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about the lip syncing thing

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01-05-2005, 3:17 PM
Well i tried tk's tutorial in my first mod and i couldnt get it working so i just kind of did without it. Only this time I wanted to make my mod be just that much better and have moving lips so i tried it my own way, something faster, and it worked. So here is what i did, I made my voice over, named it det001 and placed it in the streamwaves folder, then i took a lip file from the ebon hawk and named it det001. The module i used it in was called cutscene, so in the dialogue i named the VO_ID cutscene, i put det001 under VO_resref instead of sound to see if it would work withou having to use n + all that junk. I put the lip file i made into an erf and named it cutscene_loc.mod and put it in the lips directory. I tested it in game and it worked. Only one problem, the lips ran long, so his lips were moving after he had spoken. Is there any way to tell how long a lip file will run in the .mod file you take it from?
01-05-2005, 3:28 PM
Unfortunately, we didn't found a way to generate new lipsync files. The best way to do this is to look at the size of the file. For "yes" or "no", pick up the smallest files you can. For sure lip"sync" wont be well "synchronized" but that's the price to pay.
01-05-2005, 3:49 PM
Superfullous(notice the misspelling) idea darth333, i never even thought of that, i will create a lips folder in my mod folder where I put my hard data and make templates for my lip files by extracting 3 different lip files big medium and small file sizes then relabel them LARGE SMALL and MEDIUM.lip this way it will be a lot easyer to do the lip syncing and i will be able to make a good impression on how big i need it. Thanks Darth333!
01-05-2005, 5:13 PM
Gsccc, you may find it necessary to adhere to stringent naming conventions when it comes to lipsync and custom sound as described here (
01-05-2005, 5:22 PM
Will this make the lipsyncing stop when the sound has stoped? because i seem to have found an easier way to make them activate, using the naming functions costs me lots of time, and i have literally hundreds of voice overs to lip so unless this solves my problem with the ongoing lipsyncing I'll go ahead and stick with what ive got going, unless it can lead to an error im not seeing later in the futur? Thanks anyway tk102.
01-05-2005, 6:46 PM
That's great to hear. I hoped there was an easier way. But in answer to your question, yes the lipsync stops when the sound stops as far as I've noticed. I hope you'll get time later to append that thread with your findings.
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