ok, i've got a temporary fix for the effects; it only alter's the shader and efx, but it works well enough, and it's not quite as slopy as manual gfx replacements
here's a pic (it's mid kata, so they obviously wont draw a trail like that most of the time), for the moment the effect is identical to the sith sword in sp (sans lightning...). there are a few catches though: 1. it replaces all standard saber colors 2. i haven't taken the time to substitute more realistic impact efx yet (just removed sparks/smoke), and 3. dynamic lighting needs to be disabled. also, i don't really have a good sound pack at the moment (hence the twangy one i included with my other models), so i could use some help with that end of it :) .
kain/hoodian; sorry, but i'm not familiar enough with the styles/termanology for european swords to do them justice(the "glory of the sith" is an estoc isn't it?), they never caught me as being very interesting. but if your looking for indo-asian/bulkan(as in the peninsula...) designs then i might be able to help ^_^
ps:for the pics, paste the url or click the link then remove http:// and reload.