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Keyan Farlander

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I stand by my strategy from 8 years ago - figure out where that assault shuttle is going to come in and destroy it ASAP. Then you should have time to mop up any of the troopers it deploys before they can do anything....  [Read More]
This is 2016's One Year Thread. For those of you unfamiliar with this X-Wing forum tradition, it's a single thread where we talk about what's going on in our lives throughout the year. Example: On this first day of the year, I am lonely and miserab...  [Read More]
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Where's the quaaludes?...  [Read More]
My office is actually closed due to all the snow today. First time in the almost 10 years I've worked there....  [Read More]
Yes, but you're in an ideal position to murder one and assume his identity....  [Read More]
Irony: Freddy Mercury never had trouble finding someone to love, from the stories I've heard... but I'm hardly an expert on the matter. Yeah, well, it's not hard when you're a rich rock star. Although that comes with its own difficulties - when you'...  [Read More]
"Singleton's Inadequacy Reminder Day" is fast approaching! Is everyone prepared? Have you all girded your loins? Got the bullet picked out and everything! Oh, that's not what you meant? I guess I'll just sit at the piano and sing this song...  [Read More]
Well, I've been at work for 5 minutes and I already want to go to lunch. Guess I'll just settle for some coffee....  [Read More]
Did you do a complete setup on the guitar, ed?...  [Read More]
Dang it, now I want pizza. Also, the power is out at my house. I have never been so glad to be at work....  [Read More]
I had a dream last night that I met Grumpy Cat on a train... like we were in an old spy movie. I am certain this means something significant to my life... an important message from the cosmos... but for the life of me I cannot fathom what it could...  [Read More]
Oh,.. and this: Our recent console upgrade got some press, and I gave an interview about it, some snippets of which made it into t...  [Read More]
I would just like a system where for every law that gets written the public can vote on it, instead of their Representative which is more concerned about being re-elected I don't think people have time to study every single issue in the depth requir...  [Read More]
I suppose I could have pushed the issue to try to get a definite resolution about it one way or another, to find out what she was thinking about it... but I'm sure that would have left me in exactly the same state I am right now... with her now feeli...  [Read More]
Yeah, Facebook, exactly. Now we can get daily updates of how happy the women we adore are with other men. **** technology....  [Read More]
Usually I don't find Valentine's Day super depressing, but damn is it going to suck this year. I'm already dreading it....  [Read More]
A second night with almost no sleep. :( Now I'm ill. Sore throat, croaky voice, spinning head. If it manages to spin all the way around, it's time to call a priest....  [Read More]
I'm pretty sure I've been to that Mall in Columbia where the shooting took place today. Is that the same place we hung out when I was down there, Keyan? Or did I go to it a different time? No, we went to the Longhorn Steakhouse on the other side of...  [Read More]
burnt roughly 800 calories walking today. not bad not bad at all! Wouldn't that be like 15 miles of walking?...  [Read More]
Did a lot of shoveling yesterday. I don't mind it, really....  [Read More]
My main beefs with the X-wing series: Corran Horn is a Mary sue type character. Corran Horn was kind of a boring character, but his books were still OK. But the X-Wing series really got good under Allston, and I'd hate to see those go. all the spac...  [Read More]
Obviously they were going to have to void the EU to make way for the new movies. I stopped reading the books and stuff after the Bantam era, so whatever they decide to call "canon" at this point doesn't really affect me. If the new movies...  [Read More]
Wow, I was afraid this place was gone forever......  [Read More]
I'm STILL sick. I may actually need to go to the doctor for this....  [Read More]
Yeah, but it's not all dark. There are a lot of ridiculous, cartoon-like, made-for-kids moments in there too. The tone is really all over the place, and it's distracting. It's like they changed their minds about what these movies were going to be at...  [Read More]
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