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Posted in: WIP: "Republic Gunship"
11-15-2003, 5:05 AM
Look'n good...gota say a few things though. 1) The front should be a little more rounded, and the cannon tubes should be just a tid-bit shorter...[ ] 2) I assume sense you b...  [Read More]
Posted in: My Star Wars Music Mixes!!
11-10-2003, 11:38 AM
If they are anything like the music on ShroomDuck's Death Star, then I am game. Send them over to [e-mail and MSNIM] bahamaboy625 [AIM] or 257502983 [ICQ] Take your pick on which way you send any case, I would like to h...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Hellfire Droid
11-11-2003, 1:01 AM
'eya Dunk. I think I got your problem covered...isn't it default for all vehicles to have shields? I mean, even Tie Fighters and AT-STs have them! [in the game] Thus, I think the shielding process is built into the Master Code...and therego, it would...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dewback W.I.P. Updates
11-14-2003, 9:17 PM
and when my wing gets damiged, it spins around even though every thing else is on green, so basicly i am down right after get hit the first time That is easy enough to fix. Somewhere in the coding is a damage level to be set for when the vehicle ma...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error Woes
10-19-2003, 8:33 PM
When I go to devmap a map, I get the SV_set Brush Model: Null. How do I fix this?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Clipper Tool Woes
10-24-2003, 11:07 AM
#4 question: How would I cut a cylinder? o.0...  [Read More]
Posted in: Clipper Tool Woes
10-18-2003, 9:44 PM
When I use my cliper tool, it completly destorys what I am trying to cut. I had heard there was a way to cut it, but leave both pieces there, only register them as seperate do I do this?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New map in production!
10-15-2003, 7:02 PM
This new map is based both on Wampa Joust, as well as the rancor arena. Ladys, gentlemen, and assorted 'its', I here-by announce the creation of Joust! This map will feature a long, spear-like sabre, a mid-evil themed map, and three different re-spaw...  [Read More]
Posted in: [uniqe] Vehicle Requests!
10-13-2003, 7:42 PM
I am currently making an Acclamator map, and I need vehicles for inside of it. These vechicles are... AT-TE , SPHA-T , Speeder Bike , and a Republic Gunship. Pictures of these can be found by e-mailing me...please, someone make these for me!...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 8:47 PM
Aye, that it is...yea, some chrome would be cool...and you might want to base if off of the Tie Bomber of Z-95, they handle MUCH, MUCH better then the other craft...and I was right! The tails should go to the end of the cockpit! Mwhahaha! LoL......  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 5:35 PM
Looks good, so far. I think the wing engines' tails are slightly to short, though...if I find a scale pic, I will post it here. Other then that, I see nothing else that I can mention...look's great, keep it up! ;) Oh, and a Naboo pilot would be nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 1:56 AM
Naa, I am not good with this stuff as all. I thought I would just alert you to some bugs I found, nothing more...that, and volunteer for Beta. ;) Now, as for the hail-fire or hell-fire or what ever its being called now, I have seen some SSes of it, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-08-2003, 7:57 PM
Moon, your Sith Speeder looks great, but in my ENDLESS tinkering, I have found a few problems. First of all, if you have a sabre staff, hop on the speeder, hit 'L' to change it to a single sabre, and hit the left mouse button to attack, you swing you...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 8:47 PM
Aye, that it is...yea, some chrome would be cool...and you might want to base if off of the Tie Bomber of Z-95, they handle MUCH, MUCH better then the other craft...and I was right! The tails should go to the end of the cockpit! Mwhahaha! LoL......  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 5:35 PM
Looks good, so far. I think the wing engines' tails are slightly to short, though...if I find a scale pic, I will post it here. Other then that, I see nothing else that I can mention...look's great, keep it up! ;) Oh, and a Naboo pilot would be nice....  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-09-2003, 1:56 AM
Naa, I am not good with this stuff as all. I thought I would just alert you to some bugs I found, nothing more...that, and volunteer for Beta. ;) Now, as for the hail-fire or hell-fire or what ever its being called now, I have seen some SSes of it, a...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix
11-08-2003, 7:57 PM
Moon, your Sith Speeder looks great, but in my ENDLESS tinkering, I have found a few problems. First of all, if you have a sabre staff, hop on the speeder, hit 'L' to change it to a single sabre, and hit the left mouse button to attack, you swing you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error, possible bug.
10-05-2003, 2:42 AM
! That makes perfect sense! When I ran the compiler, it suddenly shut down on me...the DOS window, that is. So this bad brush would have corrupted it...thank you so much. The map I am making, BaseWars, is going to be one hell of a map. If you are as...  [Read More]
Posted in: Error, possible bug.
10-04-2003, 11:03 PM
When I go to devmap a map I made, using both JO and JA, it gives me an error saying: Error: CM_LoadMap: maps/firstmap.bsp jas wrong version number (1935764579 should be 1) I tried changed the format to a .map instead of the .bsp, but nothing works!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help, possible bug!
10-04-2003, 11:01 PM
I used the 'explore' option. RIght click on your 'start' menue, down in the lower left hand cornet. One fo the options is 'explore'. Click it, and go to whatever you want to view, or in the case, re-name. Simply right click on it, hit rename, and cha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help, possible bug!
10-04-2003, 10:36 PM
:eek: Eh, sorry...I just saw so many people on the message boards, so I figured SOMEONE could help me...but eh, thanks anyways...I guess...*goes off to cry in a corner*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help, possible bug!
10-04-2003, 10:23 PM
*puts :c3po: 's head on a :bdroid1: 's body to make the C3PO-Battle-Droid, which in-turn fires its gun and makes us all go bump* Come on, 30 some views and no comment? Come on, I NEED HELP!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help, possible bug!
10-04-2003, 9:33 PM
*Fires a :deathii: and makes everyone go bump*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Please help, possible bug!
10-04-2003, 8:39 PM
BuMp goes :mauls: when he fights :wan:...  [Read More]
Posted in: classic weapons thread
11-08-2003, 3:05 PM
What I think would be cool is somthing like a Vibro Knife, somthing that Jango or Boba might use...if just does not look right to see them with a lightsabre. Secondly, a flame-thrower migt also be cool......  [Read More]
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