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Somebody HELP!!!

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 Lord Milkman
08-10-2006, 12:47 PM
I'm New here and downloaded 2 mods, the stormtrooper armor and the revan's mask and items mods. But i don't know how to install them please help! :ball: :ball:
08-10-2006, 12:52 PM
Welcome to the forums, Lord Milkman. The generic installation procedure for KotOR related mods is: Extract the files into your override folder. If you don't have an override folder, create one by making a new folder in the SWKotOR2 folder and naming it 'Override'.

There are installation instructions included with every mod, in the readme. Look there.
 Lord Milkman
08-10-2006, 1:11 PM
Dude, i did try to read the readme, but it won't let me, oh also i already found the override folder
08-10-2006, 1:32 PM
Check this sticky:

Perhaps winrar is what you need? ;) The link and all the details are in the "How to install mod sticky.

I am also locking this thread to avoid duplicate discussions. If you have further questions concerning mod installation, please post them in the above thread.
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