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Keyan Farlander

Latest Posts

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Still sick. Screw you, germs....  [Read More]
idk where im gonna go with this, odds are i'll end up back with her. No. A thousand times no! Law Snoll: Thanks for the offer of advice. It was indeed a record low temperature here yesterday. But you would no doubt consider it balmy :) All I had t...  [Read More]
Man, I hope I can shake this cold or whatever this is soon. I do NOT feel well....  [Read More]
I just played through Doom II on Ultra Violence to belatedly celebrate its 20th anniversary. I even managed to find most of the secrets myself. Still the best FPS ever....  [Read More]
Will Ferrell has done some funny stuff and some not funny stuff. I never found Anchorman funny, personally....  [Read More]
We got some snow here. Enough to use as an excuse for not going into work. And I'm feeling badly enough that I'll take that happily....  [Read More]
I did decide to pick up a Prophet '08 synthesizer after all. It's pretty cool. It's the first polyphonic analog synthesizer I've owned, and there are a lot of things to get familiar with. At first I wasn't that impressed with the sound, but that seem...  [Read More]
Noooooooooooo......  [Read More] still isn't working. We can't let it die!...  [Read More]
2014 resolution? More drinking and gambling, I guess....  [Read More]
I'm tempted to be optimistic about this year, but I know that will only lead to disappointment, so I'll just assume it will suck hard, and then anything slightly good that happens will seem like a pleasant surprise....  [Read More]
32 today. Birthdays are starting to feel less like occasions to celebrate and more like leveling up in geezerness....  [Read More]
Things are somehow ridiculously busy and incredibly boring at the same time....  [Read More]
still remember playing X-wing with some friends. One would fly, and the other would be the "R2 Unit" and have the keyboard. That is when I got my reputation as a sniper in X-wing... max range kills. I did that sometimes with my friends. Go...  [Read More]
Something to make all of us feel old...X-Wing was originally released 20 years ago this past week. Sigh... :(...  [Read More]
Think of the coolest thing you've ever done... It wasn't that cool. Not even close. The coolest thing I've ever done is probably watch that video :/...  [Read More]
Congrats, Zarg!...  [Read More]
Yeah, Valentine's Day...sigh....  [Read More]
R15, you're taking us on an emotional roller coaster here!...  [Read More]
That's a lot of snow. I snow :D...  [Read More]
I'll be dad any day now. scrary stuff I can't wait.....the suspense is killing me Good luck! Babies may seem like a lot of trouble at first, but enjoy them while they are all sweet and cute, before they grow up a little and get all mouthy :rolley...  [Read More]
I'm tired. Chances that I will fall asleep at my desk today? Fairly high....  [Read More]
I always have the opposite problem. Teeth: perfect. Gums? Not so much... Did you ever have braces? I did, but it seems the bottom teeth are shifting back a bit, and he wants me to get invisiline or a retainer or something and wear it for life. That...  [Read More]
Yay Ravens! Had a dentist appointment this morning. They are always so very impressed with my gums. And not so impressed with my shifting teeth. Sigh......  [Read More]
The Internet was out all day at work today. Since I couldn't look anything up, I had to rediscover all of math....  [Read More]
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