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Keyan Farlander

Latest Posts

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Eh, could be worse things to sit through a tribute for. I went in for jury duty today. Got picked to go into the courtroom and get interviewed, but wasn't chosen for the actual jury. Which is good, because that trial would have taken a long time and...  [Read More]
So, Whitney Houston's dead. Too bad - drugs and bad company, I guess. She had some catchy songs in the 80s....  [Read More]
Man, I got called up for Jury service, now I have to go in on Monday. Maybe I won't get assigned to a case....  [Read More]
Still single......  [Read More]
finding the value of x gives me a headache It will give you even more of a headache when x is a function instead of a number....  [Read More]
Man, did I oversleep this morning. And I went to bed early, too. I don't feel sick, but I have been ridiculously tired this week....  [Read More]
I won $10 in the football pool. I also payed $10 into it. So...I guess that makes me Even Steven :indif: I was one square away from the one that won over $400 and I was SO close to picking that one, too :mad:...  [Read More]
Taxes filed!...  [Read More]
Drat, my post about my memories of seeing Phantom Menace is gone :(...  [Read More]
They're OK. Worth playing for a Star Wars fan, I'd say....  [Read More]
i just beat TFU was awesome! i don't get why people are all boo-hoo over it.. The story didn't make any sense, didn't answer any questions, and was essentially devoid of anything except generic angst. It was short. And it wasn't as good as t...  [Read More]
I thought the whole jar jar thing was pretty dumb. And for some reason the little kid ( jake lloyd is it) never impressed me much... Actually, I literally could not understand what he was saying the first time I saw the movie, and that was a problem...  [Read More]
Anyways. I'm all up for the new 3D SW. I remember going in April of 99 when it opened. We took my son to the 4AM showing. He was 3 weeks old.. :thmbup1: Me too. I was a senior in high school at the time, and I was so excited for a new Star Wars movi...  [Read More]
GUNNER, noooooooooooo!!!!! We need people with powers for the inevitable coup. Sure, this seems like the least used forum on LucasForums, but WE SHALL RISE AGAIN!...  [Read More]
POST MOAR!...  [Read More]
I've never actually seen a movie in 3D. Not modern 3D, anyway....  [Read More] In 3D. In theaters....  [Read More]
So...who's excited about Phantom Menace in 3D? Yeah, me neither....  [Read More]
Annual company review at work this morning. Apparently last year was our best year ever, so I guess it will be good news....  [Read More]
TFU II is awesome!!! Playing on hardest difficulty available to me. Love the force powers, they're insane!!! Really? I found that game utterly forgettable. Not bad, but just so lacking. Not as good as the first one, anyway....  [Read More]
Played Batman for several hours last night. I think it's been years since I've played a game for that long at one sitting. I was trying to find all those blasted Riddler things!...  [Read More]
Still making my way through Batman: Arkham Asylum. I know I'm a couple of years late on this one, but I'm really enjoying it, and I'm looking forward to playing the sequel as well....  [Read More]
Happy birthday! Have one for us!...  [Read More]
Terrible traffic this morning. I considered a murder rampage followed by suicide, but I haven't finished Batman: Arkham Asylum yet, and I want to see how it ends :¬:...  [Read More]
That's more dedication than I have. It's lack of dedication that compelled me to do it. I have to start the week out right or my motivation evaporates. Otherwise, tomorrow it'll be like, "Well, I didn't do it Monday, so the week's already shot....  [Read More]
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