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[WIP] TSL Warp Console!

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08-08-2006, 12:09 AM
Okay I just figured out how to make a functioning warp console that will warp you *ANYWHERE* in the game. I have been working the theory for about two days now and I am proud to announce that this can and will be done, so with the announcement out of the way now I can tell you guys how my progress is going.

Here's my progress!
Ebon Hawk 100% Complete

Peragus 100% Complete

Telos 100% Complete

Nar Shaddaa 100% Complete

Harbinger 100% Complete

Duxn 100% Complete

Onderon 100% Complete

Dantooine 100% Complete

Korriban 100% Complete

Ravanger 100% Complete

Trayus Academy & Malachore 100% Complete

Testing & Packaging 100% Complete

There's my progress and I am going to try to be done with it as soon as possible. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Well it is now finished it will be availible in a couple of hours, so the wait is over!:D:D:D:D:D

08-08-2006, 9:09 AM
In almost every planet starting map you will find a cheatbot. Looking at his dialog/scripts will help you.
08-08-2006, 10:11 AM
Okay I just figured out how to make a functioning warp console that will warp you *ANYWHERE* in the game. I have been working the theory for about two days now and I am proud to announce that this can and will be done, so with the announcement out of the way now I can tell you guys how my progress is going.

Be aware though that you will seriously mess up the current game if you go to certain places out of sequence. The game expects you to do things in a certain order and if you arrive in a module too early, after you no longer are supposed to be able to go there, without having done certain things the game assumes you have, or re-enter a module you usually only can enter once things like global variables, quests and cutscenes may get fired/triggered/set/unset in undesirable ways, messing up the save.
08-08-2006, 10:26 AM
What stoffe said. I made an armband that does this a while ago but never released it for that reason. In KoTOR 1 there were a few bad spots for warping (such as warping to the leviathan before time) but in general it wasn't problematic. In TSL, it doesn't take much to screw up the game with warping to the wrong area at the wrong time (the Ebon Hawk is one of the worse areas).

However, if you absolutely want to do this, I might still have the files (dlg + scripts) at home if you want them.
08-08-2006, 10:34 AM
:D I remember that I enter in jedi enclave at level 14, right after telos. That was one of most stupid thing I ever done in tsl.
08-08-2006, 11:47 AM
Yeah I have run into those problems alreday like in module "005ebo" (the ebon hawk gun turret module) you can't warp to because the game I guess wants you to finnish the levels before you get to that, so that one was a no go. But other ones that have been problematic I have been able to find ways around, so the warp console might not be perfect but it will be able to warp to a lot of different places throughout the game!:D
08-08-2006, 3:14 PM
question- how can you go back to peragus if it blew up surely that would mess up the game!
08-08-2006, 3:42 PM
question- how can you go back to peragus if it blew up surely that would mess up the game!

Warping back to an area that has already been visited and doesn't have anything left such as globals to change or anything won't mess up the game. Sure the game treats the planet as blownup doesn't mean the module still can't be warped to via a cheat.
08-08-2006, 3:47 PM
question- how can you go back to peragus if it blew up surely that would mess up the game!

Not really, because modules are set in the game whether you tell the game the planet is gone or not, so basically that's just like saying you can only play the game once because peragus was destroyed in the first part of the first game you played!

P.S.: Also the level will reload itself to make it unplayed like the first time you went into that level, hope that answers your question!:D
08-08-2006, 4:39 PM
Unless the area has an OnEnter script that fires cutscenes involving characters that are not there, replacing/removing party members, or setting global variables keeping track of things, setting them back to lower values than they should be (since the designers didn't expect you to enter the area more than once.) :)

Also, depending on how far ahead in the game you warp back from the area may have been reset to is default state. The game continually clears out areas from the savegame when they are no longer needed to keep the size down (as set in the modulesave.2da file).

(This can also cause trouble if you warp into areas you haven't yet arrived at in the game, since it may automatically delete other areas from the savegame you haven't finished with yet, leaving some quests unfinishable or locked doors unpassable.)
08-08-2006, 5:17 PM
Warping back to an area that has already been visited and doesn't have anything left such as globals to change or anything won't mess up the game.
Unless the area has an OnEnter script that fires cutscenes involving characters that are not there, replacing/removing party members, or setting global variables keeping track of things, setting them back to lower values than they should be (since the designers didn't expect you to enter the area more than once.)

If you look at the underlined portion in my post you will notice that I account for the OnEnter script or anything else for that matter by stating that there is an assumption that nothing is left that can change. It goes without saying if there is anything left somewhere that can change it most likely will. OMG that sounds like Murphy's Law.

Besides I almost think the post I was replying to was more post count spamming the more I look at it. But that is merely IMHO.

I agree, but since it was replied to and not reported we kind of have to leave it now. -RH
08-08-2006, 5:27 PM
I know that this mod that I am making sounds like it could ruin the game for everybody but really it won't, even without all of the fancy scripts. The code is extremely simple and besides that it was an in-game code already so it should work!

P.S.: Yes I did say that the code was "in-game" thats because I am using a deriviation of the code that they use on telos to make it, so that's why I am saying it will work and if I have problems I will test it over-and-over to make it work.

I promise this will work!:D
 Lit Ridl
08-09-2006, 5:42 AM
Here is my progress:
warp 100% completed (but of course it is bugged)
added a lot of cheating (attributes, classes, all game movies, skills, party managment, etc.) functions
Boost functions, and misc (open the nearest door, heal, min1hp, etc)
Minigames (swoop, turret, pazaak)
I may release it if you want.
There are tons of functions and only few scripts.
Also this keeps party selection screen available, and this will always be available in bands screen, even if not equiped.
So I may realease v1.0 if you want.
08-12-2006, 9:35 PM
Okay, I am done with pretty much half of the warp console and I thought I would like to have a little bit of fun with it now, so what I am going to do is put out a pre-release, but the catch is that only *THREE* people will be able to get the pre-release, also this does exclude moderators they get how ever many they want, becase they are well Moderators, but as I said before *THREE* people will be able to test this warp console for now so if you want to test it PM me A.S.P!:D

P.S.: You also must remember this is an unfinnished copy and will not contain any of the code I have used to make it, plus this is pretty much a developer tool so there are some risks involved with using it, so make sure to *FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS* and to *SAVE YOUR GAME ALWAYS BEFORE USING IT*, but besides that enjoy!:D:D:D:D

UPDATE: There are no trials left sorry!:D

Numbers: 0 trials left
08-13-2006, 7:17 AM
could someone make this for kotor 1?
08-13-2006, 8:35 AM
could someone make this for kotor 1?

It has already been made:
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