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Gloves of Light

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08-23-2004, 4:56 AM
ok working on a set of gloves that will give non jedi users the ability ti weild lightsabers without having to change either their utc file or use the ave game editor to add in lightsaber prof. But im not sure where to put them , Korriban or Dantooine.

Or make four different ones and spread them around. If i did this i would have

1. Lightsaber prof.
2. Lightsaber prof. and 1 regeneration
3. Lightsaber prof. , lightsaber focus
4. Lightsaber prof. , lightsaber focus and 1 regernation.

Maybe also
5.Lightsaber prof. , lightsaber focus ,1 regernation and +1 dexterity
6.Lightsaber prof. , lightsaber focus , 1 regernation and +1 strength

What do you all think ?
08-23-2004, 5:19 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
But im not sure where to put them , Korriban or Dantooine.

Are there only going to be one pair? Perhaps you could put a pair on each planet?
08-23-2004, 5:29 AM
Or the weakest glove in the remains of the jedi who dies on board the Endar Spire, that is if you make more than 1 set....
08-23-2004, 5:40 AM
Originally posted by Achilles
Are there only going to be one pair? Perhaps you could put a pair on each planet?

I quickly chucked the six i described together , standard descrip for each , thinking baout making one or two sets DS only and LS only maybe the two end ones (5 & 6) for the unkown world ~shrugs~

Not sure. Blah oh well ill get around to deciding later i guess. Thanks for ya help so far anyway.

And F138 : unless somone would be willing to script for me , we cant use that dead jedi on the spire , stuffs up the later game thanks to her not having a unique name.
08-23-2004, 5:46 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
And F138 : unless somone would be willing to script for me , we cant use that dead jedi on the spire , stuffs up the later game thanks to her not having a unique name.

You beat me to it Jackel! :D

Personally I like the gloves option #6 the best! :D
08-23-2004, 6:30 AM
Ahhh I see..... Thanx for the info though :)
08-23-2004, 9:19 AM
Originally posted by Jackel

And F138 : unless somone would be willing to script for me , we cant use that dead jedi on the spire , stuffs up the later game thanks to her not having a unique name.

I can do this if you want :) I think it would be fun to have one pair of those gloves when you arrive on Taris so you can use a lightsaber without too much cheating.
08-23-2004, 9:22 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
I can do this if you want :) I think it would be fun to have one pair of those gloves when you arrive on Taris so you can use a lightsaber without too much cheating.
Thanks Darth333

Might even add a lightsaber to her aswell so you dont have to cheat one in ...

Ill pm you with more details later. Its like 12:49AM on monday morning and I really should head to bed.
08-23-2004, 9:22 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
I can do this if you want :) I think it would be fun to have one pair of those gloves when you arrive on Taris so you can use a lightsaber without too much cheating.
I made a quick mod that puts a lightsaber in that back pack just outside of the hideout. If anyone wants it, let me know.
08-23-2004, 9:28 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
Thanks Darth333

Might even add a lightsaber to her aswell so you dont have to cheat one in ...

Ill pm you with more details later. Its like 12:49AM on monday morning and I really should head to bed.
No problem :) Anytime :)

BTW, I don't understand why you don't believe a lawyer can make good cakes... :mad: :p
08-23-2004, 9:30 AM
Originally posted by Darth333
No problem :) Anytime :)

BTW, I don't understand why you don't believe a lawyer can make good cakes... :mad: :p
Cause lawyers are evil ,w hich would make it an evil cake. WHich it looks to be , it looks fettening , and fattening means evil :cool:
08-23-2004, 9:38 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
Cause lawyers are evil ,w hich would make it an evil cake. WHich it looks to be , it looks fettening , and fattening means evil :cool:

Jackel take that back... Darth333 gave me that cake... it can't be evil... it's mine I tell you... all mine... Muahahahahaha!!!

Sorry... Sugar Rush! :D
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