now, move the head to line up perfectly with the mask so its like it would look in the game. Now delete the mask. Don't touch the head at ALL! Import the helmet and scale and size to match the head perfectly. Be careful though, you need to leave room for the hair, which isn't on the head model. Once it is all adjusted, complete the model as usual. I may do this for the Clone trooper helmets if you guys see them as too large. Post your thoughts.

Orsan's Original Boba Fett:

Orsan's Original Icon:

Jedi Academy Boba Fett (original):

Jedi Academy Boba Fett (new):

New Icons for Boba and Jango Helmets:

Aryyn's Jango Fett (original):

Aryyn's Jango Fett (new):

Boba Fett Helmet by: Orsan
Boba Fett Helmet by: Jedi Academy
Boba Fett Armor by: Orsan
Jango Fett Helmet by: Aryyn
Jango Fett Armor by: Orsan

Orsan's Homepage (
08-24-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by bneezy
But how would I make it so the helmets showed up?
You will proberly have to end up rebuilding the model. The Sith armour is a all in one armour so you will need to attach the helmet model to the body model and try get them working as one model rather then seperate ones.

Not a modeller so I cant tell you how to do it btter then that sorry.
08-25-2004, 12:34 AM

Outstanding. The love triangle strikes again. This is going to happen to you if you talk back to Svosh, I'm telling you. Read my last posts and signature. It says it all. With you three still around, I seriously doubt I would want to come back.
08-25-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by bneezy

Outstanding. The love triangle strikes again. This is going to happen to you if you talk back to Svosh, I'm telling you. Read my last posts and signature. It says it all. With you three still around, I seriously doubt I would want to come back.

Now that is just plain rude to post a PM.

bneezy this thread is closed. You continue to show disrespect to the moderators. HL moderators didn't want to have to ban you but, you have forced us to take this action. Perhaps if you ever return you will be able to show abit more maturity.
08-25-2004, 1:07 AM
Originally posted by T7nowhere
Now that is just plain rude to post a PM.

bneezy this thread is closed. You continue to show disrespect to the moderators. HL moderators didn't want to have to ban you but, you have forced us to take this action. Perhaps if you ever return you will be able to show abit more maturity.

I completely agree with your post t7.


You know very well that the reason for your ban was not simply for answering svцsh's posts. Even after svцsh's presented you his excuses, you continued picking on him in nearly every post you made and you even changed your signature to "rip-off artist". A signature is something that follows you everywhere. That was a complete lack of respect.

I gave you a First public warning ( on the board asking you to stop mocking svцsh in your posts through semi-hidden meanings. I also asked you via PM to edit your signature which was found as being ofensive. You then decided to change you sig to "Silenced by the (WO)man" and "at the risk of being banned"...which was another lack of respect ( it also demonstrates that you knew pretty well what you were doing). Some of the PMs you sent me were also very rude.

Yesterday, you insulted svцsh publicly in a very rude and impolite manner. I gave you another warning and locked your thread ( . Instead of accepting the decision, you decided to strike again by changing your sig once more to "Having his point proven over and over again". At this point your case has been discussed and everyone agreed to ban you and t7 send you the PM you added as your signature. This last gesture was "plain rude" as mentionned by T7 and demostrates a lack of maturity and complete disregard towards the moderators.

Discussion closed.
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