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Posted in: Complex moves config file
11-25-2003, 1:42 PM
That's not coding related, now is it? You're just writing a script, which I, personally, have nothing against, but it's generally frowned upon....  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I get the JA SDK(btw is there one?)
11-26-2003, 1:11 PM
Well, MY sources say it's done and should be out any minute now, so :P...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I get the JA SDK(btw is there one?)
11-25-2003, 8:18 PM
Seriously though, it's coming. I have it on good word :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I get the JA SDK(btw is there one?)
11-25-2003, 1:59 AM
It's not out yet, or else these here forums would be hoppin'!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Maximum NPCs allowed
11-24-2003, 6:16 PM
It should work in new pk3s - are you putting the new pk3 in the base directory?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic.....Mods??
11-25-2003, 12:49 PM
It's completely against the EULA for KOTOR, as far as I'm aware, which is why Bioware allows no discussion of modding at their forums. When you use software, you're making an agreement not to use it in a way other than what the maker intends. For JO...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights of the Old Republic.....Mods??
11-24-2003, 7:50 PM
Do we have Kotor forums here? Go ask in THOSE forums, thx. Don't take this the wrong way, but we wouldn't know....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas (?): Server Browser Filters
11-26-2003, 1:30 PM
Call me old fashioned, but you shouldn't need a 3rd party plug in to get your program to work at the level you want. Yes, I read what you posted, however, Not all of us want to whoredom of GameSpy infecting our hard-drives. It's not worth the space....  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas (?): Server Browser Filters
11-25-2003, 8:31 PM
This sounds like a good suggestion - anyone who's played Enemy Territory would know the kind of layout I'd be leaning towards....  [Read More]
Posted in: GTKRadiant Texture Problem
11-22-2003, 7:52 PM
Might try the mapping forums, or a re-install of GTKRadiant....  [Read More]
Posted in: Lord Of The Rings MOD comes to LucasForums!
11-21-2003, 7:10 PM
It's really too bad there isn't a warning label that comes with starting TCs. Part of the reason that there are sooooo many failled TCs is because it's very hard to make a good one - and most never get finished. I'm not saying you can't do it, it's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lord Of The Rings MOD comes to LucasForums!
11-20-2003, 10:39 PM
Yawn. Yet another LOTR mod bound for the Recycle Bin....  [Read More]
Posted in: Idea for a glm exporter
11-20-2003, 10:34 PM
You can make plugins if you pay them a lot of money for the SDK to do so....  [Read More]
Posted in: Idea for a glm exporter
11-20-2003, 12:25 AM
Why would you export to .XSI and make a .car file? It seems natural that if you're making a new exporter it would export directly to .glm. In either case, no, it's not a good idea. There's more of a need to be able to make models in other modelling...  [Read More]
Posted in: pk3?
11-24-2003, 7:48 PM
You need to be viewing file name extensions, it's likely you changed it from '' to '' which doesn't help. Use pakscape, do a Google for it. It's a pk3/zip program with folders....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Animations
11-25-2003, 8:36 PM
Yes, new animations denotes a fancier setup (and a larger download, most likely), and it is something that mod creators need to be aware of....  [Read More]
Posted in: Enhanced Ideas: New Animations
11-25-2003, 4:39 PM
It's possible to extract ONLY the sequence you want and merge it in, you just have to have the right tools for the job :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: HELP!!! My Vehicle is in Pieces, Why?
11-25-2003, 7:56 PM
#17 Mike, Corto made this in XSI, and couldn't get it to run through carcass. By the time he'd finished he'd grown so attached to XSI that he was upset and was waiting for JA's carcass (which is a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Coding-Tutorials
11-20-2003, 12:53 AM
In the much broader spectrum that the term 'object oriented' deserves, C is an object oriented language. If you say not, please explain what an 'object' is, and how 'C' is not oriented around the handling of them....  [Read More]
Posted in: Coding-Tutorials
11-19-2003, 3:18 PM
Yes, new models, skins and maps. No code, just yet....  [Read More]
Posted in: Coding-Tutorials
11-12-2003, 7:36 PM
Perhaps the best place to start is with a tutorial I didn't find until later, but it's free, concise, and ... free! The CS library at Stanford is free and open to the public - and it's good! This is the essential...  [Read More]
Posted in: A 'trivial' request
11-12-2003, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by WJTW Really? I have never really noticed this. Would you be kind enough to explain it to me? :D Thanks. So, is it true that the mouth animations does not rely on the engine, but instead on a certain file created by Raven that m...  [Read More]
Posted in: A 'trivial' request
11-12-2003, 1:18 PM
I read an article on gamasutra about this - that london based GTA rip off apparently has a very realistic human emotion and lipsynching 'module' in it's engine. You can describe all of human speech very effectively with 8 different mouth positions,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Basic Ideas: Admin Stuff
11-25-2003, 5:08 PM
*sigh* I'm in favor of the better ban system employed by JAR (which is LeeOates' code, IIRC), and a Mute option for server admins. Because I realise that an admin is almost never around (and shouldn't need to be - who the hell wants to babysit a ga...  [Read More]
Posted in: Moding (is it hard or not?)
11-12-2003, 12:27 PM
If you don't use code, it's not a true modification....  [Read More]
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