Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Forum rules and guidelines
08-13-2006, 5:44 PM
In addition to the general forum rules, here are some guidelines and rules that apply to some specific forums: ========================================== I. Editing (Modding) Forums: ========================================== T3-M4's Astromech Dr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forum rules and guidelines
08-13-2006, 5:38 PM
#1 This is the LucasForums section for the StarWars:Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR) games series. Useful links The main ( site. You can find a description of each of the K...  [Read More]
Posted in: pc mods down?
08-12-2006, 8:24 PM
What Emperor Devon said. Since we had a great number of "pcgm is down" threads over the past weeks, we are directing any link requests to this thread:  [Read More]
Posted in: Feedback
08-12-2006, 5:55 PM
Remember, this is a thread of suggestions, so you people can find ways to make things more fun and efficient. This is not a thread to critisise the suggestion. Suggestions should be given to the moderators and admins in a way so that they can be cons...  [Read More]
Posted in: Feedback
08-12-2006, 4:25 PM
I think that having a multitude of subforums would be more of a nuisance than a welcomed measure when browsing and it would lead to even less forum activity. People would visit only their favorite section and RPG made in other forums would never have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Somebody HELP!!!
08-10-2006, 1:32 PM
Check this sticky: Perhaps winrar is what you need? ;) The link and all the details are in the "How to install mod sticky. I am also locking this thread to avoid duplicate discussions. If you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 1 NPC and Module Editing
08-10-2006, 8:49 PM
You have to pack the .ifo, .are, .git and your module specific files in a .mod file using KT's ERF builder and drop it in your modules folder....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor 1 NPC and Module Editing
08-10-2006, 5:02 PM
btw, if you use KT's module editor, make sure to backup your .git file regularly. If you happen to make a mistake or enter incomplete data in some places, you are at risk of erasing all the contents of your .git....  [Read More]
Posted in: Extracting the Saber SFX From KOTOR I & II
08-09-2006, 4:17 PM
The original saber sounds are not in the sound folder but can be extracted with Kotor Tool (look under BIFs->sounds.bif) The lightsaber sounds names start by cb_ls_*...  [Read More]
Posted in: How many people really use LF?
08-09-2006, 6:45 PM
Wow, best thread this year ! :emodanc: Best poll too. Erm...btw, maybe it's because I'm blonde but I still don't understand how can someone who doesn't use LF vote "no" in that poll? :giveup: Oh yeah I sign up (almost) every day... Gotta...  [Read More]
Posted in: Converting?
08-09-2006, 11:09 AM
Check this sticky post: You'll find detailed instructions in the mdlops readme....  [Read More]
Posted in: Error Message when starting up KSE
08-09-2006, 10:51 PM
What doesn't work? The link or KSEa? The link works now and if you haven't already, give a try to KSEa to see if it works....  [Read More]
Posted in: Error Message when starting up KSE
08-08-2006, 8:03 PM
Do you have a non english OS? If so, try KSEa ( - it's just below KSE)...  [Read More]
Seprithro once made the robes with a transparent cape but unfortunately his site is dead now. This old post which links to one of svцsh's posts may also help you: Btw, you can find...  [Read More]
Posted in: editing mods at source
08-09-2006, 2:43 PM
Check this thread: (non script method - make sure your container is unique if you chose this method!) and this one: (script method)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP] TSL Warp Console!
08-13-2006, 8:35 AM
could someone make this for kotor 1? It has already been made:  [Read More]
Posted in: Decompile Hardcore Mod1 for Kotor I
08-09-2006, 6:10 PM
Actually what you would want to do is this. int nCharLevel; effect eStatA; int nVP; it was rather: int nCharLevel = GetHitDice(GetFirstPC()); effect eStatA, eStatB, eFP, eVP, eLink, eStatC, eStatD, eLink2; int nVP; And there's more to it than t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Decompile Hardcore Mod1 for Kotor I
08-09-2006, 4:21 PM
Oops, it looks like I have forgotten something there. I'll check again. I totally forgot to send you the file yesterday. I'll try to remember to do it tonight....  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasForums
08-12-2006, 6:35 PM
I answered your PM but I just noticed that for some reason, it has not been sent. Check your PMs in a few minutes. Also see my post above (post #2) concerning the thread deletion feature. The feature has been granted to allow members to delete accide...  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasForums
08-12-2006, 5:49 PM
The 1000 limit has been discussed among the staff in the past and it won't be lowered. Since we all know too well that you want some ranks and we've explained that it's being looked at, can we use this thread for other suggestions now? It's getting...  [Read More]
Posted in: LucasForums
08-11-2006, 6:50 PM
We're working on it. In fact we want to add the rules to the main swk forum page. I was supposed to take care of that a few weeks ago but we had some electricity problems caused by storms and when things came back to normal, I forgot about it. *re-a...  [Read More]
Posted in: SW: Return From Exile
08-11-2006, 7:05 PM
Looks very good Mach! I've read the first chapter and I can't wait to read the rest. Unfortunately I'm a bit short of time this weekend but I'm printing it to read in the plane on Monday (my boss is sending me for a tea with Santa - litterally...well...  [Read More]
I have just edited the first post and added a temporary LF download link. The LucasFiles delay problems should get fixed pretty soon....  [Read More]
Posted in: Old men forget...
08-12-2006, 5:26 PM
The .nss files are the Nwn Source Scripts that are in plain text and use the nwscript language. They contain the instructions that tell the game what to do, works more or less like a recipe (ex. make the pc walk from point A to point B, add a npc to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Old men forget...
08-09-2006, 11:41 AM
You have to extract the .dlg files with findrefs somewhere on your hard drive first: (note that on the pic, you only have to extract the file once as the four search results all lead to th...  [Read More]
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