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Keyan Farlander

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Man, these morning runs are treacherous and unpleasant in icy and foggy conditions....  [Read More]
I loved my zerker/barb half orc with maxed out power attack and cleave hmm, substitute attack roll (d20) modifier for 4dmg per point? SURE! 78+1d6 X 6 attacks per turn :D I think Kuuki just had some sort of seizure :eek:...  [Read More]
Well, it would be less of a problem if someone would come out with a new X-Wing game :mad:...  [Read More]
I was getting ready to call you out as a huge nerd, but then I realized I am posting on the message board for a Star Wars computer game that came out 13 years ago. *Sigh*...  [Read More]
Keyan, are you closer to DC or Baltimore? B/C if it's the latter, we're going to have a very interesting week. :p I live a bit closer to Baltimore. Is this some football thing you're talking about? Because if so, I'll probably be oblivious to whole...  [Read More]
That's for hippies....  [Read More]
Trying to hit on ridiculously hot girl I was accompanying for at Mass this morning. But this other dude from the choir stayed late and WOULD NOT GO AWAY. He obviously likes her. And he knows her better since they are in the choir together. Meaning I...  [Read More]
Friday, woooooooooooo!!!!! Let's hit the bars, gents, and consume brews and pick up some of these "ladies" I've heard so much about! Eh, who am I kidding, I'm working late and then going home to watch Star Trek :dozey:...  [Read More]
Looking forward to the weekend. This will be on my tombstone....  [Read More]
Completely sleep-deprived :dozey:...  [Read More]
No, we're on the second page already! Now I won't see edlib's adorable puppies every time I scroll down :(...  [Read More]
Blast from the past: Played a few levels of Rebel Assault last night. Dang those controls are loose! But the magic is still there :)...  [Read More]
The concert was good. Weekend was way too short, though :mad:...  [Read More]
Taking my mom to a concert tonight (a present I got her for Christmas). Haydn's Cello Concerto No. 1, Mozart's Jupter Symphony, and Beethoven's Grosse Fuge are on the menu. Should be great!...  [Read More]
I want to play through Serious Sam 3 co-op when it hits XBLA. Other than that, I don't have much to do with it. I'm playing through Perfect Dark with a friend right now, but he doesn't have much free time. I don't know about any more Halo. I don't th...  [Read More]
I'm ready for another two-week vacation already :dozey:...  [Read More]
My New Year's resolution is to win the lottery....  [Read More]
Aw, those are some cute puppies! And they do look like Ewoks! Which raises the question...why isn't one of them named Wicket?...  [Read More]
Everybody is back at work today I guess, since my drive to work took twice as long as yesterday :dozey:...  [Read More]
The last several years have seen thread titles that were takeoffs of the movie names, so I decided to go with a takeoff of the name of one of the novels set between the films. So it was either that or "Splinter of the Forum's Eye" :joy:...  [Read More]
Ugh. Back at work. Not fun after two weeks of vacation....  [Read More]
Happy New Year, all! Here begins the next One Year Thread. Make it epic, people. Dismissed....  [Read More]
Taxes done. Refund less than last year. Screw you, Uncle Sam....  [Read More]
By the way, ed, I hate you for introducing me to "Freeman's Mind" when that guy only makes like three videos a year. I need more, dang it, more!...  [Read More]
Monday, monday... Wish it was Sunday... Eh, I've got a couple of different songs in there, but whatever. Mondays suck....  [Read More]
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