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Keyan Farlander

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No, I've had the opposite problem in the past - I didn't want any notification, but it wouldn't stop! Thankfully it is working fine for me at the moment....  [Read More]
And I think most of you pretty much have heard that J.J. Abrams, who has directed the two Star Trek reboots, has been tabbed to direct Star Wars Episode 7. Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!...  [Read More]
A trip to the Moog factory sounds like my kind of field trip! Hopefully the pin down the ghost in the machine and exercise it! Alas, no. I replicated the issue for him, but he still couldn't hear it. He mentioned being a metal head, and his hearing...  [Read More]
Huh. Usually they send you something in the mail. Well, I'm off to visit Moog headquarters early tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can at least get them to hear the problem with my synth....  [Read More]
Have fun!...  [Read More]
I had braces, but my dentist wants me to get invisiline or whatever anyway. And he also says I don't have cavities "per say", but I need a lot of fillings anyway...for...some reason?...  [Read More]
I used to like racing games, but I haven't really found one I like on the 360. The Forza games seemed like they might be cool, but I never felt I had the time to actually learn one of them right. There's so much to them. I long for the simple days of...  [Read More]
Road trip to Asheville, NC next weekend! Who's in?...  [Read More]
My favorite part is the included 192-page book on catapults....  [Read More]
Overslept today. Blah....  [Read More]
In general, I liked the stuff they pulled out from other sources and included in the movie. At first I wasn't sure about that Radagast stuff, but by the time it reached its end I thought it was good (minus his ridiculous mode of transportation). I li...  [Read More]
Just saw The Hobbit. Eh....  [Read More]
i hate how i can have so much fun but at the end of the day i end up depressed about not having a relationship. when does that feeling go away? When you have a relationship. At which point at the end of the day you end up depressed about not having...  [Read More]
Pretty good first run of the year this morning. Back at work. Yay :dozey:...  [Read More]
learned to play texas hold 'em tonight with my crew. that was some fun ****. This sounds like it's going to come to a good end....  [Read More]
Nice title!...  [Read More]
You know, I'm not greedy. I think I could live with just having one death star....  [Read More]
Enjoyed Fat Tuesday yesterday!...  [Read More]
And I'm working all 3 of them. :( Wow, weak. Now I feel kind of bad that I'm sitting here in my pajamas at noon as ed is working so hard. ......just kidding, it's awesome and I feel great :joy:...  [Read More]
Ahhhhhhhh, three-day weekend!...  [Read More]
So do I, which is why it's so weird that I'm remembering all this stuff. Well, that and I didn't think you could really do stuff like math in your dreams. But no joke, a couple of times when I've been really stumped on a programming problem, the solu...  [Read More]
That's disturbing. Though I guess it could be worse... Darn right it could be worse. When I dream up the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis and get a million dollars it's going to be so boss....  [Read More]
I dream about math all the time now :indif:...  [Read More]
Fortunately, she feels much the same way... so there's a bit less pressure. IT'S A TRAP! I still got her a card and gifts, however. I'm not an idiot. Whew! Well played....  [Read More]
Sorry to hear that, R15. Also: Screw Valentine's Day....  [Read More]
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