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Extending force power time?

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08-21-2004, 5:08 PM
I sometimes wonder if some .nss files, including k_inc_force.nss are the final version that bioware used...:confused: I discussed this sometime ago with tk102...the only weird thing is that it compiles :confused:

Or maybe it has something to do with the compiler :confused: ( I will try to verify something during the weekend concerning this)
08-21-2004, 5:33 PM
Originally posted by Achilles
All you should be changing is a couple of numbers. If the force powers have stopped working altogether, it probably means that you pooched something. I would recommend going back and starting over with a fresh instance of the script, being very careful to only change the correct numbers (via the instructions).

Diligence will fix 99% of all problems :D

Good luck!

i did i started with a fresh one from the kotor tool and did not mess with it then compialed the resaults should be normel force powers but it not :/

i think darth333 has got the right i deal

that or maybe my + force mods (that i downloaded from pcgamemods ) conflict with it some how tho i dont see how becaus i did not make any adjust ments to k_inc_force so they should remain the same !! and work the same when recompialed

is it posable that kotor tool dos not extract the exact k_inc_force file thats in there
08-21-2004, 7:44 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
that or maybe my + force mods (that i downloaded from pcgamemods ) conflict with it some how !! Not a chance: I made this package!!! :D
Seriously: the force powers at pcgamemods do not conflict with the original force powers: they have separate custom scripts and use different lines in spells.2da. Plus they have been tested and retested on animals (look at hte screenshots in this thread: ) .

is it posable that kotor tool dos not extract the exact k_inc_force file thats in there
No, kotor tool extracts the available files: it is either something with the available .nss file "provided" by Bioware or with the compiler. I'll try to look at it.
08-21-2004, 8:18 PM
as im going threw the folders

it seems some none biower guy has alrady modifyed it alot he has inserts like this

//MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk March 23
//Moved the save call down to here from up above with the resist inorder to help
//feedback system not make useless save calls.
//MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk March 24
//Made the default value of nSave -1 so that I only do it once.
//MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk April 5
//Made sure to set nSaves to FALSE so that it would fall through the function.
if(SWFP_HARMFUL == TRUE && nSaves == -1)

all threw the thing

but i still dont think this would efect any thing seeing that it worked just fine befor it was uncompiled and i did not make any changes then recompailed it
08-21-2004, 8:21 PM
No am saying is that the .nss file in your kotor folder may not be the file Bioware used for compiling the final version. That is not an assumption.

What you are pointing out are simply notes that programmers at Bioware add to keep track of what they do: they do not affect anything.

Lines that start with // are simple comments and not part of the code.

//you could write an entire
//novel at the beginning of a script
//and it would not affect anything
//as long as you add // before
//every line :D
08-21-2004, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Not a chance: I made this package!!! :D
Seriously: the force powers at pcgamemods do not conflict with the original force powers: they have separate custom scripts and use different lines in spells.2da. Plus they have been tested and retested on animals (look at hte screenshots in this thread: ) .

No, kotor tool extracts the available files: it is either something with the available .nss file "provided" by Bioware or with the compiler. I'll try to look at it.

o cool so your name is Preston Watamaniuk ? :)

i might be that im compialing them rong tho i dont see how becaus i got force heal to heal alot more and mess with a few ather fp and all my changes seem to work so im prity sure im compialing right tho i might be rong
08-21-2004, 8:45 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
o cool so your name is Preston Watamaniuk ? :)
Yeah, you got it :rolleyes:

i might be that im compialing them rong tho i dont see how becaus i got force heal to heal alot more and mess with a few ather fp and all my changes seem to work so im prity sure im compialing right tho i might be rong
The compiler is easy to use and from what I have seen you are doing it ok. However, the problem maybe the compiler itself. This is what I was trying to say, sorry if it wasn't clear.
08-21-2004, 8:49 PM
o ok so im not the one doing it rong :/

bah ok thanks for the help tho it looks like i got it right from the beging and did not know it lol

great work on the + fp mod i love them :)
08-21-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by maddogsz
as im going threw the folders

it seems some none biower guy has alrady modifyed it alot he has inserts like this

//MODIFIED by Preston Watamaniuk March 23

Preston is a Bioware coder. He just doesnt add "//MODIFIED by Bioware Coder Preston Watamaniuk March 23" because Bioware know hes a coder of theirs.
08-22-2004, 11:45 AM
Well, it seems that the problem is the compiler itself. I modified k_inc_force.nss and it with k_inc_debug.nss and k_sp1_generic.nss with the Aurora tooset script compiler and everything seems to be in order.

Initially, when I compiled with HazardX's compiler, i wasn't able to use destroy droitd but with the toolset it runs without problems. I haven't checked if Juhani would continue to cast Master Valor all the time because I just arrived on Taris but if you want to check , here are my modded files:
You will find k_inc_force.nss and the compiled K_sp1_generic.ncs

Just drop the latter one in your override folder.

NOTE: I modified k_inc_force.nss for testing purposes only and added silly values in there just to see if it would work (debug): you'll notice that when you use force wave, the ennemies stay suspended in the air for 20 or 40 seconds ( I don't remember what value I added).
If you don't have the Toolset, I can compile your modified force powers scripts. Just let me know. :)
08-22-2004, 1:15 PM
Mono_Giganto ?????? what are you tallking about?

darth 333 thank you so much were do i download

Aurora tooset script compiler

seeing that HazardX's compiler is buged its lost me almost 3 full days of doing any thing constroctive

i have a t1 line so downloadeding it should not be a proplem :)

and onec agen thank you so much for takeing your time to help a noob :)
08-23-2004, 10:16 AM
You have to buy NWN if you want to get the toolset but don't bother with that unless you want the game: the compiler included in the toolset caused me some troubles with other scripts.

There is a way to do it with HazardX's script compiler:

Open k_sp1_generic, remove the following lines at the beginning of the script:

#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_force"

Then copy and paste all the contents of k_inc_force.nss at the beginning of your k_sp1_generic.nss file and do the same with k_inc_debug.nss.

So your new k_sp1_generic should contain, from top to bottom, in this exact order: (1) k_inc_debug (2) k_inc_force and finally (3) k_sp1_generic. So now, the included files...are really included in k_sp1_generic :D

Save the new k_sp1_generic.nss and make sure you include the -v1.00 parameter when you compile ( I tried without and it won't work for this script).

Hope this helps :)
08-23-2004, 1:54 PM
That solution indicates that HazardX's compiler is not locating the modified version of k_inc_force.nss when it compiles k_sup_generic.nss.

It's been awhile since I compiled a script, but the way I remember it working for me was to create a new folder, put a k_sup_generic.nss and k_inc_force.nss into the folder along a with a copy of nwnnsscomp.exe. Then run nwnnsscomp.exe on k_sup_generic.nss from within that directory.

Darth333's suggestion above however, will ensure that nwnnsscomp.exe uses the right script obviously because the include file is now 'included'. ;)
08-23-2004, 1:58 PM
actuly i downloaded

this file

from one of the other threads that you were in and put it there and its worked like a charm evre time senc then :)

it seems it was me doing the compialing rong tho im still not sure how i was

thanks once agen for helping a noob out :)
08-23-2004, 2:03 PM
I have changed a lot of the force power times and effects and have never had any problems. Even with destroy droid, it works fine with me. I did find that the include files need to be in the same directory as the compiler (not the overrides folder) in order for it to work correctly. I always stick the nwnnsscomp.exe in the SWKOTOR directory and I put all of the includes in that directory as well.

The problem with Valor sounds like a different issue, more to do with k_ai_master script. Check your override directory and see if you have that script in there. I believe it comes in the Hardcore Mod.
08-23-2004, 3:21 PM
Originally posted by beancounter
I did find that the include files need to be in the same directory as the compiler (not the overrides folder) in order for it to work correctly.
Thanks guys, now it works perfectly :)
08-23-2004, 4:58 PM
Originally posted by beancounter
The problem with Valor sounds like a different issue, more to do with k_ai_master script. Check your override directory and see if you have that script in there. I believe it comes in the Hardcore Mod.
I had the same problems with Valor until I went back and tried it again. I have no idea what I did differently the first time, but the second version worked perfectly :D
08-26-2004, 3:42 PM
Achilles or anyone, in the extended force powers mod. Does k_inc_force.nss go into overide aswell?
08-26-2004, 3:54 PM
Originally posted by ClumsyClayson
Achilles or anyone, in the extended force powers mod. Does k_inc_force.nss go into overide aswell?
To compile you need to have k_sp1_generic.nss, k_inc_force.nss and k_inc_debug.nss in the same folder as the compiler, nwnnsscomp.exe . Once compiled you will use k_sp1_generic.ncs.
08-26-2004, 4:06 PM
I have no idea what that means. Though I have a suspicion by saying this I'll be told to go read the Newbie guide to Modding. And that I shall.
08-26-2004, 4:59 PM
Originally posted by ClumsyClayson
I have no idea what that means. Though I have a suspicion by saying this I'll be told to go read the Newbie guide to Modding. And that I shall.
That is where you should always start. :rolleyes: :D

Anyways, I just noticed that Achilles released the mod here: (sorry Achilles, I forgot to sleep last night and this is what happens when i lack sleep :D )

I thought you were asking about how to modify the force power duration yourself.

To play the mod, the only thing you need is to place k_sp1_generic.ncs in your override folder

(the .nss files are the source code - you don't need them to activate the mod - you can simply discard them or keep them for reference if one day you decide to modify k_inc_force.nss :) )
08-26-2004, 8:10 PM
Originally posted by ClumsyClayson
I have no idea what that means. Though I have a suspicion by saying this I'll be told to go read the Newbie guide to Modding. And that I shall.
You don't need to compile anything...unless you change the values that I added. I included the ncs file so that all you have to do is save it to your override folder.

I hope that helps.
11-26-2005, 8:05 PM
i may have found my answer in this thread, must go back and test...
04-03-2011, 10:02 AM
Is there a way to extend the duration of force powers to unlimited time?
Are the Dark/Light side masteries' durations unlimited or are these forces being periodically renewed?
And where are the scripts for Dark/Light side masteries? I couldn't find them in k_inc_force.nss.
Any help would be appreciated.
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