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pc mods down?

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08-12-2006, 7:38 PM
I tried to go to PC mods but I'm getting some wierd replies.

So I'm asking this forum in general; is there a mod that makes the Handmaiden automatically chosen instead of having the male/handmaiden option the only way?
 Emperor Devon
08-12-2006, 7:45 PM
PCgamemods is most likely dead forevermore. Fortunately, google's cached pages allows mods to be retrieved. As to your question, stoffe made a mod that allows the Handmaiden to join the party of female PC's. You can find it here. (

On another note, the moderators frown on frown on threads about pcgamemods being down.
08-12-2006, 8:24 PM
What Emperor Devon said.

Since we had a great number of "pcgm is down" threads over the past weeks, we are directing any link requests to this thread:
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