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Keyan Farlander

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I am amazed that they even sold ONE of those. Even if I had Bill Gates money, I wouldn't buy one of those, because it's completely pointless....  [Read More]
It makes sense for things like Rock Band tracks. But extra weapons and characters and stupid crap that doesn't matter like costumes...nah....  [Read More]
I don't really even see the point of the achievements. It's just one of the things I don't like about this generation of games. DLC is another one....  [Read More]
... but I told myself a year ago that I was going to get all of them in at least ONE XBox game... and this is the one I chose. I got all of them in Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones :rolleyes:...  [Read More]
I'm out of places to put snow. Plus: all my muscles hurt. Guess I got a good shovel workout. Got my FM3 "Year 6" achievement this morning. Now all I have to do is finish about a thousand races in first place and I'll have them all for that...  [Read More]
Working from home today because of the snow. Yay, I guess....  [Read More]
Took me FOUR HOURS to get home. The reason? People are morons and do not know how to drive in the snow. Now there is tons of snow in my driveway. Time to snow blow that thing. Or, if I have no gas, shovel....  [Read More]
People! People! Let us not argue! They are both great! But tell me this: Was there bacon? There was bacon. And it was good. So good....  [Read More]
If you give me pancakes at some ungodly hour of the morning, there is very little that I won't do. There were also pancakes, but I passed them over in favor of the far superior waffles....  [Read More]
Had to show up an hour early for work, and at a different location, to hear the yearly review of the company. It was our best year ever, so that will mean a nice bonus coming our way. Also they gave us omelets and Belgian waffles, so the deliciousnes...  [Read More]
I'm sorry, K_K. I will pray for the repose of her soul....  [Read More]
Don't even get me started on what art is....  [Read More]
I believe anything that takes a gross mental OR physical effort can be defined as a sport that is not directly related to the survival of mankind. Yes, but...that's not what it means. (And yes K_K, I actually did look this up before posting, to make...  [Read More]
It is a sport. Just not an athletic sport Sports are athletic by definition. If you can do it sitting at a computer, it's not a sport. And that includes chess, all you chess nerds....  [Read More]
^ There is so much wrong with that post I don't know where to start. But I think I'll just say this: Starcraft is not a sport....  [Read More]
Football is boring. Well, Monday is here again. Another day, another dollar...or quite a bit less once taxes are taken out :dozey:...  [Read More]
Not hungover at all....  [Read More]
I'm extremely glad it's Friday....  [Read More]
I've been meaning to try Super Meat Boy, but haven't gotten around to it yet....  [Read More]
There is no reason LA could have come out with a clone wars era space flight sim if they really wanted to. problem is, IMHO, they dont think there is money in the PC market anymore It's not that there's no money in the PC market anymore, it's just t...  [Read More]
Can't remember if I mentioned it, but I played through Force Unleashed II. Not bad, but disappointing compared to the first - this one was shorter, simpler, and easier, and the story wasn't as good. Still, it's always fun to hurl stormtroopers to the...  [Read More]
if ANYONE says that Jedi Academy is Jedi Knight 3, you are F***ING DEAD TO ME. Why? Because that's not in the official title, and you are super-correct about these things or because you feel it is not worthy of the other Jedi Knight games?...  [Read More]
on a pace for 2900+ posts this year... I really doubt we'll make it as busy as we've all gotten. Don't worry. I still have absolutely no life....  [Read More]
I got 11 hours of sleep last night and still managed to completely sleep through my alarm and get up an hour late. I guess I needed it, but dang....  [Read More]
Feeling somewhat better now. And I also hate getting up early....  [Read More]
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