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Page: 59 of 85
Posted in: "Waypoints Waypoints Waypoints"
01-02-2005, 7:29 PM
To add to the discussion that Xavier2 pointed you towards, the k_inc_walkways.nss file contains the generic functions used to make people walk the waypoints. As beancounter mentioned, the naming of the waypoints is important in order to use these f...  [Read More]
Posted in: about the lip syncing thing
01-05-2005, 6:46 PM
That's great to hear. I hoped there was an easier way. But in answer to your question, yes the lipsync stops when the sound stops as far as I've noticed. I hope you'll get time later to append that thread with your findings....  [Read More]
Posted in: about the lip syncing thing
01-05-2005, 5:13 PM
Gsccc, you may find it necessary to adhere to stringent naming conventions when it comes to lipsync and custom sound as described here (  [Read More]
Posted in: Global
01-05-2005, 1:43 PM
Probably not off-hand. However, Fred and I developed search functions/utilities that you can use to search for variable references in scripts. Then you can search for script refernces in dialogs. Then you can search for dialog references in other obj...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble Editing with GFF Editor
01-04-2005, 8:06 AM
I have also tried the De Facto editor as Tk calls it. And I using the other GFF editor it can't even locate the files when I go File->Open The GFF editor looks for *.gff files when you use its File: Open menu. You can simply type a * in the File...  [Read More]
Posted in: Trouble Editing with GFF Editor
01-03-2005, 9:59 AM
The de facto GFF editor can be downloaded from here: Remember that when you edit .git files, the CameraList will be corrupted. The workaround is to use CamEdit to preserve the CameraList by export...  [Read More]
Posted in: Making NPCs walk waypoints
01-02-2005, 6:29 PM
The k_inc_walkways.nss file contains the generic functions used to make people walk the waypoints. The naming of the waypoints is important in order to use these functions: wp_NPCtag_## where ## is a two digit number starting with 01. The NPCtag por...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dialouge
01-02-2005, 10:42 AM
Those look like more discarded puzzle pieces that Bioware forgot to remove. Add them to the heap....  [Read More]
Posted in: Request for help
01-02-2005, 10:48 AM
PLJ, Feel free to post any scripting questions you might have. Unlike the other items in your list, scripting solutions can be posted in plain text and I'm always willing to answer those types of questions. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help with translations (German to English)
01-02-2005, 9:48 AM
Yes I do! :Open2: I think Fred remembers it too as being one of the longest we've seen. How about one file at a time then....  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help with translations (German to English)
01-02-2005, 8:41 AM
I'll beta-read if you like. I think you have my email address....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle animation during dialog
01-04-2005, 11:41 AM
You've done the Talk-Fight-Talk sequence right Xavier2? Well instead of resuming the conversation you'd use ActionForceMoveToLocation or a similar function with the bRun parameter set to true. Then use the DestroyObject function to make the NPC disap...  [Read More]
Posted in: Inserting Character's Name
12-31-2004, 9:42 AM
Just put that bit of text into your item description. Hopefully your PC's name will be substituted when the item appears in-game. If it shows up in-game as <CUSTOM0>, well then I guess it didn't work....  [Read More]
Posted in: Inserting Character's Name
12-30-2004, 5:08 PM
You try using the following: <CUSTOM0> That's just an educated guess....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor2 to Kotor
01-02-2005, 10:57 AM
MasterJediBrad, I think you meant to post this in the Ebon Hawk's Machine Room forum -- this forum is for PC troubleshooting....  [Read More]
Posted in: Modding K2 (xbox stuff, for now)
01-05-2005, 5:44 AM
Dak Vesser opined:Modding Gamesaves is a waste of time on the xbox. Some would say modding KotOR at all is a waste of time. Others may disagree....  [Read More]
Posted in: Modding K2 (xbox stuff, for now)
01-04-2005, 2:39 PM
Too bad there's no KotOR2 AuthKey to be tinkered with... boo hoo....  [Read More]
Posted in: can kotor/kotor2 xbox saves be edited?
12-31-2004, 9:51 AM
Thanks RedHawke. @keshire: Yes you can modify everything with a hexeditor if you like, but you will need to resign the savegame. KSE can modify KotOR2 games no problem BUT! it cannot resign them so you are left with a corrupted savegame. @waterhamm...  [Read More]
GUI DLGEditor v1.0.8 released. Automatic Apply Feature added. v1.0.8 - Added "Automatic Apply" feature to the Edit menu (F8=shortcut). After working with DLGEditor for awhile, I felt it is was too annoying to have to click the Apply butt...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Jennaida I've tested the edited spells.2da. It fixes the KSE problem, but... with all powers selected, it still claims you have new ones, and says to select them. Are you talking about KSE or the game. I don't follow... Also, I...  [Read More]
Btw, I've updated two of the armbands that are included in this mod. You can download the updates here ( (I think MattColejk and I were thinking (  [Read More]
Jennaida, If you can forward the exact message to me perhaps I can help troubleshoot. My email is at the bottom of the kse-readme.txt....  [Read More]
Ooh, that's an interesting idea. I've found wikis to be very informative. Maybe the stickies could become of useful wiki lookups. Hmm, turning the stickies into wikis... It's too bad LF doesn't have wikis already set up. Back in Holowan's younger d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bandon is recruitable
01-03-2005, 7:49 AM
All custom recruits change the story of the game somewhat. Typically the recruit will banter and interject like the character he/she replaced. Looking at the dialogs included with Bandon's recruitment, there is no mention of T3 being replaced so tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bandon is recruitable
01-02-2005, 5:57 PM
can you make this mod support the lashove and mekel requit mod? You can easily make this mod compatible with Darth Straker's mod. (This mod only conflicts with the Lashowe recruitment: they both attempt to replace T3M4.) Since we're trampling on Dar...  [Read More]
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